Even if You Have a Bad Personality, You Can Develop the Frontier!


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Noein Arkvist (protagonist) has a twisted personality. Born as a son of a great aristocrat’s concubine, he was always made aware of that fact as he grew up. Also, after he grew up he was forced into a remote territory, a bottom rank and was cut off from his parents’ home.

“I don’t want to be a sneaky and empty person like my f*cking parents.”

“I want to live a happy life surrounded by a lot of love.”

That is why Noein decided, to become an ideal lord, an aristocrat that everyone praises. To do that let’s shower people with love and benevolence so as to be loved by them. Let’s make friendships with your neighbors, aim for coexistence and co-prosperity, and use them for your own well-being.

This is a story about a young man with a slightly distorted temperament who try’s to live to have a happy life in his own way.

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Seikaku ga warukute mo henkyō kaitaku dekimasu~~~
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