A War Hero With No Regrets


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A victory earned after forty regressions.

It was now my turn to leave their side.

Not by anyone else’s will, but by my own.

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후회 안 하는 전쟁영웅
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New LongXi rated it
June 3, 2024
Status: --
MC wants to lay low, and if he wanted to none of the subsequent assignments would have happened if he was more assertive with retiring. Then there’s the side characters like karin, where have you seen someone working in the military like that. Good god it’s like the author doesn’t even respect the readers by giving a setting but straight up ignoring it. Those of unsound of mind are immediately discharged from the military if counseling proves ineffective to correct their behavior in a short term.
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new cultivator
New new cultivator rated it
May 17, 2024
Status: c43
Straight up poison down ur throat.

I will also disagree with that "mf is crying over not being together with 2 girls".
    • His seizures aren't new, the presence of his fianc es just helped it*
    • The point is how important those women are to MC, to be put through 120 years of torture with your most cherished people can only deepen and create a huge dependancy to them rather than the other comrades, thus explaining why the seizures are all about the girls.
    • It's not like friendship and comraderie is ignore or not mentionned at all, it also develops more into it later
totally true the plot is very forced and previsible, doesn't look that unrealistic at all. It's just the dark sasuke disorder.
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Cactiii rated it
April 5, 2024
Status: c11
So to start I'll just say that for me personally I did not like this story, mainly because it falls under the "MC is depressed sad life" type and thats just not really something I enjoy.

Now, just to add a bit more to Dante7555's review, I'm guessing from context that they got a bit further than me but I still disagree with one of their complains, and I think their review is a lot more critical of the book than it objectively is (Not that I'm probably any better, but... more>> I try to be objective in my reviews, sometimes)

So, they talk about how theres a major issue with the plot where for the first 39 regressions he had a great relationship but now everyone hates him. This was explained just fine in the story, at the end of his 39th regression he decided to stop everyone else from looping with him. Previously he used whatever it was called to share his memories with his allies. This time because he didn't do that his squad would get orders that seem nonsensical since he is using knowledge from his past lives without telling anyone. Add in him being anti-social along with a few aspects like him saying its good enough if no one dies, where to him thats a miracle that nobody died but to his squad its like saying it doesn't matter if your maimed or seriously injured. It's the same with the president, in previous lives he built up relationships but this time he choose actively not to. My point with all of this is that its plenty explained why people hate him in this cycle as opposed to past cycles.
Just to clarify, I'm not saying the story is flawless. A lot of things I think could be done better, I think the author made his squad hate him too much considering the world building where having zero casualties would be a miracle so I doubt everyone would hate him that much. There are definitely things that I do think could be improved, but I really think that Dante7555 is making the story sound a lot worse than it is.

At the end of the day, the enjoyment that you can get out of a story really depends on the person reading it. For me I inherently have a bias against this story since I personally really dislike the stories where "Everything is sh*t for the protagonist" since they just feel depressing and very rarely does it feel like the story becomes a happy one and instead just has a depressed MC for the first 70 chapters.
My point with this is just, if you like this kind of genre then I would recommend giving the story a shot. <<less
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Dante7555 rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: --
It's poison, the "with no regrets" is a lie. The MC constantly regrets leaving without the 2 female leads to the point where he doesn't sleep at all and has a seizure attack.

Now I can somewhat sympathize if I try really hard, but the plot emphasized that he's gone through 120 years worth of regression to get to this point where the war with the "titans" has ended. 120 years and mf is crying over not being together with 2 girls. There's alot to unpack from this plot point, 120... more>> years of dying horrible deaths, of killing many of his own comrades to relief their suffering, of killing himself to initiate the return. And mf is crying over some p**sy. Now I understand that's a crude way of putting it and it's companionship, blah blah blah. Let's just say it as it is, the author didn't put enough thought into what the MC should feel in his situation. He acts like a teenager who just accepted the fact that his girlfriends now have fiancees and now he's brooding like a little b*tch. There's so much potential to uncover with 120 years worth of PTSD but the author is content with making it solely based on regretful romance. The worse part is that it's pretty well written outside of the plot.

There is also a major issue with said plot, it's very arbitrary that for 39 regression the MC has had a great relationship with all of his subordinates and even the president, but suddenly in the 40th everyone hates his guts. It's too unrealistic, doesn't make a lick of sense worse of all the tsundere archetype is played up so f*cking much to the point of being annoying. It's even worse because the main love interest is the one with the tsundere disease and it just causes any semblence of "realism" to evaporate instead of wanting her to get together with him I just want to see someone strangle her and get it over with. Everything the author makes her do is just so obviously done so she can have a regret arc it's so aggravating to read it all.

1/5 good writing style but the plot and story is tr*sh. <<less
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