Although She’s a Beautiful Student Council President Who Maintains Her Coolness Towards Everyone, She Wants to Act Spoiled and Lovesick Around Him, Who is Misunderstood by Everyone as a Delinquent


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Do you like the “Kuudere” shown by the beautiful student council president who is dedicated?

T/N: There’s not really much Description, so here’s a little version of it by me to give you a rough idea of the story.

The novel is a love story that revolves around Shizuku and Riku, who have been friends since childhood. She is the daughter of a wealthy conglomerate and the student council president, known for her stoic demeanor and prim and proper appearance, while Riku comes from a less well-off background. After a particular incident at school, Riku is mistaken for a delinquent. Shizuku, having loved him since childhood, sees this as an opportunity to get closer to him.

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05/23/23 Zetro Translation c23
05/22/23 Zetro Translation c22
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chande rated it
July 4, 2023
Status: Completed
This story was so cute and sweet. It's about an aggressive girl who tried to win over her first love who was a bit dense and shy. There's a bit drama near the end of the story but it resolved quickly and didn't affect much to FL and ML's relationship. Overall, it's still considered a nice read although the plot was quite simple and wasn't something new.
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