After You Regret


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“I should have killed you.”

Duchess Cardius has died. The cause of death was poisoning.

It was a death that did not suit her epithet as a witch of poison.

At her funeral,

Her husband, Lahart, recited his marriage vows without blinking an eye.

In fact, he had not said a word at their wedding.

“I will not allow even death to break our vows and take you away from me.”

The name he loved most in the world, is now a name more cursed than anyone else’s.


Lahart couldn’t even imagine it.

His own wife, who was laid in the coffin by his own hands,

Was watching him from among the mourners.

“…You killed our child.”

“Irene, that’s what you said back then.”

“I lied to you. Just like what you did.”

Irene wiped the blood flowing from her child’s lips with a handkerchief.

Lahart felt that something was wrong as he looked at her trembling hand and lips.

“…It’s your child.”

Irene hugged the limp Rian and sobbed out a voice mixed with tears.

“Rian is your child. You killed our child. Twice.”

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April 25, 2024
Status: --
Okay, I will give my honest review about this novel. The translation is good, so is the pacing. The storyline is somewhat familiar/typical but it's good for me, I like drama.

Okay, from what I understand, the ML was saved and poisoned by the FL. Her family were genius in making poisons but FL was not happy about that so her passion is making antidotes. Okay, FL was the one who saved ml, he should be thankful to her for that. He suspected her of poisoning him, but we knew it... more>> wasn't FL after all, maybe it was her family who used FL and forced her to do that. Maybe she was threatened so she has no choice. ML did not even asked her nor listened to her. The only thing that matters to him is his vengeance. He ridiculed her, mocked her, insulted her, threatened her, scarred her, and mol*sted her. He did those things in front of his subordinates that even them has no respect towards her, they also did what their master dis, of course.

He said that they could never went back to what they were in the past, I hope he will stand that sentence until the end. He gave his wife a mental problem, and he is proud of that. Yes, she made a mistake, maybe it's not her will at all - to poison him. But what he did to her is more than enough compared to his circumstance.

ML said that he doesn't want any child born from fl's womb. That it's better for that child to die in his hands than living in this world. He can pluck the seeds that he sow, is what he wants to say. Well, I just hope that his misery after knowing everything is not shallow. Him refusing to listen to FL about the poison issue and him telling her that there's no successor coming out from her womb, and all those things he did to her resulting to su*cide, I just hope that his redemption is not undercooked, should not forced. Hope the FL can be happy without him. <<less
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October 24, 2024
Status: c9 part2
I'm also gonna give my review. Well its a typical angsty plot and it's well written. So far I haven't finished reading it yet but here's my impression.

First we haven't had the backstory about the FL poisoning the ML but it's mostly likely the Fl's family forced her to do so. (maybe but I haven't read it yet sooo....)

The story was really saddens me toward the attitude of ML toward the Fl, mainly because of confusing signals, sometimes I really don't understand the what does the ML felt toward... more>> the Fl. Is it Hate, Love or Obsession.....

  1. In the beginning the ML was already screaming Red Flag and nothing on this universe can change that especially even the later chapter he is still sc*mbag. However the FL was different, I really liked her personality she's tough but sometimes her traumas and guilt really affect her decision in the story but after having Rian (her son) I understood why she left and have the baby rather than staying convicing the F"""""" ML to have a family and how she fought for her son really caught me.
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