Don’t get Caught by Your Husband!


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How could I make my voice be heard?

“The person I want to hear the most from is not opening her mouth.”


“My wife just sits quietly all the time.”

Escallion moved with heavy steps towards Belladonna, who was sitting still on the bed. Then, he forcefully grabbed her chin and lifted her head up.

‘How can I speak?’


Looking at her shaking eyes, he cl…ked his tongue, relaxed his hand holding her chin, and turned around. Her eyes were filled with Escalion’s massive back muscles as he picked up the gown that had fallen haphazardly on the floor and put it on.


Oh no! Belladonna closed her eyes tightly, in despair. I hope he didn’t hear it…

“Hiccup? Was it you?”

He heard. This is bad. I hope he doesn’t come here. Please leave… Escallion slowly turned his head. His dark, shining eyes fixed on Belladonna.

“Did you just make a sound?”

His lips curled dangerously upwards.

‘The last Saint of Astanya.’

‘Astanya’s smile.’

‘A living portrait of Astanya.’

When I opened my eyes, I found myself the only daughter of the Pope, praised by everyone, and a Saint who could not speak.

“…Why do I have such a good voice?”

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Don't Let your husband know!
남편에게 들키지 마세요!
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2 Reviews sorted by

Zureah rated it
April 10, 2024
Status: --
So far the story is progressing smoothly. I love the characters falling in love stage as it shows a first love kind of vibe. Recommend it.
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s3978871 rated it
July 3, 2024
Status: c35
The story Is good but unfortunately it was completely obliterated by bad translation. Half the time they couldn't get the pronouns right, there are multiple typos. The quality didn't get better either, should I call it a feat for staying consistently terrible?

Anyways I continued reading for the plot but if there's a chance another translator pick this up I would jump on their boat with a heartbeat.

-1 star for the bad tl, so it's a 4 star for me.

[update] I've read til chapter 32 and it looks like mtl is... more>> doing half the work and the other person whose supposed to be doing the other half slacked off <<less
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