Deadly Boss


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Ha-eun is devastated that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her with a friend, so she decides to have a one-night stand at a club. A month later, a new general manager arrives at a company in crisis due to a major merger.
Someone, tell me I’m lying!

This is not right. Why is he here?

‘I don’t remember. Yeah. It’s been over a month now, and I’m not the same person I was then. We were both drunk, and we didn’t even know each other’s names.
Sweat trickled down Ha-Eun’s back at the reunion of her one-night stand.

‘…Please, don’t remember….’

The man walked over to Ha-eun.

“I haven’t forgotten, that night. We were pretty hot.”

A secret love affair with her boss had begun.

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치명적인 상사님
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