Dragon-san Wants a Friend


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Desperate to overcome her loner status, a forlorn female student was on her way to a welcome party held for newcomers at her college. Stepping on a banana peel and falling over she passes away. For some reason or another, she is reincarnated into the strongest dragon species…

“…. I really wanted to make friends, but now there is no point!!!”

Despite her complaints, this is the story of a Dragon who rouses herself in order to make friends.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dragon-san wa Tomodachi ga Hoshii
Related Series
Dragon Life (3)
My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator. (1)
Dragon Dragon Dragon (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. I'd like to buy these if they were licensed.
  2. pls remeber ''
  3. Japanese novels with more than 100 chapters
  4. Novels read and l**ked!
  5. Complete Novels (Part 1) BG

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/27/20 Light Novels Translations c184
02/26/20 Light Novels Translations c183
02/25/20 Light Novels Translations c182
02/20/20 Light Novels Translations c181
02/19/20 Light Novels Translations c180
02/18/20 Light Novels Translations c179
02/13/20 Light Novels Translations c178
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02/06/20 Light Novels Translations c175
02/05/20 Light Novels Translations c174
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01/30/20 Light Novels Translations c172
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15 Reviews sorted by

strucker543 rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: c17
Not too bad, though its hard to tell if the dragons a girl or a boy, keeps changing the way she address herself plus its harder when she changes gender all the time.

Also this should be called: Dragon-san Needs a Hearing Aid,

the amount of main points she a magical creature of immense power fails to hear is unreal in this novel haha
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Haruko rated it
December 6, 2018
Status: v1
I love it <3

I just had to have a sneak peek from raws and so far I like this novel very much.

Characters are well made and feel alive, even rarely mentioned ones. Flow of time is obviously fast since it is from dragons pow and I like it how author brings up what happen after mortal humans death? What to do how to bear with loneliness? Should the dragon-san just bear with it and watch over some descedants or just suppress it's feelings and become dull unfeeling dragon like rest... more>> of them.

Story is written well and is interesting, translation is exellent as well.

This novel is definetly one to give a chance to shine so go ahead and give it a try :) <<less
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SunsetChaos rated it
August 10, 2019
Status: c33
Not a fan of this type of shallow story I guess. There's also no real "adventure" imo. MC is too "attached" to a single human nation/city instead of being one of the worldly dragon she is, and I blame Nectar and co for that.

Especially don't like the character Nectar, didn't like how clingy he was. I don't ship him with MC at all even though they end up together, pretty damn obvious when there's very few other characters introduced. MC pretty much just falls in love with the first human... more>> guy and one of the very few male character she meets. Like only one or none choice, if that makes any sense.

Time skips everywhere, ok fine, but imo story still feels kinda rushed maybe because MC falls in love, gets married, and have a kid all in under 30 chapters yet spanning decades. The end.

.... except it's obviously not the end. Whereas other stories would normally end, it continues on with more of what seems like side stories with time jumps and stuff but maybe actually part of main story so idk. <<less
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Custardmouse rated it
May 18, 2019
Status: c50
Loving this story, it's got lots of heart and plenty of fantasy goodness. There is also a unique perspective on the purpose and lifecycle of dragons, which is also connected to the nature of magic, monsters, and spirits in the world.

I have trouble with the prose and grammar in this one, which isn't helped by the fact that the Dragon-san is often discussing high-level magical concept babel across multiple fields of study with her friends (and then those rules seem to change for plot convenience), she's an immortal unreliable narrator... more>> in regards to time ("A few months went by and I visited the capital... My friend [who was a teen last chapter] stroked his long white beard") with a fluid/as*xual gender (except when she's with her beau) to boot.

Don't get me wrong, I understand what's happening in the plot, and some of the scenes flow smoothly when the fluffy parts come out in the story. I don't know any Japanese so I can't say what is the fault of the original text and what is the fault of failed translation editing, but I feel like this is a story that needed a really great translator and it got a pretty good student translator instead.

A solid and romantic fantasy read that I highly recommend. <<less
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AMENOLITY rated it
May 4, 2019
Status: c20
Although it isn't the best book i've ever read, it still resonated with my soul, due to the feelings of the protagonist, which made this book to this point simply enjoyable.
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Oroan rated it
March 21, 2019
Status: c35
As of writing this, I have read upto the current chapter of the translation (35) and am pleased to say that this has been an enjoyable read. I gave it a 4/5 stars due to certain times there are oddities in the writing, like transitions to topics without warning that can be a bit confusing, though if you continue to read they usually get sorted out so its not that bad. Overall the story is a fairly light-hearted slice of life following a reincarnated girl who was reborn as a... more>> dragon causing her to be a good bit more emotional then other dragons who are described as almost robotic like. I will say that within the first 20 chapters the story gave me a beginning, some world building, romance (ish), a conflict and resolution, some slice of life, emotional struggles and character development, and a fairly satisfying ending. I mean after chapter 20 is some extra chapters and a long side story explaining something that happened at some point during the slice of life section (around 9 chapters or so, basically a separate plot that maybe the author thought about and decided not to put it in but made it afterwards anyway??), and then you get into the start of the second volume/arc which continues where it left off.

Overall a Good story thats an easy read and I would definitely recommend reading at least the first 20 chapters if nothing else. Side note: some might mention some oddities in how the protag refers to themselves and that can be somewhat understood by the fact they can change shape and physical features several times in the story and can be confusing as to what they are like at any one point in time. Sometimes they are a male, sometimes female, sometimes in dragon form, it can be confusing because the protag considers them selves Female (as they were in their past life) and genderless (basically anytime the protag isnt in her female human form). <<less
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HinzundKunz rated it
July 24, 2022
Status: c1
It's actually several stories of the same main characters spread across a long time. I enjoyed the first two, but after the third I kind of got tired reading it.
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MyRAMEN rated it
November 7, 2020
Status: c4
It was interestinf until the romance was introduced. But even before that he writing was average. Also, I didnt mark off for ths, but I seriously dislike when authors decide to add illustrations but they are horrible, it always ruins my image of them
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sonpro2002 rated it
December 29, 2019
Status: c71
i quite like this kind of novel (romance and slice of life)

it is great that they had a cute kid, but I think it too soon

there are lots of timeskips at the beginning ~~

... more>> the MC and people surrounding her (him) are too OP, but I think this help the novel to avoid getting bored because of many long dull matches

i had wonder why the author let Kyle die so soon and you now, he reincarnated but he didn't much to Nectar . I think it is unnecessary to revive him

after all, I love this kind of loving story

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IrgendeinIndividuum rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c54
In volume 1 the romance felt really forced.

The ML is really obsessive with her and just seems to turn his scientific curiosity in some kind of unnatrural twisted love.

... more>>

Also the ML just suddenly disappears without a word for 10 years but when he returns he proposes to her so everything is fine and everybody is happy. Eventhough MC was sereously devestated that he left, assumed him to be dead and constantly blamed herself for him leaving during those 10 years.


In volume 2 the romance becomes a lot more natural but interpersonal relationships are still mde light of.


For example a pair of brother and sister. The Brother got crippled protecting his sister and his sister blames herself for it and thinks here brother hates her now. Meanwhile the brother blames himself for being weak. This led to the brother ovoiding meeting his sister for years even going to the extent of enrolloing in school under a diferent name so that his sister couldn`t find him.

This year long conflict was completely resolved in about 4 sentences and the power of friendship.


But that`s not why I dropped this.

In this story all other dragons are basically emotionless robots that always strictly follow the rules. They do their job of keeping the wolds magic power in check and fix magic pipelines called "leylines".


But then they suddenly decided to ditch the rules and basically nuke a leyline just so that they could test the (already proven) capability of the MC and her family. They suddenly do not care if a whole country will turn into a magical wasteland even though preventing such things from happening is their lifes` single purpose.

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Klarel rated it
February 19, 2021
Status: --
Decent story ruined by terrible translation quality. It reads like it was machine translated and then someone did a super half ass job of touching it up, only to end up making it harder to understand. The MC is also way too forgiving/understanding with those that have wronged her and done her harm.
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OrderedChaos rated it
February 11, 2021
Status: --
Decent slice of life, but kinda stale and uninteresting with the romance and sudden thrust of focus to the characters before any significant amount of worldbuilding (seriously, they barely explained what dragons do and didnt even explain spirits and her other friend). The only actual detailed thing is the character interactions and the simple x problem appears and MC solves it. The romance just suddenly happens (and tbh I saw it coming with the first sentence the main companion says when he appears) and while it is nice, the story... more>> becomes incredibly cliche in that aspect. Even then I felt it was executed poorly and too quickly and there is a lack of buildup for it.

So if you like slice of life character interactions and op MC beating everything then this is for you. <<less
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IvaAres rated it
July 8, 2020
Status: c13
I didn't really like this novel. I dropped it at chapter 13 cuz its not really my type. I expected it to be about an overpowered dragon, going through actual adventures, making friends, falling in love and going through other typical shit. But this doesn't really follow through with that.

I usually dont drop a novel even if I don't like it but this was just too boring for me.
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June 29, 2020
Status: c185
Lightheart, warm and fluff, with a bit of plot on the sideline (that still managed to intrigue me, but I mainly stayed for Dragon-san)

Take this as a read after all the heavy plot stories, or mind breaking or heavily depicted stories.

Highly recommend as a read under rain at night (with some tea and biscuits)
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Winter2150 rated it
January 25, 2020
Status: c19
Just started reading this novel and so far it's been a blast.

The characters are likable, it's funny in a not overbearing way and the romance even, if it maybe a bit rushed (chapter wise, not timeline wise) it's a very sweet story that made me smile and in the end of the day that's what's important :)
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