Becoming the Villainess: Working Behind the Scenes to Make My Bias Shine


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A former OL who reincarnated as the villainous princess, Eldia, successfully reached the banishment event in the world of the game to which she had devoted her previous life after doing her best to play the villainess role in order to lead her biases to a brighter future.

However, the game’s most popular character, Albert, a brilliant Dhampir assassin, hasn’t joined the hero’s team. Instead, he is working as an attendant for the villainess.

Wondering why this has happened, Eldia is dying from the bias overload while working behind the scenes to advance the history as per the game. On the other hand, Albert, who has feelings for such a person, is on the road of becoming a villain.

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悪役令嬢は今日も華麗に暗躍する 追放後も推しのために悪党として支援します!
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