A Step into the Past


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A lecherous army special task force soldier from 21st-century Hong Kong is selected to travel back in time, choosing to go to the Chinese Warring States Period. Unfortunately, the time machine runs into an error during the experiment. With no foreseeable way to return to the present, he must use his combat skills and knowledge of history to thrive in his new life in the year 251 BC.

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Searching for the Qin
Tầm Tần Ký
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Alternative History Fiction Novel
  2. KR Novels I'll Read When They Finish (and some CN)...
  3. Wuxia-esque Wonders and Conspiracies
  4. My Fav
  5. Adapted to Dramas

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66 Reviews sorted by

Sheng an
Sheng an rated it
April 2, 2016
Status: --
This novel is highly not recommended to those who hates Ntr, this novel's NTR level is in a new different level of brutality. Spoiler below but highly recommended as this was what happens in the middle part of the stories, do not get tempted by the first volumes it was all a trick


This is a whole new different meaning of savage, yeah I know when you get a woman's chastity in ancient times they would want you more. But she promised the MC! The freaking mc! And What did the MC saw in her tent! Naked and shaking. *The Competition or was it arc something* And what did the MC do? Nothing. He just let her go. And this.. this.. man the guy whose family died in the province or something.

He was attached to the freaking princess.... And I think they made love, considering that he asks about her all the time. And the MC is infertile I think, (please let me know if it's true cause he can't even imp**gnate the women) And when the *prosti* ehem I think I'm gonna cry, tricked him and had s*xual interc**rse with every other men in the freaking country! what did he do? He fell for her AGAIN, even let her LIVE (She never repented, she just continued the cycle of prosti) (What is beauty if the body is the definition of defilement), even let her be sent to the wei was it country to be freaking lavished by the high ranking official or minister, while he just let his woman be like that... no no no, he is a freaking s*upid human who has no brain, ehem... The prince he implanted, he could have used that power to freaking kill the minister or something yet he did not! And even let the beautiful imperial mother be Wrecked by the OHMYGOD What kind of hell did the humans did in ancient times to let us suffer from their madness. *HE NEVER THOUGHT THAT HIS SOLE ACTIONS AND APPEARANCE COULD CHANGE HISTROY!*

She could have been controlled by the MC you know and even make love with her, but no.... He didn't because he was bound by what we call Conscience, wow I never thought he even have one! he could have protected her from the eunuch and controlled her to kill the minister without using lustful acts. That is what we call a plan but meh everythings been done. But what he did was the other thing around. He wants to kill the minister yet he didn't even used any means. he is so dumb that he is the embodiment of s*upidity.

He is s*upid, killing the minister using the prince's name NTR would never happened. considering that about 70% or something of the army is on the Fake prince's side. which he could have made that prince his own puppet but BS plot is so good that he wants the kid to be the historical Qin Emperor! Oh my god, like that could happen with his kind of brain.

He just let the women get ntred, get their chastity stolen by that swordsman, that was all I thought was wrong, He could have bed her. but no the death of the women he loved, Oh wait did he ever loved them!?
Made him not touch another woman, oh so great saint, he should just castrate himself.
He sure changed alot, considering that he was so cool in the first few volumes, yeah yeah Character development, was that even a development?


I'm gonna cry, please tell me how to forget this dull feeling.
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ZhaWarudo rated it
March 30, 2016
Status: --
Starts kinda bad so the usual advice from a fan – endure first few pages (’till MC goes back in time).

Then begins the awesomeness with some light action at first, then playboy acts and most importantly plots within a plots within a plot literally. Spying, brain games = mind f*ck, betrayals, ninja stuff, battles, romance, real harem, you have it all. Not really my best review since it’s been a while I’ve had read it, but definitely the best novel for me. In case you’re wondering about my taste, second... more>> best would be Millennium trilogy and then hmm Terror Infinity? Oh and I see someone complains about waifus dying, yeah it's kinda like GoT, your favorite characters might die (though Starks are definitely not mine) but it's a part of the story and realism? So it's not too bad (and there are plenty of waifus). <<less
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Fanya rated it
February 19, 2017
Status: Completed
So, if you hate women being treated like objects and throwing themselves wailing into arms of the MC, who has no choice but to make love to all of them, some at same time.... the first 10 volumes will be very difficult to read. It was pretty much survival and make love, that's it. However, the plot was so good with actual progression (instead of same set up repeating) and it's so well written that I can't drop it. After a dozen wives/maids and having some of them die later,... more>> the MC settles down a bit and start to get more involved in court schemes, politics and fights which I think is the more interesting part. The characters are all very well rounded with their own thoughts and motives, it's interesting (and in some cases sad) to see how people changes and matures. The writing/translation is wonderful as we get more absorbed in the plot and character, the last 5 volumes were particularly nerve-wrecking and exciting.

Basically the the first 10 volume are kind of 3/5, volume 10-20 is where the plot/character develops and everything gets interesting so it's not just women&s*x 24/7, then the last 5 volume makes it all worth it and is a 5 out of 5. <<less
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ckanda rated it
May 17, 2022
Status: c30
First time to make a review. I have read novels with the harem tag and I wasn't bothered but I just couldn't stand this one. Did every chapter need s*x or leering at women? And then he pities the women and promises not to have s*x with them and they can just talk. At the end of the day, they still have s*x out of gratitude or something.... like what was the point?

I don't know about later chapters but the ones Ive read make me unable to continue.
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hansbk rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: --
This is basically p*rn. No different from the other fan service novels. Tag ecchi, mature, smut, etc. Come to this novel like you're vising the hub, hh, etc. It's has stories, but don't expect it grand and sensiable all the time. Think with your meat and you'll end up with the higher rated reviews.
Let me put this as simple as it can be. It's journey into the past POV of a hypocrite scum.

It's s*x after s*x. One day he's lamenting on his previous. Next day, he's already moving onto the next. It's like he had learned "Affection given to the weak creates disaster" Yet he's only doing it again.
One time he's acting hero. The next, he's doing exactly like the person he kill is doing. The thing I hate most is how Author trying to make me support his notion on some chapters, but the next one he's acting like a total douche bag. (I honestly get a feeling the Author doesn't have a backbone. From the style of the MC change like a every couple chapters and went complete balistic.)

So yea, as long as you approach this like p*rn, for the fan service you won't be dissapointed. This is a 4/5 on that part.
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ShadowNE1111 rated it
June 25, 2021
Status: epilogue
I will say that author has tried very hard to integrate war tragedy politics instability dangerous human nature and emotions in this novel. This novel is also very good but I think that author has just forgot or ignored some of paradoxes induced by time travel. Author reminds us again and again that our MC cannot change history but I think that author has forgot that our MC has changed history by just time traveling to the past and if MC cannot change history even after time traveling then MC... more>> should just have been a observer without any control in any events of past because it creates a paradox. Because only major events of history are not history but every moment that has been lived becomes past or history thus MC is subconsciously affecting and changing history. And if we assume that history was always like this I mean history always included mct thenhow is our MC present in future to time travel. And if only MC has time travelled and whole world is unaffected then what about future timeline and where does it goes. And if our MC will be present to time travel after all these events then this alone creates a new paradox which itself limits whole world to a static time frame. Thus I think that time travel comes with a additional condition that is butterfly affect and a parallel timeline which can be changed because if we neglect these conditions then it will jsut create unnecessary paradoxes which are very hard to deal.

Anyway I think that authors act of providing MC with future knowledge and making him time traveller and yet confinig him in law that he cannot change any historical events is just self contradicting and paradox inducing

If MC has future knowledge then events can be changed and if MC don't change events even after knowing everything then I will consider his as a super ret*rd because it is basic property of human nature to change things to our advantage and favourablility if we know about them. (Example: if you know about death of your friend or loved one in future then you will definitely strive to change it and if you do nothing and just see him/her die then just go and f*ck yourself

Overall author has tried his best to create a good emotion inducing novel with good plot and aside from many logically wrong events I like story as a whole.

But the thing I most dislike about MC is he cannot change events even after knowing about them.


And also is Zhao ni brain dead. I mean if she was going to commit su*cide after getting r*ped then why not simply kill Zhao mu (rapist) before r*pe then commit su*cide. I mean why are these character in novels always so brain dead that they commit su*cide without killing or punishing the cause of su*cide

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Fulminata rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: v2c1
I have to admit that i've only read several tens of chapter. Yet, I feel betrayed by the reviews and the rating. I came here for intriguing politickings and a decent read that has a "depth", not to see the MC being a dog in heat and sleep with every woman that he encounters, in as little as every 5 chapters or so.

I'm totally fine with NTR, harems, and all of that. But the characterization in here is just that bad.

I don't know if I could ever finish this. But... more>> as of now, tis is definitely dropped. <<less
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MentalPygmy rated it
September 6, 2019
Status: v2c5
A waste of time.

The protagonist is a charmless pig. He isn't even smart, let alone cunning.

The female characters fall over on their backs for the protagonist without reason. They lack dimension and interest.

I'm all for romance, and even graphic s*x, in stories. But it should at least help develop the characters if it doesn't advance the plot. This story comes across like it was written by a grade-schooler who spent too much time reading internet p*rn.
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Hundred Lilies
Hundred Lilies rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: Completed
Haaaah, I'm troubled. I really like this novel, it's great... but I'm troubled. The novel is definitely deserving of it's five stars; first of all the MC doesn't purely rely on his knowledge of the future, he also uses common wit and isn't overly op, in fact he's very human. The only reason why one may consider him a op is because of his background as a modern military man, which the author so cleverly incorporates once in a while, but still with a natural flow. Also I really like... more>> how the MC integrates with the past society as an outsider and how he slowly becomes a man of that time, but still keeps his modern values and thinking intact.

That being said, the reason why I'm troubled is also because of the MC. He's troubled with how the women are being treated as livestock, with no laws to protect them and no proper safety net or future - other than being sold, sexed to death or just killed. He kind of proclaims that he wants to better their future, yet he's being totally old-fashioned in regards to how the women can't have a s*xual past and can't screw around with other men, yet he likes them being loose and keeps building his harem. I mean, isn't he supposed to be from a world where it's natural for women to have a s*xual past? As a woman, that just pisses me off... so, I'm troubled. Also, he's a narcissist through and through - if the women doesn't fawn over him right away his pride takes a hit and he gets all insulted and moody. But I guess that's just his nature in generel and it's kind of cute, sometimes. He's still very loyal to the women he love and the family that takes him in. :)

That being said, I totally recommend this novel! <<less
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WaDe rated it
March 26, 2018
Status: epilogue
A novel that left quite an impression, I still find myself occasionally reminiscing about it. The story brings through quite the ride, definitely worth reading.


Zhao Ya is one of the characters I'm most conflicted about to this day.

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Mavsynchroid rated it
January 13, 2018
Status: v2c1
To begin with, I'll be sure to say I've only read the first volume. However this should tell you how ridiculous this novel is.

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Within 13 chapters of the story starting, the MC has already slept with six women. Granted the chapters are a bit long, like an actual normal novel, this is still just ridiculous. That's pretty nuts by itself, but what makes it more ridiculous is that all these women fall in love with him, some literally during their first conversation, and he always promises to take care of each one (which by the way out of the six women, he hasn't managed to take care of any of them yet, leaving them behind or simply not advancing the relationship besides sleeping with them every now and again.

It's also ridiculous that the reason they seem to fall in love with him is that during s*x, he sometimes treats them gently. Pretty much, he looks out for their needs as well. Alright.. I can understand appreciating someone like that... but to fall in love with them within like 15-20 minutes and pledge their life to him? A little ridiculous, regardless of the era.


Because of this main reason, I can't seem to take this novel seriously. There's more though. While it started as a guy who went back through time to end up in an ancient era (in his own body for once), the fact that he's from the future matters less and less. The only two things that seem to be related is that he fights a bit dirtier (any way to win, which isn't bad) and he's more gentle to women. Just these two reasons makes me wonder why it was even necessary in the plot to have him be a time traveler. He's not a rash modern man who won't bend the knee to anyone.

In fact, he gets dragged in to pretty much being a s*ave of sorts for no clear reason. He took a job to escort a wealthy man to the same city he was planning to head to. How did he end up being more or less a s*ave that couldn't leave even if he wanted to?? I'm not asking this in the sense of.. "Why would he let that happen??".. I'm asking in the sense of... "Where in the story did this actually happen????" I know he met up with the man he was escorting after a few months and was lauded as a hero. The next day he seemed to be a servant with no clear indication as to how this happens. You see his thought process a few times mention them trying to bribe him to draw him in... but.. Umm... You're absolutely already a servant/s*ave.

Anyway, I'll continue reading since I see it both has a lot of volumes and it's actually complete. I hope this is just a rocky first volume because honestly... it's not very good at all.

As for editing/translating, it gets a 2.5/5. The translator/editor is one of those who can't tell the difference between past and present tense, using both randomly "has/had" "is/was" "does/did", making it read extremely awkwardly. I see the translator changes somewhere around volume 3, so let's hope it changes for the better. <<less
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Jeff0219 rated it
October 22, 2017
Status: Completed
Alright I just finish this sh*t and I never ever gonna pick it up again, WAY WAY too much drama, NTR everywhere where and sometimes doesn't even make sense, A VERY s*upid MC AND Self proclaimed Elite force of the 21 century with a heart that can never kill because he "pity girls and never hurt them." Basically a self proclaimed gentleman. (Do you know that you can only pity something when you look down on the thing or person?And do you know how deadly is a female assasin or... more>> even a normal female is?)

The only reason for the 3 stars are only for the endless plot and love for Ji Yanran (wifey for life). The other 2 stars are because of the characters like the MC and the a sl*t ShaoRuo. <<less
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Narrative rated it
June 16, 2016
Status: epilogue
One of the few wuxia/time travel novels that made me fear for the life of the MC's friends and harem. Amazing novel that I recommend for people that like intrigue, politics, betrayal, non-brainless harem characters, and tension.
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ogdyolnafets rated it
June 6, 2016
Status: v25c13
Well, this is the first novel that I have finish reading.

The story is all about super soldier MC, who joined in a special project, sending him back to the past and trying to adapt to the past era using his swordsmanship and intelligence regarding the past. It has really great character development and side characters are acting there roles well from what they are suppose to be (in real life). The author is trying to connect his/her fantasy to the present reality (it surely is connecting the dots). It has... more>> great fighting scenes not to mention lots of s*x scenes too (which really hooked me up). You will also enjoy the lots of plot twist in the novel although some arcs cause me to feel less motivated in reading but I finished it. And like we all know its better to read it than just read some reviews. It's up to you to judge the novel. In my opinion this deserves a 9.7/10. <<less
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Lachiel rated it
November 3, 2015
Status: --
This novel is amazing. I don’t know how to describe it to you other then.. A Modern day person stuck in ancient china.. Political plots, s*x, Romance, Despair, Hatred, emotions. You’ll find yourself hating characters, loving characters and even yelling at some for things they’ve done.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE. *Those of you like good literature at least..*
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kmo0220 rated it
December 27, 2020
Status: Epilogue
Very underrated novel, deserves at least 4.4-4.5/5. If you liked The Grandmaster Strategist, you will like this too.

Some readers may be deterred by the first few volumes, but the novel gets better the more you read. Great storytelling and character development. The deep political machinations and intricate plot has made me unable to put this book down. There's plenty of realism and plot twists. But beware the tragedy tag...
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Cyanhart rated it
December 17, 2019
Status: --
MC is like a dog in heat always looking at woman's body. All the woman he sets his eyes on instantly becomes his. After reading a few chaps I'm thoroughly disgusted. I was expecting a good plot but the MC is so lecherous that I cant even.
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Lucifer18100 rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: v25c13
I hate this novel the most. This is the worst novel I've ever read.I especially felt bad for Zhao Ji.I read her history and I know what she went through in her life. She was used as a tool to gain political power.I also felt bad for all of dead lovers of MC. Inhate this shitty novel.
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ZeleniyKrokodil rated it
May 2, 2019
Status: Completed
It is a masterpiece. I have no more words.

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Above - my opinion immediately after reading the work.

P.S. But there is one drawback. I totally disagree with the point of view of the author, about time travel. In my opinion, when time travel takes place, a new branch of events immediately appears. And although you will never be able to change your past (your personal, not other "you"), you can always change your future. But this is only a difference in the perception of the unknown. And it should not affect the assessment of the work.

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Molenir rated it
February 27, 2018
Status: --
I enjoyed this story quite a bit. It was interesting, seeing the historical depictions of a lot of different things. I didn't mind the s*x, nor the harem aspects of the story. However there were some things that truly irritated me.

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The MC simply decided he couldn't change history. But then, he never really tried. And at the end, knowing how his son would be killed, he chose not to warn him, simply shrugging and saying its fate. You just have to enjoy life. So many parts of that are wrong. Just dumb. Why not at least make an effort to change history, rather then just going along with it. It just made things much less interesting.


Another example, disease was one of the primary killers of every army in history. Being from the present, and being a soldier, he absolutely should know this, and know how to deal with it. There is a reason camps are set up the way they are, and that latrines are built. Yet his army never seemed to get sick, and he never pointed out that bacteria is the cause of most diseases.

The story itself is pretty good. But the negatives are pretty big too. If you're looking for a decent historical novel story set in ancient china, that is completely translated, give it a try. <<less
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