Deep Desire


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In the eyes of the public, Lu Jingshen is the epitome of the second generation: highly educated, refined, respectful to elders, and loving towards his siblings. He has no vices, diligently taking over the family business, dedicating himself to the company and the family.

Only those close to him know that he is actually rigid, serious, and devoid of fun. He holds extremely high standards for others and even higher standards for himself, making him a workaholic.

He also harbors a fear of homosexuality.

Once, when a male friend publicly confessed his feelings, Lu Jingshen firmly rejected him and severed all ties without any consideration.

Everyone believes that the young master of the Lu family could never be interested in men. However, seven years ago, during the three months he spent wandering around the world, he indulged himself and became entangled with another man, unable to break free from the depths of desire.

That was the only time he deviated from his path in life.

Seven years ago, Feng Si met Lu Jingshen and had  been obsessed with him since then. They experienced multiple passionate encounters, relishing in the pleasures of their relationship. However, just when he thought he had fallen deeply in love, that person disappeared without a trace.

When they meet again, Lu Jingshen was still as proud, aloof, and unattainable as before. But behind the facade, the gaze fixed on him was still filled with longing.

Though the game is the same, Feng Si has no intention of playing it a second time.

*Feng Si x Lu Jingshen

*A seemingly carefree and flirtatious playboy  x a seemingly rigid and homophobic but secretly reserved man


Mutual understanding, Reunion, Happy Ending

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. all novels i've read
  2. Next Reading 2
  3. This is where realistic relationship looks like.
  4. Completely translated novels 6 (higher ratings)
  5. list pt 4

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5 Reviews sorted by

Winterrz rated it
July 25, 2023
Status: c50
  • I can't believe I'm rating this book so highly, even though I've read up to only chapter 50. I've found it really good, quite intriguing. The modern genre has a serious lack of good writing, and this book was like a splash of fresh air.

    I like the plot. It's not too complicated, yet not cliche.

    I like the characters and their characteristics. They're not... Like 2D. You actually feel their presence.

    MC is the overbearing CEO and ML is the cheerful life of the party kinda guy; unique. I haven't got the opportunity to read the book to the end coz it's still getting updated. But I'll definitely be coming back for more.

    Thing I love about this book the most is; it's obvious the author made their research, atleast regarding pilots. Also, this is the first Asian novel I've read on this site that doesn't describe Africa as poverty and starving children. Infact author was respectful, it seems they'd actually been there before (he even knows about many Africans speaking French!! It's actually a thing. Just like many Africans speak English. Anyways), unlike most other authors on here. I hope I'm not speaking too soon, and the author won't transform into ignorant racism in the future.

    8/10, would totally recommend.

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twobada rated it
August 16, 2023
Status: --
I can't believe how good this was. The leads were definitely not perfect, but they were imperfect in a way that made them so human.

At first, I disliked the ML for being too pushy. Later on, I disliked the MC for being too indecisive. But eventually, I (as the reader) had to let go of my own prejudices towards these leads just as they had to let go of their hurts and pain, and open up properly to each other.

It was genuinely satisfying to see them work hard towards healing,... more>> especially the MC, and for their family to have their backs. It's not a perfect fairytale story, but it definitely felt human. <<less
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Evesneon rated it
September 27, 2023
Status: Completed
Very very mature love story. Not smut (because there's so many blackout scenes) but the way our ML shows his love and how he demonstrates is the crème

I mean, if someone is fragmented, would you be able to accept that which is not whole, or mend the cracks like Kintsugi (broken pottery allayed with gold) ?

ML follows this belief: Either all or nothing. It's not fair to him. Neither is it fair to him. And I salute.

This novel is for those who are sick of unequal standing, abusive relations and just white tea relationships. Just a love that forgives and grows together no matter what
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xstal rated it
November 19, 2023
Status: c4
I started reading it with no expectations, was intrigued at the beginning, was curious about the mystery a bit, and got bored in the middle assuming that this was going to be another perfect ML fixing all the problems for the MC. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how the healing journey unfolded from there. Loved it in the end.
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curryjust rated it
April 4, 2024
Status: Completed
I'm just a bit unsatisfied with how other characters around LJS handle his h*mophobia

... more>>

especially around the part where it was finally revealed he actually underwent such a harrowing event that caused his PTSD... Why did not one member of the family question it or try to help him get past it? And they're so rich but they justlet their son suffer like that 💀


But LJS and FS are a breath of fresh air, even from the start you can really tell their maturity and how they're trying to handle their relationship. I'm so relieved it's a HE <3 <<less
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