As My Husband Said, I Brought in a Lover


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“Do you remember, Luize? The moment you interfere with my private life, this marriage is over. You’re the one who accepted that condition.”

It was about three years of their marriage. One day, when she was tired of her husband, who was constantly cheating on her, her husband told her to bring in a lover.

As he said, she visited the most famous gigolo in the back alley to get him as her lover.

“So, are you going to accept it?

“Yes. Gladly.”

Once removed from his mask, the gigolo has a familiar face.

Why is the Grand Duke here?

* * *

“So, have you thought about it carefully?”

“Yes. As expected, I think it’s right for us to divorce.”

“Even so, it’s only last for a moment. Just wait a moment. I will come and get you back.”

“There’s no need for that.”


At that moment, the door opened.

“Lady Luize, I came to pick you up.”

Edward whispered in Luize’s ear and looked at Reiad. The moment the two people’s eyes met, Edward curled up the corner of his mouth.

“Take care, Reiad.”

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