Blue Cocktail


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“Two-faced Gentle Bartender x Proud and Pure Art Student

A customer walked into the bar.

With short blue-gray hair, metal earrings, a ripped denim jacket, the young man leaned against the bar counter, lost in thought, clutching his phone while listening to someone on the other end.

Lu Huaiqian glanced at him a few times.

Unexpectedly, the young man suddenly turned his head, red-eyed and with a cold expression, “Have you never seen someone heartbroken before?”

Lu Huaiqian asked the young man what he wanted to drink.

The young man replied confidently, “I don’t know, anything will do.”

Lu Huaiqian began mixing a drink. He tossed the bottle into the air with his left hand and caught it with his right, glancing at the young man in the process.

Their eyes met, and the young man sneered, “Be careful not to drop the bottle and lose your salary.”

Lu Huaiqian chuckled at the remark and placed the finished drink in front of the young man.

“It’s a heartbreak c*cktail. It might taste bitter at first, but the more you drink, the sweeter it gets.”

At first sight of Cheng Shuo, Lu Huaiqian was reminded of a certain c*cktail’s name – ‘Blue Jellyfish.’

A kind of creature with stinging tent**les and a soft interior, much like Cheng Shuo.

So, Lu Huaiqian decided that he wanted to possess this ‘Blue Jellyfish’ c*cktail.

Eight years his senior, more skilled in pursuing, and initially proud before becoming charming.”

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  5. Para ler, romances que parecem bons| 4.0+

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6 Reviews sorted by

New Monlag rated it
June 6, 2024
Status: c44
okay so I didn't think I would right this but I'm just a little shocked...

I actually really liked this story I thought it was a pretty solid read for a short novel and I would still definitely recommend it but I just could not get past this chapter (c44)

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leading up was ok ig and one this I loved about LH was his patience. I don't think he necessarily crossed any super personal/intimate boundaries. but oh boy this chapter pissed me off. first umm the MC was drunk (sry I'm bad at names I forgot his) which is already risky. so what he kissed your cheek leave it at that! To forcibly kiss him is absolutely crazy. and it was for mad long too. no matter if he "liked it or not" (implied in the next chapter I think) it's still incredibly insane. and it's the way it's so heavily brushed off?? Truly something I can't understand. yes the MC has an episode but that does not dismiss the obvious glaring added issue of that moment. I dropped it immediately after that. This just increased my dislike for danmeis that do things like this because I feel like morals are just dismissed because what, they like each other, their gay, and their main characters??


im sorry for the rant but besides that if you can move around that gladly read it! I just dropped it cause I was pissed :D <<less
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periperi rated it
November 18, 2023
Status: Completed
5 stars

What a gem. The summary, to be honest, sounded a bit shady to me of a suspicious figure trying to seduce another but the story was surprisingly not like that. It is about an art student and a bartender (age gap of 8 years) but they are both adults. And their slow relationship development was almost wholesome.

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MC definitely had the whole tragic backstory that's slowly revealed in the story that gives him the "stray abandoned kitty" vibe. Despite the age gap, I liked how well their personalities and values match. Unlike other stories, there is a a more level headed thinking to the characters here that goes beyond the surface level. They're not just going around blindly. And that's what makes the pairing all the more special.


I didn't particularly enjoy the conflict especially with the

pe*vert Mr Cao and the whole kidnapping part. But thankfully it was very short and it pushed the romantic plotline forward. I wished we actually saw the downfall of Mr Cao that ML was plotting. Also kind of hoped to see a bit more of MC's school life or even interaction with his old roommates because that was another conflict. But alas it was a clean break.


The plot was really focused on MC and ML and their relationship and sometimes, the story is good like that. I thoroughly enjoyed reading their journey together and am thankful for the translation.


Is there any story for that side character Mr Song?

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Bbsnugs rated it
November 19, 2023
Status: Completed
This is actually a nice slice of life story. The MC has had a rough childhood and is very guarded but the ML showed him patience and love so he was able to overcome his insecurities. Nice read.
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CieloPA rated it
February 25, 2024
Status: Completed
I really liked the story, MC and ML are mature characters, although ML is more playful and mischievous, he seems the youngest in the relationship but in serious situations he is very serious. MC went through many things that made him close down emotionally but ML arrived to make his way and win his affection.

A novel without so much drama and good development
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crzinlv rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: c55
Nice and funny novel. Both main characters are well written and they have good chemistry.

I binged the novel, and chuckled quite a few times while reading. Totally recommend it.
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shiroykumo rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: Completed
I admitted that I have high expectations for this especially with the rating and reviews.

Now actually at first everything seems to be amazing. Both MC and ML seem very mature in their own way. Sure ML is bit playful, but he's serious in his field.

Yet after finished reading this, I feel lacking. Not to mention the many plotholes for me and some parts that are lacking for me.

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- In the beginning, it was mentioned that MC has a crush, which led to the reason why he went to the bar. I knew it was my curiosity, but I wish it was described more why MC loved the crush. It was just gone.

In addition, the crush was supposed to be a regular of the bar, but when MC decided to do part time later, the crush was gone. It could be that ML banned the crush because of what the latter did. Still, even MC didn't mention it after. Like suddenly the crush was missing.

Not to mention MC was supposed to be someone independent and didn't like to interact with unfamiliar people. So for me, the reason why MC /liked/ the previous crush was even important, especially with his background.

- The roommate who stole MC's things. Again, I felt like the author just skipped this arc. I'm glad it didn't pursued further, but I also felt like the part was dumped and then got it over with.


MC was sort of kidnapped in ML's birthday. Yes he was clever to postpone the assault, but after the incident, MC was suddenly not traumatised? He even could humour ML who got hurt while saving him. I want my MC to not be damsel in distress, but this was ATTEMPTED r*pe. Instead, author just glossed it over. MC was suddenly fine eventhough he was being touched naked.

All other assault part I've read didn't go to detail or even went that far before ML came to rescue, but they were still having PTSD and got ML's comfort. This one? It was like the r*pe part was just daily things.

The culprit couldn't be punished which was something that could really happen in real world. That's why I was hoping the author to not ignore the MC's conditions after the r*pe part.

- Parents' situation. MC's background was super sad and I'm glad that he just managed to forget about it. Would prefer to have bit more karma retribution happened to them, but alas it was not there.

- I've just also realized how the author loved to mention about r*pe. There were already 3 incidents so far and everything was glossed over with. Lol, I don't mind r*pe victim becomes lover tags, but I do mind when the story was being told in realistic way, yet the r*pe traumatic part was too glossed over.


I feel like MC and ML relationship still bit in initial stage. The ending was too abrupt for me and it was like some things are still not answered.

Writing all these makes me rethink to give it 2 stars instead, but I was still hooked up during the story and loved both MC and ML, so 3 it is. <<less
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