Apocalypse Shelter Administrator


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The world has ended. I’m the only survivor left in the shelter. But by my side is the world’s most advanced AI, Artemis.

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아포칼립스 셸터 관리자
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New Chaosrune rated it
January 23, 2025
Status: c46
Pretty well written Zombie Survival novel, the TLDR of the review is that the novel is better than most of the same ones in the genre, specifically because the setting is pretty well done, the author makes a great job of developing the story, and the translation is top notch.

About the setting, while you obviously have stuff like zombies and super AI, the author really tries to not make them too different from reality, expanding on the theme with acceptable explanations. I didn't notice any hand-waving explanations from the author... more>> that could remove the immersion from the story.

The author also tells the story very well, there are no info dumps anywhere, and the story is told in a way while you might not have all the information you might want (like how the whole apocalypse started, the situation in other places, etc), it feels very natural because you are reading this from the MC perspective and we still don't know because the MC doesn't knows, and not because the author isn't explaining things well or that he still doesn't knows what he wants to do. This feels more like the releases of chapters of a finished novel that the author crafted well from beginning to end, and not like something he is making up as he goes.

All in all, pretty good novel, 100% recommended <<less
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