Deep Sleep


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Shou Xu Nuo wakes up one day to find a handsome and yandere man where his bed should be. As Xu Nuo tries to navigate life while being tossed around by this supernatural man, he discovers that something is not quite right. Who is this man and why does he seem so familiar? When he tries to remember just what it was he had forgotten, things go horribly wrong.

“My beloved, I will sleep by you. This is our love nest…and our grave.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mian
Shēn Mián
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violetbunny rated it
November 27, 2023
Status: Completed
All I can say is everything that this is not (?) some fantasy non-human and human romance.

I'm speechless when I saw the ending... Can the ending be considered as tragedy?


Im not sure if Mian is a product of MC imagination or an actual spirit. Bc MC has an actual mental illness

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