A Red Knight Does Not Blindly Follow Money


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The Imperial Knight Judith was once a scumbag that would do anything for money.

She lived as a s*ave to money as a dog of the imperial family and a tool of the chief.

Under the guise of destitution, she abandoned her guilt.

But what was at the end was betrayal and death.

However, when she opened her eyes, she went back to being a new knight after six years?

‘I’m not going to be a swordsman for money anymore!’

In front of Judith, who is determined to live a different life than before, the commander of the Red Knights and scouts appears…

“I assure you that you will be treated fairly. Why don’t you join the Red Knights?”

Judith decided not to pursue money blindly as a Red Knight, abandoning her past of being a Black Knight.

Can she live this life without regret?

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2 Reviews sorted by

Danwoo rated it
August 30, 2021
Status: c5
This story is pretty heavy, at least that's how it feels to me. It feels like a bit more realistic redemption type story, where things don't go so smooth like in so many other novels.

Really, the thoughts and choices Judith has and does hit me as very real life problems and choices that people make. And really, if we actually got a chance to go back to an earlier time in life would it really be an 'easy' mode? I think Judith is learning that it's not.

The translation is... more>> high quality and the story grabs my attention, definitely looking forward to more. <<less
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Asphyxia778 rated it
February 21, 2024
Status: --
Came here from the manhwa. I like the premise of the story and the choices Judith had to make to consciously change. It feels more realistic to me because things don't go smoothly for Judith just because she gets a second chance. Her guilt and attempts to right her wrongs are also more compelling to me. It's not a typical time travel fix it story. It has at least more characterization in it.

I recommend the manhwa too cause the art is pretty
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