Don’t Hide From Me!


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Ye Yao found out that he was in love with his friend Lu Xun.

They ate and slept together, were almost inseparable, and were each other’s best friends.

From what he has learnt over the years, Lu Xun is a straight man of steel, and because of his good looks, he is very attractive to guys with a male s*xual orientation.

Whenever such a person appeared, Lu Xun would cut them off without a second thought. Even if he was a good friend before, he would still blackball them without any hesitation, keeping them completely out of his world.

To preserve this friendship, Ye Yao minimised the time he spent with Lu Xun, a relationship that should not have been discovered.

Lu Xun wanted to travel alone with him, but he refused.

Lu Xun wanted to take a bath with him, but he refused.

Lu Xun wants to sleep with him, but he still refuses.


Ye Yao managed to reduce his contact with Lu Xun, but one day, when he was alone at home, he was blocked by Lu Xun.

The man who was always cheerful and sunny to him now had a horrible dark face and pinned him against the wall.

“Hiding from me?” Lu Xun laughed coldly, “If you can’t give a proper reason …… you can’t blame me for following you every minute of every day.”

Ye Yao confesses in part.

He tells Lu Xun that he likes men, but does not say that he likes Lu Xun.

Lu Xun, who shunned homosexuality like a snake, gave him exceptional treatment.

Not only does he not stay away from him, he takes him to the movies and tries to straighten him out.

“What’s so great about smelly, hard men, it’s disgusting.” Lu Xun put his arm around Ye Yao’s shoulders and pointed at the man working hard on the computer screen with one hand, saying to Ye Yao, “It’s hard and smelly, let’s not like men anymore, okay?”

Ye Yao was silent for a moment: “You’re right about everything, but …… I’m the one down there.”

Lu Xun was stunned, and then fled.

Ye Yao thought his friendship with Lu Xun would end here, but at one of the social events, in the darkness, he was wrapped up in a familiar embrace.

The usually casual voice was now full of anger: “How dare you let another man touch you?”


Ye Yao finally understood.

Lu Xun, who was straight, had become gay without Lu Xun knowing it himself.

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38 Reviews sorted by

ijsaram rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: --
It was actually good, although it was a bit frustrating that ML took way too long to realize his feelings LMAO. I'm not sure why but their love suddenly felt so imbalanced, the author took the realistic route out of nowhere that MC believes ML is too obssessed and it is unhealthy. There was a point where MC felt creeped out by the possibility that the ML may commit crimes if not handled properly. It kind of felt overdramatic and out of the blue, because this is fiction and the... more>> plot has been pretty unrealistic the whole time. It would've made sense if the story was more on the realistic side.

This is true in real life relationships, but it was so sudden that it kind of broke the flow of the story. Their relationship suddenly felt insecure and the fact that there were so many more chapters to go through, I couldn't help but drop it. I'm more into a plot where the conflict doesn't revolve around the main CP's relationship. The MC was kind of badly written and 2D.

Also, the yandere tag is wrong. The ML is not a yandere lol its such a huge stretch. <<less
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holedawn rated it
November 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Where do I even start with this masterpiece of a BL web novel... my life has never been the same. Probably the best feel-good, low-stakes material I've read, on the same level with 'Accidentally Married a Man Full of Vinegar', another web novel dear to me <3

This is gonna be a long review (the longest I've written to this date) so please bear with me if you decide to read this (^_^;)

Stuff that I loved:

  1. The intensity of Lu Xun's love for Ye Yao is so astounding. That man would do everything for Ye Yao's well-being. My god. I need a man like him.
    • Spoiler

      Lu Xun deciding to challenge his internalized h*mophobia than to live in a world where he couldn't see Ye Yao, talk with Ye Yao, touch Ye Yao... if a man can't love me like this then I don't want it (ToT)

  2. I love how Ye Yao's character was written.

    I can relate so much to the way he keeps to himself, and how he suppressed his feelings for Lu Xun. As a closeted gay person, you learn to suppress your feelings like it's second nature, which is a double-edged sword: you sharpen your self-awareness and are less likely to wear rose-colored glasses, but at the same time you kinda get numb and find it challenging to be optimistic in your romantic pursuits.

    • Spoiler

      Ye Yao's firm determination in distancing with Lu Xun is so relatable. I personally would've done the same if I was in his shoes.

  3. I love, love, love how the author wrote Lu Xun's journey in overcoming his internalized h*mophobia and accepting his s*xual orientation.

    Sure, by the end he still has some aversion to other queer men but hey, I'd like to think it's being faithful to his personality of "no one is allowed to get closer to me than I am with Ye Yao unless they're my relatives or Ye Yao's relatives, otherwise they can only be my casual acquaintances"

    • I see where other readers who didn't like this novel are coming from. For me, I know straight people in my life who reject flirty advances from anyone other than their partner, which is why I don't consider Lu Xun's behavior toxic.

      The author wrote him to be someone with a weird, sharp sense of "this person is trying to flirt" radar, so it makes sense to me.

    • My opinion obviously is not against readers who have trauma with h*mophobia. Their decision to dislike this web novel is totally valid. I also avoid reading romance novels with r*pe, abuse, and tragic endings since those themes disturb my mental health as someone who's closeted.
  4. I love how the author wrote Ye Yao's

    painful yearning for Lu Xun, and Lu Xun's mental and emotional agony in having Ye Yao hide from him. Man, I read this sh*t twice and I still could feel pangs in my chest everytime I read Ye Yao's and Lu Xun's thought processes of angst *chef's kiss*

  5. I love how Ye Yao was realistically level-headed for a university student. Obviously, everyone has gotten/will eventually get duped by a fake friend or a deceitful lover at some point in their lives, but I hate when authors write the MC or ML as having little to no common sense at all. It's funny maybe for one or two scenes, but to have their personality written as unnecessarily s*upid with no development turns me away from reading the material.
  6. Ye Yao instantly

    noticing that Lu Xun being secretive and clingy are potential, realistic red flags was so good! What I appreciate is the author not only showing Ye Yao recognizing the issue, but also making sure Ye Yao communicates and addresses them.

    • Spoiler

      You cannot fix problems in friendships or romantic relationships by just identifying them and keeping them in your heart... you have to speak out and listen, and your partner must do the same. It shouldn't be you against your partner, but you
      as a couple

      against the problem (or potential problem). This novel beautifully illustrates that!

    • Spoiler

      Also, it shows that there's nothing wrong with having kinks as long as you communicate with your partner! Even couples with the same level of s*x drives (which usually decreases the chances of having issues initiating/planning sexy times) still need to communicate!

  7. This might sound trivial, but I like how

    quick-witted Lu Xun and Ye Yao are! It just helped solidify their romance for me. It's nice to read about romance BL characters who are not only well-written as individuals, but also well-written as a couple. Chemistry is so important!

Random thoughts:

  • Spoiler

    Ye Yao's and Lu Xun's parents being supportive is so heartwarming!

  • I loved the

    mini-stories (Lu Xun getting amnesia and a parallel universe where Lu Xun's the one who's gay first) but I wish we also got more of Lu Xun and Ye Yao being domestic post-university without the amnesia :P Yes, I know, I'm being greedy...

Thank you for the translators at Chrysanthemum Garden for sharing this gem with non-Chinese speaking readers! I will definitely read this again and again :)
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yukicchi rated it
July 30, 2023
Status: Completed
It was actually fine at first but the homophobic comments from Lu Xun sometimes irritates me. But I still enjoyed some of its scenes. Just that after they got together, it wasn't that exciting anymore. 😅
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dee_ism rated it
July 9, 2023
Status: --
Have a complicated feeling about this one. The ML is frustratingly dense with all that 'straight man bros' things. He's borderline yandere.
I guess it's an okay story if you can bear with the frustration on the first 25ish chaps.
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Saphie rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: Completed
Now this is good. I was originally hesitant because of the summary and thought it would be those overbearing cliched novels, c and while it may be slightly that, the MC was no weak so and is very smart. Actually, the ML is very good to the MC and I appreciate him for that. They are very good to each other. The transition from ML's homophobic mindset to pursuing him was a bit abrupt but still well done. I really like it. Plus, the university settings made it more fun... more>> to read! <<less
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kieralol rated it
August 8, 2022
Status: Completed
was good except for

minor spoiler warning

1. it was rlly drawn out w the whole “no friends cuz I wuv u n ur a homophobe💔”thing. the first like 15-20 chapters I was like ok then I was like pls just be straight up at least abt why you’re being distant because you’re causing the same petty problems because he doesn’t UNDERSTAND and your reactions are saying no but he knows deep down u dig it. it was just painful for me to watch the ML struggle to get his best friend... more>> back because the MC was creating boundaries and being distant almost out of thin air? im not sure how much the situation would’ve changed if they talked it out but at least I would have peace of mind

2. his possessiveness was a little uncomfortable... the closet thing for one

3. the translation wasn’t the best so I was confused a about what was going on or who was talking quite a bit, it felt like brainless scrolling when the story obviously was deeper than that <<less
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shuulys rated it
June 12, 2022
Status: Completed

Can't say if it's good or bad...? Like it's cute! If you need a good laugh then this is definitely perfect. But nearing the end the novel kinda took a turn and it kinda became a little creepy? I guess if YeYao is ok with it then everything's fine but like when im reading it it kinda feels a little weird and creepy... not really my ideal type of novel. I have to say but the tolerance YeYao has for LuXun is great! It's the power of love hahahhhaa. Oh... more>> wells, not a bad novel but not a fantastic one either. Just good enough to pass time. <<less
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Psychoutre rated it
April 29, 2022
Status: c3
Was hooked with the summary, but not a fan of a 'pretty like a girl', 'soft' looking MC. Makes you question the authenticity of overcoming h*mophobia when the guy you like is comparable to a woman in my opinion.
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February 22, 2024
Status: c80
Beginning kinda cute and fluff, ending cute and fluff, extra also fluff...

But the middle has like a sad period where neither of them know what to do and they are sad.

Also the ML is kinda very yandere so like that makes it very uncomfortable if you aren't one for yandere characters.
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meatbunluver rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: Completed
4.5/5. Oh god they're so so so cute. ML is like a child super possessive of his belongings (in this case the MC) in the best way possible. Asia in general is not the most progressive for gay rights, and you can see that in this novel, so take that into consideration.

Overall though, I found ML's slow realization of his love for the MC to be the best part.
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Rollandx rated it
August 14, 2023
Status: Completed
Hey, this is great. I don't usually like school life novels, but this novel is pretty good. I'm not going to talk about the plot because there isn't enough anxiety and big trouble there. I can't express what's so good about this novel but I just love it. Well this is a relaxing read and a very good read to pass the spare time.
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minppeu rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: --
Tbh, I was a bit hesitant about reading this. But most of my worries for naught. This is like a wholesome cup of tea. Perfect for me.

I guess its the exclusivity of the relationship that moved me. Possibly. Most of the time the overly obsessive behaviors of ML's isn't pointed out. But our MC points it out, which is a great deal in itself.

[/its very lovely how the ML isn't willing to hurt MC no matter what. Like in the later chapters, we get to know how the ML's biggest wish is that the MC lives a healthy life. This is just adorable]

It did turn me off a bit. ML being homophobic and all but I guess the author did a relatively good job explaining where this disgust came from.

[/Ml's grandpa's brother ran away with another guy and that guy cheated the brother and made him miserable. The Grandpa didn't want the same thing to happen to his grandson and made the ML look at certain unhealthy imagery since a young age. Making the ML disgusted with same s*x relationships.]

One thing, I absolutely loved was how their parents didn't start any drama. They were very open. (I mean the MC and ML are so sticky that the parents expected it)

One more thing I liked was how there was no third party involved in their relationship and yes yes:

[/There was this Xiang Han? Guy. Don't remember his name. Who was interested in MC and even told the MC that the ML is straight and won't be able to give him (MC) what he (Xiang Han?) can. Which only led to ML claiming that he isn't straight. And the guy never appeared again.

There was also this one guy who liked the ML and told the ML that he can use him (the guy) for his desires and still chase after MC. This guy really threw his body over but this action only allowed the MC's and ML's relationship to strengthen.]

Overall, I quite liked this novel

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kitty-chan MeWOee
kitty-chan MeWOee
March 14, 2023
Status: c12
If they made manga from this novel.. That will be too good...I'm expecting it some day...


Young master lu is really sly bastard. But I like this dumb but act smart type character. That possessive ness is another level. Guys telling u he has love disorder with handsome face.😮‍💨

And another side, 🤔...☺️ ye baby just super hottie but can't shake that sticky gummy.. quite smart and understanding character. He will make good wife.

So cheer for ye baby...🤞

Overall I'm enjoying reading this. So After finishing it I will be back here.
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fameyreads rated it
March 8, 2023
Status: c55
Just got to finish the main story and I don’t think I’ll read the extras anymore. I’m usually not into reading extras anyways so. Overall the story is okay...

if you can look past over the very very frustrating obliviousness that went on for like more than half of the story


Good luck holding on to your sanity!
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_dreamlesscloud_ rated it
January 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I liked it, finished it after stying up all night. I can't help but hum 'Is he gay or european?' til two-thirds into the novel.

ML is typical obsessive-domineering type but I like that he keeps on trying to keep himself in check. Keyword being try. MC likes having everything under his control so I think they make a rather fitting couple especially with ML offering his everything to him.

I enjoyed it when they were torturing ML a bit when MC decided to slowly put distance between them. It wasn't frustrating... more>> to read because I knew this one has only 55 plus chapters. You can read with one sitting. Recommend to give this a try.

MC and ML friendship dynic reminds me of that pair of side character male close friends from another danmei, (whose skinship rivals our CP here) except that those friends were originally straight but got bent due to readers' demands. <<less
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crownprince rated it
May 19, 2022
Status: c48
Overall it's ok, though the obsessive love is a little overwhelming. Like ML bruh calm your tits, not that you have one... or two... But I guess if the MC is fine with it then ok... Their love, they decide.

It was still ok reading through the earlier chapters because the ML still hasn't realised his fully blossomed feelings. But after they got together it just became dull and boring which is why I dropped it. I see no value in continuing to read it.
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wasififi rated it
February 6, 2022
Status: Completed
The story is pretty sweet. Both the MC and ML are loveable idiots: the ML is homophobic but obviously becomes bent in the end. Definitely worth reading
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