Cover The Sky With One Hand, Beat The Ground With The Other


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I don’t know why they always look at me like an enemy.
In fact, I have always had a compassionate heart.
The rumors about me are really just rumors, as the heavens can tell.

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RosieRoses rated it
January 20, 2022
Status: Completed
It was definitely an experience. I cried a lot, and although I did end up liking the final ending, the path to get there was painful. Probably would not ever read again, but if you’re a masochist for emotional pain, you may enjoy it.
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Anisfii rated it
February 3, 2022
Status: Completed
first time I found a lot of tropes in novel that usually I hate but I didn't dislike on the contrary I love it, because it's make all the little sweet or relaxing moment's precious. the way the author choose the words weaving this story also brilliant. it keep me on the edge and wanting more and more. Along with the FL who lost her memories, I want to know too all the secrets, schemes, who's the real oriole, mantis, or cicadas*. it's amusing too, to read the FL inner... more>> monologue imagining or comparing her life with novel plots

this novel definitely not a fluffy read... there's a lot of heartache... but there's a lot of sweet moments too (and i'll gladly reread those part while gathering the clue that I'm missing in the first read). the romance plot also strong and I'm glad it's a happy ending. the OTP deserved it so much after all those suffering <<less
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