Accidental Nobel Prize


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Ling Xiaowen showed great courage on his way home from school and stood up for justice by giving three misbehaving children who were bullying a “dwarf” a good lesson. To repay Ling Xiaowen’s kindness, the “dwarf” secretly followed him and gave him a “Universal God Ball” as a gift.

As it turned out, this “dwarf” was the grandson of the renowned inventor Tesla, who lived a hundred years ago. When Tesla passed away, extraterrestrials stole his brain cells and used advanced technology to resurrect him to serve them, strictly forbidding him from leaving. However, he still cared deeply for Earth and instructed his grandson to secretly come to the “human world” and give his treasure to a “good person” on Earth, hoping that this person would comprehend the true meaning while “playing” and contribute to the advancement of human technology.

This “God Ball,” known as the Electric Light Fireball to humans, is a mysterious natural phenomenon. Apart from Tesla, no one has succeeded in creating it.

From then on, Ling Xiaowen and the God Ball were inseparable, and they “played” together, experiencing the joy of youth. Throughout his growth process, they encountered countless extraordinary and mind-boggling stories.

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