Extraordinary Genius


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A failed investor from 2017 got drunk and woke up in the 1980s. China is just opening up, and the economy is blooming. There is also the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the bursting of the Dot-com bubble and other financial crisis. He used his knowledge of the future and slowly build up his empire.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chāo pǐn qícái
Related Series
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  2. 50's - 90's Economic Reform
  3. To the not too distant past
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  5. Best Novels

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58 Reviews sorted by

lordstores rated it
May 31, 2018
Status: Completed
Had finished the raws. Quite an interesting storyline. Something different from the normal do-over stories where the MC had superpowers. The MC in this novel have no powers except for his memories. I wonder how did he remember the stock market so well. Later in the story, his wife from his previous life will appear and he will have a Russian lover. But the author only wrote briefly about them and the whole novel was mainly focusing on him doing business. He even owned a NBA team.
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hamood3x rated it
February 10, 2018
Status: --
Finally, a do-over story that have a good start, all the one I did read make you made as Hell at somethings, I mean when the MC say he want to be rich, when he got reborn, he do it, in other stories, he got sidetracked by some s*upid plot, and you find that all the side characters are gonna die, if the MC doesn't help them, and that make me mad, but not in this novel, he just stay clean on his goal, he does help here and there,... more>> but he just focus on himself. <<less
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Shiendaz7 rated it
September 12, 2022
Status: --
Personally, the one thing that amuses me is how the author puts the characters' expressions in quotes. But still, it's a great read. Would recommend it to anyone looking for a time travelling MC in business.
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vskharkar rated it
December 4, 2021
Status: c1357
The novel Started good but gradually became one of the worst novels. I Gave up a will ago but for no reason got back on it and this was one of the worst thing I did. The writer is the biggest racists and extremists sucking up to his country while badmouthing other countries. Reading this made my day more worst then it was
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reynerrenyer rated it
June 19, 2021
Status: c218
I really like the whole concept of this novel but the characters like mc's father and bestfriend is just like a dumb, example of it is like, when the MC will invest at a large money, his father will scold him, calling him good-for-nothing-son, I mean, 100% of the investments and works are done by the MC. His father is just leeching him off. And for his bestfriend that interrupting his good time with his GF, like when MC and gf will hug or just have a romantic situation, the... more>> bestfriend will suddenly interrupt them, its okay if its only once or twice but EVERYTIME, this novel are always full of jokes and its kinda infuriating that the novel is full of jokes but its not funny. Author trying to be humorous but failed, so awkward.

edit: c1306

the novel is bad, so much nationalism, racism towards foreigners especially to japan, he just use the japanese as a s*x toy manufacturer, even requiring the japan's emperor to personally apologize to china, also mc's view towards them are like tr*shes. So much racism towards others are not healthy, maybe the author are dumb and acting like a spoiled brat that was bullied. He also wrote about the pollution of japan's factories in their country, whereas chinese factories do the same to other countries in reality.

He promotes nationalism but forgot how his fellow chinese do in his novel like their Chinese officials can be bribe, showing how corrupt their country are. There are also thieves in their supermarket, gangs that collects money from businessmen, unlicensed doctor that selling expired medicines, and rampant pr*stitution in their area that when their police crackdown happened, so much money was taken from this dark businesses. Also, about the business of MC, there are so much loopholes, MC is not a genuis. He wants to be in control, such as giving conditions to others businessman that if you are in the latter POV, you are in disadvantage situation. Author really didn't research how business works, its just like how a kid selling his lollipop to other kids.

I saw in this novel that someone call chinese as Yellow monkeys. There are also for other countries but I forgot, kinda funny but not a healthy novel for me. <<less
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synesthesia rated it
May 8, 2021
Status: c186
This is far the best chinese novel I read this far, the MC isn't just a typical good personality like in other novels that's why I like it. Very unique storyline which is more on business I'm tired of reading fantasy that has cliche plot and about cultivation. I praise the author too because writing this kind of story is very hard sometimes it's so hard to write stories based on reality than in fantasy. 5 stars


The protagonist has the two out of three dark triads of psychology. He's a... more>> narcissist and a machiavellian he will do anything he want by any means necessary for the sake of his dream, to be a rich. This novel also hated by others because it shows the chinese nationalism, I lived in the Philippines yet I didn't hate or despise this novel instead I like this. I don't wanna live offended by everything I see. The story so far is never ceased to amazed me, I wonder how it will this novel end.

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Yi Bo
Yi Bo rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: c177
Although I dropped this, its still an okay novel.

I don’t know about others but for me I really don’t like his lies and the attitude of always looking for a scapegoat. I always got this feeling of “maybe in the next chapter his lies will be exposed or something and his business partners or the gangster will retaliate against him and destroy his business or harm his family/brother-in-law’s family.” But of course, since he is the MC that will not happen.

But still, You know, its not a good feeling. It... more>> made me to stay away from the novel, although I really like the story. <<less
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March 20, 2021
Status: c45
-At Ch.25

Well, let's just say that although the economy part is good, but the social aspects is not really my cup of tea, it's like reading about one of those bastard brokers and investors from the big short.

His friends are not exactly what I call choosen wisely but I guess it's understandable since they are from the countryside in the 80s.

... more>> Ch 45

The deals are really cutthroat, and the thinking behind the product is understandable.

And a little about asian parenting of old, a hit to the back of the head with hand can mostly be interpreted as friendly banter, sandals means a bit angry, if the parents start using belts, rattan stick, or feather dusters then it's serious. <<less
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Jadeemperor rated it
April 19, 2020
Status: c815
This is not your typical harem type, in which the MC is a bit conservative. I rated this novel 5 stars because of the consistent engaging plot development and interesting character building.
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JakeRay rated it
September 6, 2019
Status: c463
The reviewer rGaha below me probably shouldn't talk about grammatical errors, when he can't even make one completely correct sentence himself.

Yes, this novel is packed with errors, and it honestly would be something that'd instantly turn me off from further reading, but this novel is surprisingly interesting.

I will not call this high quality, but if you know that this kind of "second chance at life" mixed with decently detailed business building is your jam, this is a good story to keep you entertained.

On another note, this also paints an interesting... more>> picture on the culture that dominated China a few decades ago, and probably still exists in some form today. It's... weird. <<less
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June 7, 2019
Status: c570
I really love this novel! While the premise of the story is very derivative of other stories it is still very good. Through the narrative you end up learning some history of the Chinese economy. While the idea of traveling back in time and the journey to better your life with the knowledge of the future is in so many other novels, there isn't another one, that I have read come across, that handles it as this novel does. But if you know of another novel that does please let... more>> me know! <<less
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May 13, 2019
Status: c536
Underated novel. A lot of the other commentators are only talking about the beginning of the novel. It is annoying to see all of the chinese nationalism.
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eyy bb
eyy bb rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c289
I'm going to give this novel a 4/5, but realistically it's more of a 3/5.

Personally, I love these 2nd chance novels where the MC steals all the opportunities to become the richest man alive because it's satisfying. However, this novel just pisses me off.

No matter how rich, talented, and genius the MC is, everyone just treats him as a fool. No one truly looks at him and think, "wow, this guy is so young! Not only is he a multi-millionaire, but he's also a genius. I should show respect!"

... more>> NO.

Everyone in this novel is a damn snake who will take a mile when given an inch. Nobody respects the MC and they really believe that they can make a fool out of him. The most frustrating part is that the MC clearly knows all this, but he plays along with them and let others take advantage of him.

I read some spoilers for this novel because I didn't want to read anymore and apparently

even when the MC becomes the richest man in the world, people are still taking advantage of him by telling to "donate" more money and give him shitty deals just because he's rich.


The MC can donate several trillion dollars to charity, cure cancer, feed every homeless in the world, and it still wouldn't be enough for people to give the MC an ounce of respect. This is how ridiculous the people in this novel are.

Besides that, this novel is actually kinda bland. Maybe I'll give it a 3 star, idk.

2 star? Idk. <<less
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CC_Red rated it
February 10, 2018
Status: c26
So far the story's had amazing pacing and I was disappointed when I realised I used up all of the chapter's in one day!


In the begining when they were hunting, the suspense was real, as well as the tension. If they made a single mistake against the bear, one of them would've surely been killed. I love stories ground in realism!

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GetCucked rated it
July 8, 2021
Status: c1236
Extraordinary Genius is a novel with a very interesting premise, a failed stockbroker with a second chance at life starting from his youth knows what will happen in the future and profits from it, altering history in the process. I very much enjoy this novel since it is entertaining to see what heights the MC will go to and the economic ventures he will stick his hands into.

The industries that Feng Yu sets his sights on are pretty well researched (in the view of a laymen) and the story jumps... more>> from each industry every 2-4 chapters (longer for bigger arcs) which ensures that if the reader isn't interested in that specific industry, it won't stick for very long but instead brought up briefly in later chapters.

However, as many other reviews state, there is much brown-nosing of the Chinese Communist Party in this novel. Some chapters are entirely about how far the author's nose is in the CCP's a**. Another detractor is that the romantic subplot (at least one of them) is entirely devoid from reality.

He finds his wife from his previous life and intends to be with her in this life too. Nice, so what's the catch? He already has a SO who he intends to marry, and on top of that has a mistress on the side. Then the cherry on top is that he stalks his previous life's wife and somehow she agrees to be with him with his official wife agreeing.

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Daboribo rated it
November 9, 2019
Status: 700
  1. I just want say, why MC not update how many assets he have & how many he have money ready to use,
  2. And I was just confused, and cant tell if he have money or not, bcause he always pending in many moment.
  3. And I like if translator can write the truth different $, Yuan, Rubel, Yen, HKDollar, or anything kurs in that years to exchange Yuan, and update how much wealth MC, and separate between basic assets (Corporation, broker company, Factory, Mineral minning, Asset Technology, and anything without money Calculated that asset to money) and update how much ready money he have in bank USA, bank HK, bank china, broker, or in wallet,

    So we can speculated together which is this next invest profitable than other and useful in many MC invest.
  4. Sometime I hate sif MC suggest product in goverment factory/corporation or joint stock invest, MC always say this for link Befriend with influential people, if thats onetime its okay, something like Pharma corporation with goverment he always suggest product, but research or R&D in this factory still never creative creat product, and MC always policy in any invest for more money for this R&D, why MC just register this corporation in stock market and get money and invest again in other corporation? Many corporation can succes if MC give his suggest, he traveler time!!! With 1000billion money he can attack other contry economy :v
  5. Offcourse we can understand that during the 1990s there was many people nationalist, The government is strict and authoritarian, many people not have open minded mind (modern). So I'm not rage or spechless to MC, Writer, or Translator if there was sometime when he hated 'outsiders' and boasted his country, overprotect to same chinese, . Prioritizing the Chinese economy rather than other country with there is a more profitable investment look like why now invest in USA, Europe, or Arabian. Because it was only natural that MC had going with the flow of life in the 1990s and sometime to MC tell how greedy and chaotic chinese people in that year 1990s. Noone perfect I do same to if im MC hehehe
Sory if my lenguage bad, I just like this novel from my friend recomended. Congratss
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January 15, 2019
Status: c2090
Good novel, has it's faults, with main being nationalism, but who cares about Eastern Trio situation anyway. Author going too balls deep into Electronics is a bad civilization, and cringest moments in the novel with

Microsoft, any "battle" against electronic's giants is a cringefest.

Big boy arena of natural resource's trade is thrown out of the window. Basically read it only to satisfy your craving of IRL deus ex machina.

No "master of martial arts" moments as a plus.
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storybookknight rated it
March 8, 2018
Status: c54
Going by first impressions, this is a fairly decent story. There isn't a lot of depth to the main character so far, but the wheeling and dealing nature of the plot had enough to keep me interested. The translation quality is serviceable but not extraordinary, but since the subject matter so far isn't terribly complex that isn't too much of a big deal. I do wish that the story was a little bit more like 'Still, Wait For Me' or other stories of a similar conceit, where the time-traveling MC... more>> has a lot of feelings and motivations tied up in his 'past life'. Instead, the MC mainly just supports his family with cash, which is still better than nothing but could be more involved. Right now the main character has just started getting established with his business and the first challenge to his success has started to come into play, so I'm hoping that things will start to get more exciting from here. <<less
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