Deicide Learning In A Psychiatric Hospital


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Has it ever crossed your mind? There are monsters from ancient mythology lurking within brightly lit metropolises.

Has it ever crossed your mind? There are gods watching over us on the moon over our heads.

Has it ever crossed your mind? There are transcendent humans roaming the streets in bustling cities as gods’ apostles.

Within human societies, there hides countless supernatural beings lurking.

The ancient gods reside in Forbidden Zones untouched by humans.

Archangel Michael, the Underworld King — Hades, the God of the Sea — Poseidon

But, where did the Chinese deities go?

In a mortal world, all “divinities” have to be purged.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Learn to Kill Gods in an Asylum
I Was Learning to Kill Gods in a Mental Hospital
Slay the Gods (Donghua)
Wo Zai Jingshenbing Yuan Xue Zhan Shen
Zhan Shen
Zhan Shen: Fanchen Shen Yu (Donghua)
斩神之凡尘神域 (Donghua)
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New hy-d-ra
November 7, 2024
Status: -
I found this after I found animation. If you're interested, the official YT channel of WeTV releases it with Eng subs. And it watches as an extensive game ad, if you ask for my impression. Because it's so action jampacked with all types of cool moves and slowmo that I looked passed the choppy storyline, lack of depth and backstory. I enjoyed it as an adult even if I have a lot of questions.

Thus I'll be honest, I don't have the habit to re-read something that I already watched, so... more>> I won't pick up the novel itself (especially when it's 2k beast), even if it will have more info, differencies from animation etc. So I will sit with my pile of question before they'll be answered.. Maybe.

But I'm honestly surprised this has such low ratings as a novel. And not surprised actually. Because the idea of asylum is the weirdest to me. Because for some reason different gods and legendary figures have "issues" and MMC is fixing them (as a teen and non-professional), but then when the deity is "treated" at a certain point our boy gets new abilities. This sounds so bizzare tbh. Like the rest of the story (based on my understanding of animation) with fog surrounding the country, gods of China disappearing, then some weird lunatics that believe in three most evil gods make moves, it's all not as bad as the asylum idea. <<less
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Charity 2
Charity 2
August 12, 2024
Status: --
Is the author even aware that 98% of the population have multiple bodies at the same time, and that they are a hive mind.

The seraphim do have some nice wings in their main body though.

They are called jinns in the Islamic religion, angels in the bible, and so on. Most of them are idiots though that don't know anything.

Feels bad to be in a body that cannot spread its consciousness to wherever it wants in the universe like most of the population. Welp.
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