Don’t Discriminate Against Species


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Fu Li was a yaoguai from the countryside who had never seen the world. After entering the city, his biggest dream was to become a civil servant and leave his name in historical records.

However… He didn’t have a university degree. Not even a high school graduation certificate.

So, even a yaoguai would not be able to find a good job if they didn’t study well.

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Bùyào wùzhǒng qíshì
Do Not Discriminate Species
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84 Reviews sorted by

June 28, 2022
Status: Completed

The first time I attempted to read this I stopped after reading the first chapter since some I thought it wasn't that interesting.


I picked it up again and all I can say is that it's worth the read and I want to reread it again. I finished reading this in just 2 days. The translation is wonderful, the story is divine and the characters are worth remembering. This is definitely a reread material.
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akiraa rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: Completed
Unable to write a thorough review. Don't ask why.

Eyes to swollen to type.

edit: Very good. Very.. 😭 Good.. 😭 It's easier to read if you are knowledgeable about chinese folklore, but I think even if you have zero insights, it will still be an enjoyable read. The author is really good at writing, the translator is very meticulous in translating and always give compact notes. Prepare some tissues, I cried more in the span of 3 days reading this than the rest of the year. Merry Christmas.
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December 7, 2021
Status: --
Hm, Well this story is really unexpected, and maybe one of the stories with a new concept among other Chinese novels.

Personally I think our MC Fu Li has a bit of a vibe like Li Zhao (Very Happy), which is very refreshing.

The plot itself is fantasy with a dominant slice of life, and it was actually good. But it doesn't cover up the fact that the fantasy core in the plot itself is become a bit chaotic and disappointing.

Many side characters become useless like for example Hudun, Fei, and also... more>> some characters that appear out of no where to resurrect Hou (I forgot the name).

So unlike Very Happy, I feel that this time the author's way of mixing the slice of life genre into story is quite a failure. It would be better if the author was more focused on the existing of the fantasy plot, rather than busy building the SOL plot. <<less
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SailorUniCorn rated it
November 19, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is absolutely 200% highly recommended. There are just so many aspects of this novel that I love, like the characters, the comedy, the fluff, the cute interactions, the merging of cultivation and modern world, etc.

I was in a reading slump for a few months, and I just saw this in passing. I decided to try reading it upon seeing that it has the same author as Very Happy (also loved this one). Boy, this novel just straight pulled me out of my reading slump. Right when Fu Li... more>> was introduced in the first chapter, I was really intrigued by him. He was just so adorable and naive that despite the fact that he was so old, he would still arouse your protectiveness (just like the way you're worried for a child). Also, love the way he acts like an all-kn0wing old grandpa to the youngsters (both yao and human) hehe.

And maaann, I never imagined that the cultivation world would be this compatible with the modern world. I always thought that the cultivation genre would only be suited to historical times, but this novel proved me wrong. Never thought I would read about sect leaders or sect disciples debating in an online forum.

As for the novel itself, it is fluffy and heartwarming, there was a lot of humor and a slight angst mixed in, no heavy plots, and this is a SLOWBURN. And I love slowburn romance novels because I think that the characters should take their time in realizing their feelings for each other. I mean, romantic feelings just can't appear out of nowhere; there should be enough interaction and moments between the characters to slowly develop from being friends to lovers. Moreover, considering the fact that Fu Li was just introduced to the human world, and in a modern setting at that, he really needed the time to adjust his mindset and lifestyle to blend in. Anyway, this novel is just a 10/10 for me. I really enjoyed reading it, and the translation was also excellent. Enough background about the Chinese culture and beliefs were provided and it helped a lot while I was reading the novel. <<less
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Chipmunkch33k5 rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c125
This is simply another perfect example of a treasure hidden in an ordinary, unassuming box and I kinda hate myself for not sticking to my gut feeling of putting it in the list before (/ _ ;) (◞‸◟;)

The comedy, angst, touching moments were done well and although the plot twist wasn’t a big shocker, it was still a pleasant experience. I also REEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY wanna touch the MC’s fur (*✧×✧*) just a little a bit|_・)
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Potatoe11 rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: c80
it's a fun and exciting read. our MC is the typical "I'm strong and rich but who knows?" while our ML is the petty but quite doting.... somehow. I think the ML has a trait of a tsundere lol.

The translator also did a good job explaining each terms and yaoguai and their appearances so it's easier for the reader to understand the story. Thank you!
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Ouryane00 rated it
April 12, 2021
Status: c127
The best! Really really interesting!

I love how the MC is an "old" person but he wasn't too caught up with the "modern" things, this story isn't about him wandering about and discovering the "tech" we have now.

This is like Sprit Hotel but with the MC less mischievous and the ML more talkative.

I love how the ML isn't Mr. Perfect! Can't wait for more.

As for romance, it's really slow burn but it's just right! As of c75 ... more>>

we know how concerned MC is with the ML but that's cause the ML is "underaged less than 2000 years old" dragon but we can see that the ML is slowly falling for the MC!!!!


Note to self

Read this for the 3rd time and I can still remember the details. Still a very fun read tho!

I guess the only cons I can think of is at ch 127 I feel like the story is a bit dragging already (or maybe because I'm binge reading this all day that's why I'm feeling that way)

Anywooo TO REREAD? Maybe only after another year or two because I can still remember the deets.


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Marichi rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: c53
I 100% recommend this novel. Ahhhhh Its just so good. The flow of the plot, the characters and the amazing depiction of the action. Ahhh love love I'm just too impoverished can't say anything profound.
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Estrella rated it
September 10, 2020
Status: Completed
REAAALLY LIKE!! It's a hidden gem! Really recommended!

I really like this novel! You must read it! No regret! ~
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Indelible Faith
Indelible Faith rated it
October 1, 2023
Status: c138
Fu Li, a small, unassuming, harmless little rabbit yao, wakes up after a 2000 year long nap to find that the human world has changed massively, and things that used to be abundantly found in nature during his childhood are now considered precious treasures.

Fu Li, now technically a rich second
-generation yao, cares little for precious stones or gold or secret cultivation refining tools that he has by the dozen. No, his goal is the civil service exam of the human world!

This story has a very humorous tone throughout. Fu Li and his naivety, contrasted by his strong sense of self and morality, unchanged throughout the years and unable to be influenced by evil doers, make him a beloved comrade in the yao-equivalent of the police force. Especially as many ancient fiends and auspicious beasts seem to keep popping out of the woodwork after similarly long naps.

There is a minor overarching plot, and a subtle romance woven into the story, but mainly it's just fun to read about Fu Li going about life like a rich young master, saving people and throwing about precious ingredients and money like it's candy.

Great job by the translator, especially since they have included pictures and explanations about many yao in-text, along with lots of descriptions for internet slang-culture of China.

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Soapy_49 rated it
August 6, 2023
Status: Completed
When I look back at this novel, I can only remember the frustrating parts. It's a shame because there was some really exciting world-building and interestingly crafted main and side characters (interesting in theory but not in execution tho...). The plot was also decent.

The premise: world where yaos (chinese demons) and humans exist in semi-harmony- with humans not knowing yao exist of course. MC is a yao that just came down from the mountain (country bumpkin lol) and wants to join civilization, MC is the head of the yao "police... more>> bureau" and a dragon. There has been a resurgence of evil yao. The 2 leads solve mysteries together and stop the world from ending while Fu Li (MC) tries to figure out what kind of yao he is. Ok, so with such an awesome plot how did things go wrong?

Answer: Fu Li. This man's characterization is all over the place- like I can't even say that he's OOC because was he ever in character?? We kinda get introduced to a naive (about the human world), kind, OP baby yao who wants to... take the civil service exam? find his family? idk I felt like he just floated through the novel with no growth. But back to his personality... Fu Li is shown to be naive but kind, a typical protagonist for a semi-serious/fluffy novel, but then something happens and he fights another dragon (one of ML's relatives) and eats his tail, crippling the dragon (it literally lost its tail... and in its human form its legs were shown to be amputated). Drinking the dragon blood also triggered a change in Fu Li... but this entire incident was legit glossed over?? For a MC who is supposed to be kind, or at the very least not cruel, how did he not feel even the tiniest amount of regret for his actions? The only word I could think of to describe MC is: fake. He is oblivious but knows exactly what he's doing, innocent but cruel on the inside, kind but apathetic. This would be an interesting character if the author meant to write him that way, but I can tell from the difference in the first few chapters vs the rest of the book, that Fu Li's Gary Stu character had accidentally become a green tea B just because the author kept trying to show how badass he was.

Furthermore, MC is emotionally stunted for no reason... like he was raised by human-like yao so he should know how to feel feelings? It makes it very hard for me to like him because of his lack of empathy, which also make his actions extremely confusing. Like, why is he beating someone up? I don't know! He was just "at the scene"... all 27465 times some yao needed to be beat up. The author tries to make taking the civil service exam his motivation for becoming a yao detective, but that quickly devolves into a gimmick as well.

MC's low EQ becomes even less cute when the author tries to develop the relationship between MC and ML. I was really hoping that Fu Li had some emotional seal and it would be lifted somehow and he would actually emote. But alas, there was no emotional development.

There was a past life thing where the ML, as a human, fell in love with MC. ML died and reincarnated (which was very sweet and angsty). However, as far as I can tell, Fu Li legit has no genuine feelings for the ML both then and now- well he thought ML was amusing as a human "pet" and cute as a "baby" dragon if that counts. And even when he fell in "love" with ML in the present, we get multiple scenes of him being very dismissive of past/human ML's sacrifice, a sacrifice that caused present ML to suffer greatly (ML refused to reincarnate to wait for MC, only doing so when he thought he was dead. This ruined his good fate and he suffered a lot of abuse in his early life). It's a damn shame because Zhuang Qing is a very well-written character. His cold and rich CEO appearance contrasts with his pettiness and his dragon-like love for shiny things (he dives into a pile of treasure when he thinks no one is looking lmao). He also loves very deeply- in both lives. The author wrote him beautifully. I think I cried a little when ZQ thought FL was dead and was grieving for him...

Reviewer WallEyeKnee wrote "You thought that this story was about a yaoguai struggling his way to become a great person in human society. No it was chinese digimon playing house in human world". Their whole review was spot on, but I just have to point out that while the world-building is genuinely interesting and has a lot of cool references to mythical creatures, the author's fixation on having Fu Li face slap everyone creates so much filler and takes away from the pros of the novel. I do not need to hear about how rich Fu Li is every 3 chapters (legit every 3 chaps, the author has Fu Li take something precious out of his qiankun pouch and act like he doesn't know that it's valuable). I do not need to read 20 chapters about Fu Li beating a level SSS monster up and then saying "when I was young, I was considered weak. this generation of yao are so lazy!". I also don't want to read Fu Li calling Zhuang Qing young/a baby/babying him- it was really cute and funny at first, but it started getting really repetitive and insensitive towards ML imo. I was hoping that the ML would pass his tribulation and be like "do u still think I'm a kid now?" or smth corny to tie the joke in with their new relationship... but nothing of the sort happens. MC is like: baby, baby, still baby... oh now I'm dating him! Like does the MC have the capacity to learn social cues? Apparently not, because the author kept writing the same situation and same dialogue for him over and over again. I think my underlying gripe is that the author turned a perfectly good novel premise into half a good novel (despite my rant, I enjoyed some of it) and half wish-fulfillment for pre-teen readers.

Not an insult cause I know I would have eaten this novel up a few years ago haha. I would prob still be bothered by a lot of things that I mentioned, but I wouldn't have been so frustrated as to blacklist this book as a whole. So I'm just gonna conclude this by saying that this was not my taste but you should still consider reading it because there are a lot of good parts to this book as well.

TLDR: dislikable MC with inconsistent characterization, no character growth, too many characters that it kinda messes up the good world-building, ok plot, panders to audience so much that it makes the book repetitive, good TL, author is not a bad writer... but something happened here. Read if you want; you might like it. <<less
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Conanaihime rated it
May 12, 2023
Status: Completed
This is one of the best Chinese novel I've read.

I once dropped this years ago because I was just using MTL. I still remembered that I read this before when I begin reading it again. Thankgoodness the translation is completed.

What I love about this is they have tons of challenges every chapter and they are either kicking an evil yao or what. Around 100+ when they started holding hands and when the dragon started to confess.

It's a bit slow romance. I want to read more of special chapters to know... more>> how would they react when they see White Tiger and what will happen after years of being together of Fuli and Zhuang Ching and if the elder Yao would all be ruined since there's remaining Elder Yao that haven't been found.

The romance in this story is not a lot. Tjis story can make you cry. <<less
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_Jess_ rated it
March 9, 2023
Status: Completed
Something about this novel attracted you so just read it, ignore the comments/reviews because we all don't have the same taste. So that being said just take the chance and time to discover whether this novel is for you or not also please take note of the tags they really help with getting an idea on what type of novel this is, this is also a way to avoid disappointment should you start reading it and realize that the novel isn't to your liking.

P.s. For me personally I really liked... more>> it but I'm not gonna say why cause you know "spoilers" and all that jazz but enjoy your read <<less
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Staringatastar rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: Completed
This was such a heartwarming story. I loved the characters, the twists and turns, and the wealth flaunting in this story was much more acceptable than in some of the other novels I read. The cluelessness - style of wealth flaunting came across as extremely adorable.

The key lesson in this story - the need to live with respect towards the earth - is amazing. I think the author did a great job combining that lesson with the belief in cyclical dynasties. No matter how impressive or ancient a dynasty is,... more>> if they ignore others and act with impunity, they'll meet their downfall as another takes its place.

Another theme I liked in this story is the ability to fight destiny. Even if it is a ford's destiny to wreak havoc and meet destruction, they can fight that destiny and find a path of survival. It's so appropriate given the state of the environment. Even though a large number of people want to hide and pretend the earth can continue to be used and polluted as it always has been, the fact that a large number of people are fighting the seemingly inevitable destruction is hope for the future. I'm personally the type that would give up and die when things look bleak, but these types of hopeful stories are needed to remind us that a sliver of a chance is still a chance. And fighting furiously for that chance can very well manifest it into reality. Somehow, this sweet story touches on everything miserable but ends in hope. It acknowledges what a mess humans have made of the world, but also the beauty they've created. It shows the power of trying with all your might to fight for a future and for love. And it shows how random kindness can bring about surprising rewards.

How can anyone dislike a book like this? <<less
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maijys rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: Completed
Fantastic novel with great world-building and characters. I loved both the MC and the ML, and all their little quirks of personality, as well as the overall plot. Fantastic read that ended perfectly, I loved it.

MC is a pretty laid-back type of person, but this is because he's both super strong and super rich, lol, and was raised in a very pampered way by his elders. Fortunately, this made him pretty kind and generous, and the fact that he's several thousands of years old makes him indulgent and magnanimous towards... more>> others who he considers to be his juniors. He doesn't have much ambition except to become a civil servant, and is happy enough living a simple life with (what he considers) simple things.

ML is a dragon and becomes the MC's boss, and his personality is... lol, well, at first you think he's the typical cold President type, but he's actually kind of petty and childish and super stingy, which I guess is not too atypical for dragons. His actions and thoughts are super hilarious, especially when his stingy side encounters the MC's tendency to hand out priceless treasures as if they're worthless trinkets. Even though those aren't his treasures being handed out, just the fact that these treasures are being handed out makes him stress out, lol. This makes his changing feelings for the MC pretty obvious, even if he remains oblivious in the beginning.

I really loved this whole story, and I honestly don't have any negatives, I loved it all. <<less
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XianYiXi rated it
March 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.6

I f*cking love this. This is totally my kind of story........ Chinese Mythology/Ancient Beast + Spiritual and Human Cultivators X Modern World Crossover...... Yeah.

I read it for the above reason and I am very satisfied with this novel.

It's a sweet novel with beautiful fantasy and interesting character, full of fluffy romance with little bit of angsty at the end...... but definitely a HE. ... more>>

The scene of MC soul dispersed and when ML Finally broke into cry...... my heart couldn't take it anymore.... He had such a long painful journey to be together with MC.


Totally would have given it full 5 if not for the following problem/flaws/Causes

  • Who the f*ck was behind the MC's fake human pet incident..... is it really the Jiuying... the nine head serpent, the ultimate villian (???)..... if so, then how the f*ck did he found out about the existence of MC human pet, cause we know that their mountain was sealed and no one can enter under the eyes of those powerful mythical beast. So how did Jiuying found about it?? They just left it without revealing anything about it.
  • Ok, even if that person found about existence of MC human pet, how was he able to make the fake memory that was bit realistic..... like how did he knew how and what event occurred?? Remember MC Talking with the underworld keeper saying about someone might have stolen the info from underworld...... is Jiuying that great that he can steal such info from underworld. Did the illusion fish actually work for Jiuying and not the Asure dragon??? Who was the f*cking real mastermind behind this incident???
  • The Baize said that the disappearance of Feiyi is related to MC but didn't explain like how?? We know how MC hated Feiyi but he's also so scared of it.... so, was it MC who did it or that Jiuying?? If MC, then How did he done that? During the disappearance of Feiyi MC was probably asleep (???), it's not like he just wished and that happened right afterall his Hou power was yet to awaken and if it was Jiuying then why did he did that? He didn't knew MC hate Feiyi..... or did he?? Was he also the person behind the tossing Feyi to unknown area and causing draught??? Feiyi all died due to frozen and their disappearance could have been natural occurrence but then Baize said it was related to MC, making me fall into the pit of How and Why.
  • This one is not flaw but more like my displeasure of how they introduced the white tiger only at the end like he need more scene..... you can just show us how MC love mentioning white tiger as Mighty and Magestic yao that MC love to play and mimic his roar, given very few scene to appear only at the end.... that too in extra. We didn't even got the scene of his meeting with MC, though I do know it would be similar like those other elder but still..... You see I really like white tiger from those ancient beast of four direction. How can I not be displeased.
Thanks to translator for translating this novel <<less
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jellyfishies rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: Completed

Cute, naive, kindhearted rich second generation "rabbit" yao X responsible, dedicated, emotionally paralyzed towards everyone but the MC stingy golden dragon

The story has a generally light-hearted tone, highlighting the comedic affairs of a recluse yao (MC) coming into contact with the modern human world. MC is OP and has a never-ending bag of goodies given by the elders (who are also very OP) who raised him. The interactions between the elders and MC are very wholesome, but the whole backstory between them is somewhat heart-wrenching. Even though the story could... more>> have gone fully on the route of 'cute and silly' it instead manages to be quite insightful and serious at times. The MC discovers all the different sides of human nature, both the 'cute' (as the MC calls it) and the not so cute.

The pacing of the romance is indeed quite slow, but this is definitely one of those plot first, love second type of novel, so it felt very natural to me. Even though the story is generally quite low in explicit lovey-dovey content, the bond between the MC and ML is still very apparent.

The reason why I am giving this story a 4 star instead of 5 is because although I was very invested throughout most of the chapters, the novel failed to capture my interest that well in the later chapters. This is not to say that it was not interesting, I still enjoyed reading it, it just felt... lacking. The novelty of the premise seems to have worn out at some point, and the true conflict and climax of the entire novel arrived too late (happened in like the last 2 chapters). In the end, I look back at this as a pretty good novel, but nothing too amazing. <<less
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Michelle-08 rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: Completed
A hidden gem!!!♥️💞♥️💞♥️💞♥️💞

I like the author's storytelling style, also the translation is really good as well (kudos to the translator).

I was introduced to Chinese mythological creatures which is very much interesting. The side charaters are lovable as well. Fu Li is one of my favorite MC/shou, he's very cute, innocent, adorable, pampered and law abiding yao but he's not the push over type, he's very much OP. Zhuang Qing is also one of my top ML, he's a little tsundere, doting and very supportive of Fu Li's dream, he's very... more>> much OP too btw.

I love the uncle and auties that raised Fu little Li, but I'm a little sad that


uncle tiger and uncle tortoise came tooooo late and wasn't able to attend Fu Li's wedding and there's not enough story about the two late comers


The realization of Fu Li's started when


Little Zhuang accidentally bought a cond*m, mistaken it as a chewing gum. Lmao!!!


There's a little angst around the end of the story


but don't worry it's a HE.


Overall, this is a very good read and highly recommended!!!!! <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
October 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Highly recommend.

Fluffy, cute, lots of plot, lots of awesome side characters, style is very lighthearted, but also has deeply emotional scenes. I like this style of storytelling, where it's a slowburn for the main leads to get together, not a sudden love-at-first-sight, but super sweet and adorable as well.

Both MC and ML have a few mysteries to them. Each were handled very well.

Style is like detective/supernatural case-fic. Big cast with lots of different mini-plots and small resolutions slowly linking together to form the whole story. Fantastic overarching plot with the... more>> Heavenly Dao and coexistence between yao and humans.

Similar genre to [Non-human Subdistrict Office] but much better. If you like this, I recommend [Guardian] and [New Times, New Hell].

Great translation as well. <<less
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Littleswallowsg rated it
October 24, 2021
Status: --
Funny, sweet, sassy and touching. Love power couples!
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