Dressed as the only ordinary girl in the military school


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Due to an accident, ordinary high school senior Alyssa found herself unlucky enough to be transported to a bizarre ABO world. To make matters worse, she found herself in a prestigious military academy, rooming with and attending classes alongside a group of either wealthy or noble.

Though these high and mighty young masters were somewhat easy on the eyes, unfortunately, they were a bunch of arrogant, conceited lunatics with high combat prowess who discriminated against the weak. And Alyssa, among them, was a weakling who couldn’t run 800 meters in five minutes and couldn’t lift a finger.

Alyssa: “…”

In this world, she had no foothold. To avoid being bullied or expelled and left to wander the streets, Alyssa gritted her teeth and resolved to survive in this terrifying military academy.

First of all, we must start with a good relationship with this group of young masters of the Tianlong people –

She not only played the role of a caring logistics assistant to the coolest guy in the dormitory, holding an umbrella when he fought and cooking when he hunted, striving to become his best combat partner;

She also carefully chose sides in the factional wars among the young masters of various military academies, building trust with them. The premise of not becoming a target of their bullying was to first become their friend, partner, and good brother.

One day, she even inadvertently rescued the passionate period of the ABO guy from the neighboring dormitory!

After Alyssa’s efforts, her hard work paid off, and everyone’s attitude towards her improved. Except for occasionally giving her strange looks, it was evident that they considered her one of their own.

…But did they really have to invite her to bathe and sleep together? And did they have to secretly climb into her bed at night?

Alyssa, struggling in her female disguise, shivered with fear amidst the boys’ enthusiastic desire to open up to her. However, she only thought this was how Alphas expressed their affection.

Until one night, she woke up to find them all gathered around her bed—

Wait a minute?! Why were her good brothers coming to bite her neck?!

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2 Reviews sorted by

Liune rated it
March 14, 2024
Status: Completed
A rather complex read, sure it's romance, but more of the dense, no way he could love me, I'm an Alpha in their eyes so hello fellow Brother, unrequired one sided love of all the Mls pinning for Alyssa.

Like almost all people regardless of primary and secondary gender have a liking for MC, she is a rather 'normal' female Human without glands and unaffected by pheromones.

... more>>

The summary is almost a lie, rather than a a background support to all the superpowered Alphas around her, who are just way too strong, she is the burden, even after well suddenly finding out she has sniping skills, don't worry to much about her being completely useless thought, plot will make her the the best at not being affected by pheromones and her strategic command skills won't appear for a looooong time.

How did she enter the school team again when she is surrounded by Top Alphas? She is likeable enough for the teacher to say she can be trained (Great teacher btw he sees her as a hardworking student).


Still a exciting read and the Mls are, well what you expect from a Reverse Harem, my favorite is is

the Best Command/Sniping Rival Captain. He is like love at first sight and so direct with his feelings, so cute. Also the Holy School Captain is also way to gentlemanly to ever not take responsibility for his actions, he must be among the authors favorite types.

Her classmates all get their romance scenes earlier than them, but don't forget, she only things of them as fellow Alphas, not Love Interests even if there is tension and romantic incidents. The ending is open btw.

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Qfaea rated it
April 25, 2024
Status: c55
I MTLed because I get curious of the review above me, spoiler alert. ITS FKN FRUSTATING TO READ

I can’t deny that the background of the novel is interesting, and have such a huge potential. If an actually good writer took this plot idea, it might actually be a recommended read.

Sadly the author actually wasted the interesting premises and instead revolve the plot around how feisty & cute the FL is (instead of making her likable, respectable, and an actual PROTAGONIST) and the ML bounding and licking her at every time... more>> possible?? (Like. Some ML actually have potential to be interesting? Quality over quantity hello??? Why is some ML exist just to lick FL feet!?!?)

like instead of making her (spoiler alert)

- get kidnapped

- get sick at every important event

- GET INJURED every fkn time

- get used by the ML around her when she is at her weak condition

- no motivation whatsoever?? Like?? Why is she acting 12 in a military academy???

- ML who likes her, JUST for her look? Like hello? Personality?? Does being feisty the only thing matters? (Yes there is some part which I actually respect FL, but I can count with my fingers bruh)

like yuh I want to continue reading but I’m getting so angry over this,



- instead of just falling in love with her look & feisty attitude. ML could have respected and love her determination to not quit, being hard working

- instead of complaining you weak as shi, you could actually ask for a real decent plan to improve yourself?? Why do you have to wait for other to motivate you or mock you? You are only crying over how to survive without actually trying???

- instead of all fanservice, we could have gotten a more in depth story of how relationship been made (muell x previous ali), how the caste system works in that world, ali actually having an objective that’s clear enough for her to chase. Like yuh this premise is so so interesting sigh

anyway apologies for the rant, I actually love the premises so much but got way too disappointed. Most chinese novel I read appears to prefer writing about all this fanservices instead of in depth that I want to explore. Its such a shame, they have such novel ideas

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