Don’t Discriminate Against Species


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Fu Li was a yaoguai from the countryside who had never seen the world. After entering the city, his biggest dream was to become a civil servant and leave his name in historical records.

However… He didn’t have a university degree. Not even a high school graduation certificate.

So, even a yaoguai would not be able to find a good job if they didn’t study well.

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Bùyào wùzhǒng qíshì
Do Not Discriminate Species
Speciesism is not allowed
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84 Reviews sorted by

twobada rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: --
A warm, spirited slow-paced adventure with interesting and developed characters, and an overarching mystery that was neither too complex or too simple. All the hints were there but they weren't too predictable so as to lessen the reader's curiosity and plot novelty. All the episodes tied up nicely together as well and contributed to the development of the main story.

The characters, even the side ones and the ones who don't even get a name, weren't clichés and the varied scenes and situations they found themselves in brought them and the... more>> story to life.

The world-building was simple yet had enough details to prompt the readers' fascination and imagination. The lack of complexity in cultivation commonly found in other xianxia novels doesn't hinder the creativity in the story's world. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to support the story but it's this simplicity that highlights the story even more.

The biggest driving force is definitely the story itself and how the characters lived in it. It wasn't too complicated but it was novel and interesting. Most importantly, the characters weren't treated as s*aves to the plot, but rather it was the characters themselves who moved the plot forward. It felt like the plot resulted because of the characters, and not that the characters existed because of the plot. I'm not cultured enough to explain this but read the novel and you will understand the feeling.

Overall, the writing is truly balanced. Even the poetic and philosophical aspects did not overwhelm the other elements of the story and made it feel pedantic and morally prescriptive.

I also feel that there's a vitality to this novel that makes it feel so comforting and healing. Perhaps it's the way the yao and humans do their best get along and move on with the times. Perhaps it's the way the heavenly law is dispassionate and gives the races their own chance. Perhaps it's the genuineness of the characters and their interactions. Whatever it is, this story feels so consoling. <<less
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Shrike1978 rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: Completed
A very interesting, funny and cute story. The author certainly packed a lot of Chinese mythological characters in as well, it was extra entertainment and all good.

The story held together well, it didn't feel like there were any slow spots, there was good character development. My only teensy quibble would be if I encountered this story without the extras (which contain the HE) I would be screaming bloody mu*der. I think they should just be part of the story and not 'extras'

A really good read, so give it a try!
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fakeluff rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: Completed
A wonderful story world that I was sad to leave. Many fluffy and yao-slapping moments to enjoy. Hug your family, folks.
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booop rated it
October 6, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this novel so much I binged it in 2 days, IT IS SO WORTH IT!

The romance aspect permeates throughout most of the story but it's not in your face and is relatively slow paced, the fantastic plot is the main focus and you'll get seriously addicted reading.

A warning for readers who are cries easily like me:

... more>>

Prepare yourself for the last two chapters (not the extras), even though I KNEW it was a HE I still bawled my eyes out from what happened to Fu Li.


All in all this story is soooooooo good and super underrated IMO. <<less
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