After Being Turned Gay by a BL Novel I Fell in Love With the Author


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Gold Medal Author Top + Sunshine and Easygoing College Student Bottom

Ling Geng was a die-hard straight guy until, under his sister’s persuasion, he stumbled into his first yaoi novel. The author’s style was right up his alley, except for some high-energy scenes which seemed amateurish. He suspected the author either lacked real experience or was a soft girl. Scoffing, he posted his critique on a forum while debating the author’s gender. 

To his surprise, he received a private message from the author. Even more shocking, the author appeared at his school and ended up being his classmate and roommate!

Facing the close proximity of Shao Huaizhi, Ling Geng nervously gulped, “That post wasn’t from me, do you believe it?”

Shao Huaizhi smiled indulgently, “I believe you. But since you think my high-energy scenes are lacking, how about we try them out for real?”

What’s it like to have an author as a boyfriend? You can constantly pester him for updates, watch his drafts, and even have him read his outlines as bedtime stories. Ling Geng had done all of this.

Later, recalling their first meeting, Ling Geng couldn’t help but ask, “So, why did you come to our school?”

Shao Huaizhi: “For writing inspiration.”

Ling Geng fumed, “Is writing more important or am I?”

Shao Huaizhi immediately shifted his tone, “You are.”

Unexpectedly, Ling Geng’s expression turned more serious, “No, writing is more important. If you don’t write, what am I supposed to read?”

PS: This story features a doting top. It’s sweet to the point of being addictive, so proceed with caution.

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