Failed to Train the Beast Male Lead


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In the eternal winter of the Duke’s mansion, a cursed beast resides. The owner of the place and the male lead in the book, Duke Winternox. Carol became his night-guarding tutor.

Originally, she was destined to die entangled in his rampage. To survive, she should have avoided getting involved with him, but on the other hand, she also wanted to prevent his tragedy.

She only wanted to teach him that he was not the only one cursed, but what he learned from her was not just that.

“It’s hot and silent. I wonder what the teacher looks like?”

She read the longing contained in his fingers. And just like all the other female leads, Carol failed to train him.

“…You’ve got the wrong person.”

“Got it wrong?”

The breath digging into her earlobe was hot.

“Remembering the moment I touched the teacher’s cheek, I thought about it every night.”

The voice, soaked in heat and cracked, bound her.

“How could I be mistaken?”

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짐승 남주를 조련하는 데 실패했다
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Neomys anomalus
Some details of the plot/synopsis not conveyed in the cover copy:

  • FL is a sparrow-beastperson hybrid hired as the ML's tutor (even though he's an adult)
  • ML is blind, sickly, and cursed into the shape of a beast
  • FL has a very good reason for choosing to get involved with ML, despite the tragedy of the original novel
This story is very cute so far. The FL's interactions with the ML and

her brothers are super cute. I especially like the attention paid to ML's adjustments to being blind, and the author even... more>> includes several discussions about braille! Which I love? Hurray for good (so far) disability rep!

Bee (the translator) is doing a great job, too! <<less
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