Deicide Learning In A Psychiatric Hospital


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Has it ever crossed your mind? There are monsters from ancient mythology lurking within brightly lit metropolises.

Has it ever crossed your mind? There are gods watching over us on the moon over our heads.

Has it ever crossed your mind? There are transcendent humans roaming the streets in bustling cities as gods’ apostles.

Within human societies, there hides countless supernatural beings lurking.

The ancient gods reside in Forbidden Zones untouched by humans.

Archangel Michael, the Underworld King — Hades, the God of the Sea — Poseidon

But, where did the Chinese deities go?

In a mortal world, all “divinities” have to be purged.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Learn to Kill Gods in an Asylum
I Was Learning to Kill Gods in a Mental Hospital
Slay the Gods (Donghua)
Wo Zai Jingshenbing Yuan Xue Zhan Shen
Zhan Shen
Zhan Shen: Fanchen Shen Yu (Donghua)
斩神之凡尘神域 (Donghua)
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New cikii rated it
December 8, 2024
Status: Completed
4.4/5 but I'll round it up to 5 to boost the ratings.

I have no words. It's definitely going straight into my obsessions list. I read the whole book in 4 days and broke my own record. But it was worth it.

Reading it is like riding a rollercoaster backwards; so many plot twists (some I love, some I don't) but it all comes together nicely at the end. I love how the author wrote the characters' death in the story.

It really makes you think that they died for real, no plot armor. Like no way are they going to be ressurected again in the near future. But I'm glad it's a happy ending.


Not gonna lie to you, I'm not a big fan of any romance subplot and I nearly dropped this novel when I figured out there's a love interest. But the story is just so interesting, I forced myself to keep reading. But you know, I grew to kinda like the romance, I even bawled my eyes out when one of the side couples got married.

In summary, this was a pretty good read. I want more people to read this, so I'll be recommending it.

P.S. Guys you should really watch the donghua. It's out by the title 'Slay The Gods' and it's incredible. Changed my life fr
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