Because I Like You


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My childhood friend, relying on his good looks and wealth, stole every girlfriend I ever had.

I went crazy and pretended to be gay, getting a boyfriend.

I wanted to see how he could steal this one.

Unexpectedly, he went even crazier. Late at night, he cornered me: “If he can be your boyfriend, can I too?”

“What, what do you mean?”

He looked at my lips: “Is it hard to understand?”

“I want you!”

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05/24/24 Crimson Translations part2
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2 Reviews sorted by

Skite rated it
June 21, 2024
Status: --
Cute, fun, dramatic, and short. You can finish the whole thing in about 30 minutes or less.

It's the soft, little, oblivious, childhood friend and the high powered, protective, ambitious, rich boy. The rich boy is a total fantasy of a forever-faithful, extremely devoted and obsessive (but takes orders!) ideal who has loved the fluffy little main character always and his every move is to ensure they can be together.

Cons: it stays quite high level and glosses past many things by necessity due to its short length. You're not going to... more>> get into the nitty gritty of how they feel or the plot events, and it can feel like the cliff notes version of a story you'd rather like to read the entire thing of.

Pros: easily consumable, like popping cookies in your mouth, low commitment, and fun. Things aren't dragged out into the eternities, which I appreciate, and their relationship is really cute, ending on a happy note. <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
May 29, 2024
Status: Completed
This short novel flow was like a Heartbeat statics. Goes up and down up and down. Lol

The story seems abrupt... But y'know, I felt like I can see this in real life. Their flaws and all seems realistic to me.

Like the fact MC's reason for distancing himself from ML in the beginning was more than just Inferiority. And while MC hate ML for stole all his exes, he never hate HATE ML.

... more>> Why they can easily get together, was obviously because MC himself does have affection toward ML.

I give ML a point for 'understanding' when MC ask for break up too. He wait until he has power to confront MC again.

And like MC, I too would immediately grab ML after he explain there's nothing to fear anymore and they can be together again.

SO it's all Good!

Just sadly, the story a bit more mess than most novel Crimson Translator had translate, so... 4 stars only. The plot was good though! Enjoyable enough and Fun to read! <<less
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