Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts


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Mei Fang’s rebirth story takes him back 20 years to the year 2002, becoming a 6-year-old boy who just wet the bed during nap time.

On this same bed-wetting day, he tightly grasped a fate he had overlooked in his previous life, a love story spanning beautiful years, thus beginning a new journey—

“Mei Fang, the three of us, are we going to be forever and ever, always good friends?”

“Pinky promise… it’s a deal… no change is allowed… for a hundred years.”

From a well-behaved little angel to a mischievous little devil.

From a troublemaking wild girl to a cold and aloof female top student.

The personalities of these playmates who spend their days together will evolve with the changing circumstances. Do you still like the way she was at the beginning?

Playing with childhood sweethearts, and frolicking through the day, their paths crossed at the doorstep of their youth.

Not shy or reserved, only infatuated without constraint.

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Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Green Plums
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johnson ponraj
New johnson ponraj rated it
May 9, 2024
Status: c171
A regressor and his two childhood sweet hearts. In his first timeline he separated from their as early as his Elementary school stage and his life is nothing more than ordinary and he has no money and no girl friend. But this time he save his one of the sweet hearts from her Early death and another one from cold and Emotionless lifestyle. Both of them compete for his woman position and the same time they are thick friends themselves, They cuddle with him and make games and music band... more>> with him and safe keeping him from other possible predator girls. Sing with him cook for him nurse for him. Enjoy life life on their own and Face family problems with his help. Up to now no flashy writings no heavenly talent no gold finger. A good romance novel. <<less
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ScaredTeacup rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: c61
True to the TL group's name, this novel is indeed a gem. I hope more people can read it and support the TL group.

Short synopsis: The MC returns to the past back when he was in kindergarten, and armed with future knowledge, seeks to improve his life and the lives of those around him. The story is focused on his interactions with his two childhood friends, starting from when they are children and time-skipping to when they are older.

The atmosphere is wholesome and friendly, and the pacing is slow.... more>> So far there is no romance (because the characters are still children), but the foundation for a love triangle has been built, and there is heavy foreshadowing. What's interesting is that because we see the characters interacting from a young age, we can understand more deeply their personalities and motivations. With the complex dynamic between the three of them, I'm curious how romance would play out. <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 2, 2023
Status: c350
Summary: Mei Fang returns to his childhood, where he finds himself in the company of two close female friends, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan, he later lost after events in life separated them from each other. With the aid of his knowledge of the future and his adult intellect and emotional maturity, he engraves himself deeply into the minds and hearts of these two female friends, and they form an extremely close trio with deep bonds. They experience school, life, various defining moments of childhood, and gradually mature into teenagers,... more>> where they slowly start to grapple with the advent of adolescence and growing attraction to the opposite s*x - as well as the reality of two girls who like the same man, yet are extremely close friends as well.

Mei Fang, the protagonist, is kind, intelligent, respectful and actually quite virtuous, never taking the initiative in making the relationship more romantic or physical, but rather caring for and being besides the two girls he cares about whenever they need him.


Knowing the future, he makes use of this to bring himself great wealth and success, but makes sure to help his friends and family, as well as other trustworthy people he meets through school. He never grows arrogant, and arguably isn't manipulative either, though he does try, and succeeds, to preserve the bonds between the trio, as they slowly settle into a polyamorous pairing rather than risking any relationship he has. While other girls will show admiration and, for some, love towards him as well, his close relationship with Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan, as well as his own honesty prevents any of these side romances from coming to fruit, and makes the reader appreciate the mutual love the trio have for each other and his sincerity in caring for the two girls he cherishes so deeply.


Overall, a story of quite realistic and well written characters, with emotional depth, likeable personalities, and a strong sense of history and emotional connection between the girls and Mei Fang.

Be warned though, the romance takes a very long while to come in, though it's obviously quite heavily foreshadowed given the closeness the friends have towards each other early on. The growth in feelings they have for each other is slow but clear, so I hope other readers will grow equally invested as I have in these characters. <<less
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promet rated it
February 4, 2024
Status: c87
Not bad, not great.

First of all, I like that the MC, despite being reborn in kindergarten, doesn't lust over his loli childhood friends like an average reborn Japanese ret*rd (the authors who write those really make me sick; how can you lust for a prepubescent child?). It's also nice that he doesn't pretend to be a child prodigy, but rather opts for a mature kid role.

The summary, tags, and other reviews will tell you everything you need to know, so I won't say much more. This novel is very much... more>> recommended for those who like childhood friend romance (but brace yourself, the pace is very slow - though the author skillfully uses some time skips - and so the romance is very slow as well).

One more thing, the reason why I personally don't find this novel my cup of tea (hence lower rating than other reviews) is that it's a cute, sweet story, but the way the protagonist interacts with the two girls, even if he gets into a relationship with either (or even both, we don't know at this point in the story), the relationship won't last forever, i.e. The way the MC behaves that is okay to a female childhood friend and maybe okay to a teenage girl (depends) is not okay to an adult woman (i.e. He's being somewhat of a pushover). And since he didn't correct it early on, it only gets harder to do so in the future. I just can't unsee it. I guess I'm too old for this story. <<less
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apsisodia rated it
February 17, 2024
Status: c120
Promet's review is pretty much accurate. But I wanna correct one thing, lolicon thing is in the novel but it is quite subtle. For example, once MC slapped himself because he got h**ny after seeing tanned shoulder lines of one of the FLs. The thing is that the girl was 9-10 years old and MC was a 28 years old soul.

So author is taking a subtle pe*ophile's route in the story.

It would have been better if the story wasn't about a reborn person.
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Diegoz031 rated it
March 10, 2024
Status: c138
Yeah Guys, this is a Harem history, I mean, MC wants the two girls with him, this history is supposed to be a "going to the past", so is based on the real life.

But at the same time, MC is a Coward and its like "let them fall in love with me at the same time"
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