Chi no Tsunagaranai Watashitachi ga Kazoku ni Naru Tatsuta Hitotsu no Houhou


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After seven years of separation due to their parents’ divorce, Erika, a reunited half-sister, and Mio, a childhood friend who is like a close friend, live together with Shota Katsuragi under the same roof.

“……Is this what siblings are called?”

“If we were siblings, would we do this?”

The lives of three people who used to feel lonely because of family problems became more comfortable than when they were with their real families, even though they were supposed to be strangers.

However, in order to avoid romance problems at the high school they attend together, Mio and Shota agree to pretend to be a couple, which eventually makes them realize each other as the “opposite sex”!

Three people who are not related by blood find a way to become a family, even though they have to oscillate between feelings that are more than expected, they still live in a romantic comedy that involves the action of living together.

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Date Group Release
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