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Day by day, a person who used to be mine is stuck in my mind.
I needed him to forget about ‘that person’.
Kang Sehyeon, that madman.

Kang Sehyeon. Same age as me. Cold and silent. Close to only a few. Doesn’t make new friends. I heard he was fussy, but he seems to treat me differently.

“Give me your number. I’ll call you.”

Kang Sehyeon handed his phone to me, whom he had just met. Let alone being friends, we’re not even acquainted.

I thought he said that out of courtesy. I didn’t think he would call me the very next day. I also didn’t expect that he would keep going.

On top of that, he would suddenly come to find me wherever I was.

“Until when will you be here?”
“I don’t know. I still have to work two or three more hours.”
“Move somewhere else, then.”
“To where?”
“My house.”

His unpredictable words and behavior.

What on earth is he thinking?

Why is he, who’s edgy towards others, being good to me?

Kang Sehyeon – A cold and unfriendly personality; went to study abroad to escape from his strict family; meets Seongha through his friends. He grows curious about Seongha because he seems different from the rest.

Kwon Seongha – A nice and bright personality; more cautious than anyone when it comes to love; moves to Chicago after being hurt by his stepbrother; meets Sehyeon afterward. He can’t resist Sehyeon who keeps barging into his life.

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Turning Around You
돌고 돌아 너
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/08/23 GalaxyTL c96
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