Count Calley’s Whipping Maid


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For over four years, maid Sheila has been in charge of Judith, the youngest daughter of the Count of Calley and a source of constant headaches.

She is offered a job as a “whipping maid” by the next Count, Cedric, who has returned from studying abroad, to take Judith’s place whenever she is uncooperative in class.

“It’s going to hurt,” he says, “but it’s not going to be anything you’re worried about.”

And Sheila, who does anything for money, finds it hard to turn down a payment equal to a month’s maid’s salary.

But she has no idea there’s a trap in his offer–a trap deliberately laid by a lustful man.

“Sheila, I’m giving you two choices: pay up and leave this room now, or be held responsible for the contract you signed.”

In an instant, two of Cedric’s long fingers were in Sheila’s mouth as he blatantly offered her an alternative to the whipping.


“The contract clearly states that the choice of tools is entirely within party A’s power.”

“I also have a stick of my own,” Cedric added.

“W- what?!”

He lowered his gaze to the middle of her spread legs. Despite the ridiculousness of it, Sheila’s eyes followed his gaze.

※Trigger warning: BD*M.

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칼레이 백작가의 매맞이 하녀
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Sniffles262 rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: c8
So far its really good. The FL is money hungry while the ML is strict and cold. The pacing is really well laid out along with early character development, all get a good amount of screen time to get a sense of how s*upid or dependable they are, but it is still early. FL has been warned by ML to "get lost" so this leaves a bad impression of him on her. While ML is starting to show signs of obsessive interest, ... more>>

he has already planned for her to be the whipping maid even before he gets home.

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