Don’t Be a Kept Man


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In this world, there is always one type of man who does not want to improve themselves. They care only for themselves, by whatever means possible. They make their life goal to be kept as a lover, and they will use their lovers up until they have no more use.

Self-Reliant System: Our goal is to rise up! Our goal is to persevere! We must be self-sufficient and self-reliant!

When the system has bound numerous souls to enter into the bodies of those who only rely on their lovers, what could this lead to?

In other words, this is the main character transmigrating into a scummy human being, and creating his own destiny kind of story.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Don't be a soft rice man (manhua)
ระบบพึ่งพาตนเอง #ผู้ชายไม่กินข้าวนิ่ม
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52 Reviews

New Chips111
Jun 07, 2024
Status: Completed
It's good this Author really is Never miss their Novels I like all the Novels I had read so far

Thought I can't really understand what they were saying as I'm reading the mtl version but it's still 5/5 for me

I had too say I really like the ghost arc it's so fresh in my reading experience and it's so good easy 5/5

This Author really is spoiling us with their works
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New KartKid111
May 27, 2024
Status: c185
I'm at the latest chapter now since I read this and I feel rather stuffy. Just four more chapters and this novel would end.

Before diving into the novel itself, I'd like to praise the translator for their hard work. The translation is clear, comprehensive, and includes helpful footnotes every now and then. Especially in the historical arcs, where I actually need the footnotes to explain cultural or historical references that're very confusing.

Regarding the novel, I highly recommend it to others. It's well-written, and readers should definitely follow it to the... more>> latest chapter (currently c185) or finish it through MTL, because the novel is actually really good.

All MCs in most arcs are kept men or wish to be a kept man and hug a golden thigh. Some of them are normal MCs, rebirth MCs, or transmigrated MCs. And all of them are all gongs. Some MCs are more flawed than others, while some undergo significant character development. Like how in the sixth arc, I have very complicated feelings for the MC. The best way to describe my feelings for that MC is that 'I don't know how to feel about him.' (There is character improvement though, regardless.) And another MC in the fifth arc (Wen Chuo I think), I believe he has really changed for the better.

Other than that, I would also like to talk about the system. The system isn't heavily involved in some arcs, and in other arcs its mentioned quite a few more times than normal. It's only in the second-to-last arc that we learn more about the system.


The system has its own arc at the last one, and its really sweet I swear! There are some initial misunderstandings due to the situation of the original owner's body that the system is inhabiting, but if you persevere, and you'll get a bountiful amount of dog food to chew!

Although there is a little bitter sweetness at the later chapters. Where the system and Shen You encounter a fire accident at their vacation (and MC almost died).

Where then the system encountered and chatted with the Galactic Judge lady during his life and death crisis about whether he wanted to remain a system and live indefinitely or become human and live for a few decades.

Without hesitation, the system chose to be human all for Shen You... which is so romantic!!! So the Galactic Judge lady let him live. Oh and, there's also a side character in this arc, Yu Xi, who is a Casanova like the system's original body. And its really a stress reliever whenever she pops up!


Oh and the novel stays true to its plot, unlike some others that tend to lose direction. Aside from that, since all the MCs and MLs are different people in each arc, (To clarify, its a 1v1, just different MCs and MLs for every arc) we get introduced to different kinds of MCs with varying personality's and background. As well as cute MLs with different personalities and history with the MC. But similarly, all the MCs change for the better! Some a small degree and some a great degree!

Another thing to mention is that interestingly, the MC and the system don't interact much, which is different from what I initially expected. I thought the MC would rely on the system more, especially after the first historical arc. Like, a better way to explain is that... I thought the author would make the system involved more.

However the system really, and like seriously only ever appears when MC wants to eat soft rice, and it was during times where I least expect it! So it's quite hilarious, haha! Especially in second last arc, the apocalyptic world one. He really wanted to hug MLs golden thighs but cant, hahaha!

Overall, I highly recommend this novel. And please, before writing bad reviews and rating it a terrible score, read it to the end first. Some reviews here haven't even read past the first twenty chapters before immediately rating it a three stars. Really, you barely read through the entire novel. Not even the first arc was read completely.

Also, one thing I'd like to caution future readers about. The novel isn't entirely dogfood, theres some angst here and there, enough to make you cry. But if you aren't much of an emotional person like me, it would at least make your heart wrench. Don't worry, the angst is only in a few of the later arcs, dog foods first! Don't let the angst stop you from reading further, which... made me delay reading this for a few days. Good thing not a year like usual, allowing me to taste the goodness of this novel.

I can't wait til its fully translated, but its only four chapters more. So I'll patiently wait for the translator instead of MTLing through it like usual. Ta ta!

Oh and gonna rate this later until I fully complete the novel, so my review is only that. A review, no rating just yet. But I have a good feeling I'll rate this a 5/5 <<less
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Aug 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Not going to lie but this is one of my favourite novels so far. It has different concept from other world hopping novels.

The system always gets paired with the seme protagonist (?)


First arc (Modern - college life, 1-39)


MC is a seme protagonist. He is cold hearted, unfeeling and has low EQ. He is reborn after he dies in car accident because he was scum man in his past life. After being reborn, he gets bounded to a system. He is punished if he tries to take money, which is not earned by hard work.

The ML is short-tempered, has poisonous tongue, can beat the crap out of anyone (even the MC is not spared, hehe, he deserved it anyways).
They eventually fall in love and live a happy life and the system leaves the MC when he becomes vice president of a company where he started working as a newbie in his college days.

Second arc (Historical, 40-61)


So, MC is okay in this arc. He gets transmigrated (?) from modern to ancient time and he gets caught with another woman by the ML on their wedding night. ML was a general but now he's a crippled man because he got shot by an arrow in his knee. The MC tries to win ML and succeeds too. Later, MC gets oppointed as a low rank official by the emperor. Their chemistry is amazing. There are schemes from emperor's uncle (?) side, many people die. MC turns the event around, saves the country (yay!!) and finally realises that he is in love with MC more than money and fame. Happy ending.


Third arc (showbiz, 62-88)


MC gets transmigrated from his martial arts world to modern world into a body who is an idol (?). He is participating in a reality show as a bad guy (He is very disliked by everyone, has a lot of black powder fans but he does it all to treat his sister, who got into an accident) ML is also part of the reality show.

• MC has very poisonous tongue and a soft heart. He is poisonous to the point that the system gets frightened by him. Also, The system accepts that he is the only host who can eat soft food (?). (In all three arcs, I like him the most because he has many likeable points)

• ML claims to be a die-hard fan of the MC (😂) He is also the one who chased the MC.


Fourth arc (Ghost, 89-108)

FML!!! This arc made me tearful.

MC has a special body constitution. He can see ghosts. ML gets killed and then starts following MC to kill him. ML takes his own revenge with other people who made his life miserable.

• This one has HE too.

Tbh, I don't want to spill much on this one because it is a little different form what you read in a supernatural arc/novel. There are so many unanswered questions the MC has and the answers he gets in the end makes not only him, but the readers sad.


Fifth arc (rebirth, 109-125)

I wanted to beat the crap out of MC. 🙂

MC's background is like any other novel. Mother got divorced and then father married another woman. The mother-son duo started living in a crappy area (it's crappy for 'em because they used to be rich.) Later, someone came to pick MC up and he left too but he also left the ML alone. (I want to beat him for this. He is such an ungrateful human.) After he got rich he came back to find the ML but he was not there anymore and when he found out about it, he got in the car. On the way back, he got into an accident (?) and he was reborn. About ML, he is slow like a snail. (He is soooo adorable.. I wanna adopt him🥺🥺) MC, on several occasions, treats ML like shit. (Like why TF are you calling my bub fool all the time and insulting him😡🤬)

Good thing, that he realises his importance sooner. (Otherwise, I would've f***ed him up) He doesn't leave him like in his past life and made his and ML's life much better.


Sixth arc (historical, 126-143)


MC was the sixteenth child in his family and because of him, his family was ruined (?). Later, the ML comes back and they meet up again. They, together, have a tragic past because of that ML suffered a lot (after I knew about the reason, I was ready to beat MC up🙂) He was so unreliable until he was arrested by the emperor to be beheaded.

• One point I don't like about this arc, how easily ML accepted him even after knowing the truth.

• a tiny bit of s*xual assault (which I'm glad didn't happen, good going ML.)


Seventh arc (apocalypse, 144-162)


MC is transmigrated into a 'harem' novel, in which, the ML was treated very badly so later he turned into a bad person. (ML was r*ped and was bullied his whole life because of his mother's profession) MC actually saves ML from being r*ped and treats his wounds too. After that, the ML is reborn with his past life abilities. He doesn't trust MC whole-heartedly but he is possessive about him because he is the only person in his life who has given him warmth.

Good thing that MC has some brains and he actually has the system to keep his mind in track so that he doesn't take advantage of ML.


Chapter 163 - extra


This chapter is different. They talk about other systems and the system 008 who went to all these world where the arc stories happened. Also, the points they've accumulated. Sadly, in the apocalypse arc, 008 contributed his points so that the humans can make a antidote for the zombie virus.


Eighth arc (modern, 164-186)


The system transmigrates into a scum-man's body.

149 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 29, 2020
Status: c38
I feel like the ratings are way too low so I'm giving it an extra star to bump.

It's really rare that we have such a flawed MC. This person was an actual scumbag in his past life, and somewhat in this life too. However, although he seems cold, it's not as if he doesn't feel guilt and repentance; HMC in the past may have killed him, but he's still the one sorry to HMC.

Tbh ML is pretty flawed too. We mostly see his fluffy side so it feels like an... more>> unruly but cute younger brother. However, this type of person would actually be terrible. Therefore, it's like the story says; getting together is helping society get rid of two scums.

I like the character and relationship development of the two. I think the premise of the entire story is also quite interesting. I'm curious for more!!! <<less
33 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 21, 2021
Status: c24
I- am I the only one who doesn't like this story. The MC seems selfish and I just can't acceptthat he betrayed the ML in his past life. Gonna drop this cause I don't like the MC. I can accept people being gold digger, but I can't accept betrayer. Once you lose my trust, I will never believe u once again even if you're a change man.
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Jul 24, 2023
Status: --
In the first arc the MC may have took over his money but compared to the MLs behaviour that’s nothing. The ML is a selfish, arrogant, domineering and controlling f*cking psycho, his one-sided domestic violence towards the MC isn’t even the half of it. Their relationship was a transaction that the MC couldn’t escape from even if he wanted to, his feelings or opinions didn’t matter, the MLs words were orders and laws that the MC wouldn’t dare to break for fear of the consequences (from being hospitalised to outright... more>> killed). The MC said he drove him to madness but that f*cker was nuts from the get go, and his claws were so deep in the MC that it was like an addiction that the MC was trapped in. The ML would throw glass and throw punches just because MC hugged a girl (his sister), and the MC would actually be afraid that the ML would come back to kill him. I honestly don’t know why everyone’s against the MC, in that kind of relationship not based on feelings but on power, if the MC didn’t have his own motivation he would have ended up a soulless doll whose strings were in the MLs hands. If the MC was the bottom instead maybe people would feel the pity they should instead of scold him as a scum, the ML overpowered him in all aspects but the s*x. The only reprieve is that none of them cheat on the other. BOTTOMLINE: TOXIC. <<less
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Dec 15, 2020
Status: c38
Edit 2: This has a MANHUA!!!! And the two protagonists look 🔥!!!☺

Edit: I forgot to mention this but the translations for this novel is absolutely brilliant. There are occasional mistakes in case of grammar or spelling, but the way the translator expresses the nuances in language is definitely praiseworthy. Kudos to the translation team! 😁 There are BL novels that are fast-paced and full of action. I love my share of QT novels, but this one is very different. I've only read one arc but I'm assuming that the MC... more>> & ML in each arc is different. This one is not your typical dog-blood drama and the first arc did was a modern campus romance with very little action. The first arc had so much of sweet dog food that I got diabetic. But I loved how the romance was built up and it's honestly one of the best examples of romance in BL. I loved the banters between the MC & ML and how they were all over each other while still a little bit cautious if each other's feelings. Arc 1 had a slightly slice of life ambience. So, if you want to read sweet sweet romance between the scheminh MC (GONG) & the quick-tempered but tsundere ML (SHOU), you should definitely read this. 100% RECOMMENDED for the romantic content. <<less
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Nov 22, 2020
Status: v1c38
I am honestly surprised I didn't expect to like it so much oh my...

I only read the first arc and I'm actually sad that it ended. I suck at writing review but really give this novel a try it is so good.

First arc : Scum MC greedy for money × Hot tempered ML who is obsessed for MC// fell in love first.

MC was a scummy scheming gold digger in past life who used ML : (
I'm really happy he got a second chance bc of the system.
Note -

ML has anger management issues and he beats up MC bc of a misunderstanding and MC riles him up too

Honestly that^ part was scary but later on their relationship was really sweet.
They're a bickering couple but there's warmth in their small actions and that's really cute. I was truly enjoyed reading this arc.

Second arc : I remember I liked this arc too but I'll read it again and edit this
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Feb 20, 2021
Status: Completed
everyone LOVE to eat soft rice, but not everyone can get that chance (QAQ)

this is the story about handsome scumbag gong vs queen stubborn shou, when the disaster stars get together, it'll never end well. BUT with the interference of cutest blue light ball aka Self-Reliance System, they get the opportunity to see thing through. Let's follow the system hop to several world with different hosts to see their love story. ((System not frequently show up unless host try to eat soft rice or host in truly difficult... more>> state))

it's kind of difficult to read at first (every first part of each world) for me; those MC and ML are so full of themselves that I felt the story is hard to chew BUT they'll get better in a way, they change slightly, still being the same but difference at the same time.

the pace of this story is not too fast or too slow, for me, the way author write is kind of make me feel a little peaceful in this capitalism world. It may lack clarity of every event happen in the worlds BUT clearly this is novel about the love between 2 protagonists. <<less
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Nov 15, 2020
Status: c38
This review is only for the first arc as I haven't read others yet.

I was pleasantly surprised by this novel. The setting is rather realistic but not in a depressing and gritty way, and the dynamics between the two main characters were really unique compared to other novels I've read. Moreover although it's world-hopping it's the system that does the hopping and not the MC, so there's no feeling of losing all the progress that sometimes I get from quick transmigration novels.

Also the translator has been doing a good job... more>> and updates very steadily, thumbs up. <<less
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 20, 2022
Status: --
I think this has to be made clear before people start to assume stuffs after reading the reviews that said they don't like scummy gong MCs.

The MCs in every arc is different!!! Only same system.

I actually hold this novel for like, 2 years before I read it... Cuz of reviews.... But kinda glad at the same time cuz the chapters are all piled up.

... more>> Honestly I personally like scummy gongs in this novel who ended up soften their stone heart in the end, PHEW THAT'S ANOTHER KIND OF SATISFACTION!

So if you don't like the MC in a certain arc, just skip the arc.

Though I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want to regret missing out on diabetes moments at the end. And they are particularly sweet if you didn't skip any chapter, cuz seeing the slow and natural character development in each MC is such a journey! <<less
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May 06, 2022
Status: c137
I just wanna ask a certain someone out there who said that he doesn't like this story because the MC is a scum;

I understand that you hate the MCs for being a scum, but have you really read the whole Arc?

This is a story about "second chances" and the MC will eventually figure out that he's wrong. He will change for the better. Have you even reached that part?

Please don't post a negative review if you haven't completed at least 1 arc yet... This story is brilliant, yet you're driving... more>> new readers away. Hmmmph! <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 21, 2021
Status: Completed
This is amazing. The format of this book is like Beloved Husband, there are multiple different arcs with new protagonists, with only one factor that is the same, this book is the system. Some arcs are hilarious and other arcs angst. The characters and relationship between the characters are solid. Have given 4 stars for that and the translation is very well-written. The mlt is also easy to understand. For me personally, I loved the 1 arcs because it cute and hilarious story but the 4 and 7th arcs hit... more>> me the most. It was a blend of soulmates who missed their chance and came together after.


The 4th arcs however have a definite HE as the ML becomes a demon to stay his lover while the 7th arc has a bittersweet ending as they both die in other's arms while reminiscing an alternative ending for their lives.

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Shimozuki Yue
Shimozuki Yu
Apr 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Just a bit follow up for the zombie arc

... more>>

The very last chapter of the series was an extra of the zombie arc.

The energy leaked by the system produced a blue flower and the researcher use them as ingredients for vaccines.

Also, our pair didn't die! They are alive!!! Alive! Oh my gawd my heart. The extra is mostly just trival daily life in which they were talking about studies.

As for the last arc, I didn't fully read the two extra, but system 008, Gu Lai, dreamt of college life and how he met his ML. System 008 was hinted to be the original Gu Lai in the main story. And Sytem 008 also said in the end of the extra that he came back to pick up his happiness.

5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 08, 2023
Status: c13
I’m trying so hard to keep going. I usually really like scum rehab/revenge/punishment novels but the first arc of this is killing me. The MC did not sign up for this. There’s no real reward for this (or at least not a clear one? I guess you could argue living again is the reward, but he didn’t have a chance to agree or not. To be fair, in his situation, I might have preferred death.) there’s only electric punishment (which is awful) he doesn’t get an explanation before being punished... more>> so sometimes he’s just stumbling along and gets punished

. At one point he’s going down the stairs, and receives an unsolicited, unexpected gift so the system electrocutes him midstep and he tumbles down the stairs, knocking himself unconscious on impact. He has no control over what happened, had no reason to expect it and was punished severely. Then the system threatened his life, saying if he didn’t find a way to return the gift in three days, it’d f*cking kill him.


yet, The ML lives his life freely. He’s actual physically abusive, the MC clearly thinks about how ML would end his life if MC tried to leave their relationship. The ML can do what he wants, use people how he likes, threaten whoever he wants, coerce whoever he wants, he physically abuses the MC. But the MC is the person who received the punishment system for scheming??? For all of MCs actions in his previous life, he was already punished. Living like a doll for ML and being mu*dered by ML. Being physically harmed and degraded by ML and all MLs friends for years. MC never killed anyone, or (so far at lesst) has never physical hurt anyone outside of self defense. You’re telling me being a gold digger is more heinous than being an abuser? Being a kidnapper? Being a mu*derer?

And regardless of the systems own hypocritcalness, It is a fact that

ML sought out, then consented to a transactional relationship with MC. And it is a fact that MC was threatened and abused for the duration of that relationship (but put up with it for money). He earned whatever penny he pulled out of that dumb f*cks hands,


but I will keep reading. I’ll try to get to the second arc. The translation is really really good, so I do want to like this. Maybe I just struck out here. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 09, 2022
Status: --
All the high ratings make me feel like I'm missing something, but I'm only through the first 2 arcs and already dislike the novel. I love seme protagonist stories too, so I want to stick it out, but I didn't like either MCs and the MLs don't make the story worth sticking around.

I get it's a system to rehabilitate scum men, so I do know they will start off as complete jerks but they don't really get better. They just kind of fall in love? I didn't feel like either... more>> MC really loved the ML in either story, just they did because the author said so. Same with the rehabilitation, they just suddenly were no longer interested in being kept, it felt like there was parts missing

I will say the translation is gold, the 2nd story had to be a pain to translate, but was done well.

I also read the manhua up until chapter 41, and other than the pretty art I found it even more lacking than the novel. Too much gets cut out that it makes some parts confusing. I recommend only reading the manhua after reading the novel. <<less
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Jan 03, 2022
Status: c125
The translation is done amazingly well, usually when translating Chinese to English the flow of words and an author's sense of style (of writing) is lost within the translation, but this translator allows the author's talent to really shine through in their translation. Throughout the novel there are examples of the author saying straight up facts that make you think, "Wow this person really knows how to make one think." For example, in the second arc when the MC is talking about the discrepancies in the dynamic of the rich/poor... more>> involved in the imperial exams and in the third arc when the MC is doing an interview and goes into depth with how it's the little things that matter. Although it's a little hard to adapt to the shitty mc's (except arc 3), if you just think about how there aren't people who are completely evil and completely good, then you're able to see that through their arc, the mc's are able to love/realize their feelings for their partners and change their shitty ways. I especially like how the author includes a conclusion in every arc at the end where the system leaves knowing that their host has changed their ways and the MC either thanks the system for letting them fix their mistakes or letting them be with their lover. It really just leaves nothing left to be wanted, there's nothing that makes me feel that the arc is incomplete or that there are loose ends. All in all, there's literally no reason not to read this and I very much recommend doing so, although it's not perfect, no novel really is. <<less
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Nov 28, 2021
Status: c88
first of all, the translation is exceptional, and so are the numerous excellent footnotes, providing lots of insight and an occasional picture, it's a true delight to read -many thanks for that awesome work !!

I love the concept : be self reliant + - the + being for a number of moral qualities, this was a super nice idea, but it feels like a let down

the multiple characters thing is different and not all bad - I guess once redeemed, there's little reason to be tested again

nonetheless, it's still very... more>> short of good stories, the selfish characters are super obnoxious, and you hardly can like them - the actor part is simply empty of any content as the directing principles are let down from start

all in all it seem like a collection of short romance stories with one mean protagonist in each of them and very little character depth :/

i also dislike very much the « dominant « /« top » fantasy, but that's another story <<less
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Oct 14, 2021
Status: c120
I'm normally not the type to leave reviews but this story is too good for me not to. At first, I assumed it was your typical short stories full of dog blood and unnecessary drama but I was so wrong. Not only are the characters all unique and have their own personalities, the plots are also never repetitive and are always different. Whenever I was reading, I always felt like the characters were all real people with real feelings. The author does such a good job at making their characters... more>> 3D and not so stiff. I even found myself getting attached to each MC. Please give this novel a try. <<less
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Sep 26, 2021
Status: c125

It's like a collection of many short stories, each unique in their own ways and interesting than the other..

The system here must be the best system one can come across.. Other than appearing once in a while and warning the host, it's almost nonexistent, so much so that it can even be forgotten..

Most of the hosts of the system a.k.a. The Gongs are undoubtedly the scummiest scums.. And they also didn't miraculously change right after the second chance in life, and still tried to enact their tr*shy nature... more>> once again.. Only after being electrocuted and threatened by the system did they change little by little..

Since every individual story is quite short, there's no time to get bored.. Instead some the ending felt rushed..

Near the end of the first story there's nothing about the Gong's sister or the Shou's brother, or how did the Shou's parents react on his relationship..

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You gotta be kidding me
You gotta be
Jun 08, 2021
Status: v4c89
I got hooked because of the first couple wu wu wu wu. There's a LOOOT of people who already hated the MC because he --truly-- is a hundred percent scum--no more like ninety nine point nine percent--- but the character development *chefs kiss -- it was too much of my taste!!!. He didn't deviate from his original personality, still headstrong, scummy sometimes, rude ---suck at fighting--but good in [cough] bed-- however now he wasn't with the bottom because of money and truly did fell inlove with him wu wu wu... more>> --- WHEN A PERSON WHO HAVE THIN POCKETS TELLS YOU YOU COULD KEEP ALL HIS MONEY THEN THAT PERSON IS THE "ONE" ---

About the second couple---hmmmm--- it's interesting I guess? It also got nice substance and I actually like it too. But I dropped it since I found it too boring later in [sigh]. Not really fond of historicals that much.

The third couple--- I GOT NOTHING ELSE TO SAY ASIDE FROM----- I LOVE YOU CHEN YIIIIII!!!!!---- Probably my next fav arc from this three. First fav was the first cp, then the third cp, and the second cp----barely--- I have yet to read the 4th cause the translation's still not done. Dont wanna read the MTL, I'm afraid it will be degraded wu wu. <<less
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Feb 16, 2023
Status: v5c109
I have nearly completed this novel, and I'm writing this while my impressions are still fresh.

This novel is a complete 5 Star for me for many reasons:

It doesn't get old and repetitive. Too many QT novels, by their very conceit, fail to be fresh and unique for each arc. In this, every arc was a novella in themselves, something that stretches on just as much as it should, and yet leaves its readers thirsting for more.

More than just plot, what this novel truly excels in is its characters. Each MC,... more>> ML, and even most of their barely on-screen sidekicks, are all vivid, defined characters in their own rights, drawn with a careful, loving hand. Everyone is extremely human, with little human flaws and quirks. Everyone's relationship is very natural, a little up, a little down. The two sisters that have appeared yet - their relationships with their brother, their sibling squabbles amid their sibling love...

And of course, best defined are the MC and ML. The ML are all different, each a unique character in their own right. The MC is, naturally, a scum, but he is never an exaggerated scum of the fairytale villain type (although it sometimes appears to be that in the beginning of the arc). Instead, you can just see the personality quirks and the circumstances that combined to form a man that would do truly, utterly scummy things - which means that, when the system's helpful 'reminders' stop him from such behavior, you see that that same personality quirk can also lead him to do better things too. It truly showcases the truth that people are never only black or white.

One of the flaws of the whole Scum-Redeeming genre is that too often I find I can't root for the scum to be redeemed at all. This never happened to me in this novel, because of the above reasons, and because in too many of the stories, you can see that there was a genuine regard and reason behind the scumminess. Further, the novel never tries to make it seem like good intentions or bad circumstances are excuses for the scummy behaviour - only reasons. The novel doesn't try to trivialize the problems, and in fact goes out of its way a couple of time to acknowledge that something done with (generally) good (ish) intent does not make it an acceptable thing to do.

This is one of those well written stories where YMMV really applies, and every reader might draw a different conclusion from the same scene. It is eminently worth a read, and I strongly suggest anyone uncertain to at least give it an honest try before giving up.

Best of all, the s*x is all extremely consensual with nothing that left a bad taste in my mouth. Which, considering that I can be very sensitive in that regard, is a big plus from me. <<less
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