The Hero Took Everything from Me, So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!


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Ceres, a magic swordman who has been treated as a burden in the party, is finally dismissed by Zect, the hero and leader of the party. He realized that all of his childhood friends belonged to Zect and there was nowhere for him to stay, so he decided to go off on his own…

However, he’s actually a reincarnated person and used to be much older, so he didn’t really bear it that much when he was expelled.

And he was… well, from here on out, you’ll have to read on to find out.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Yuusha Ni Zenbu Ubawareta Ore Wa Yuusha No Hahaoya To Party Wo Kumimashita!
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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27 Reviews

Aug 05, 2022
Status: --
This novel makes me uncomfortable. The way that this novel describes/depicts women makes me feel like I need to bleach my brain. In a world where only one man likes MILFs. Husbands casually give a kid their wives because why not. This novel is a hard no from me.
35 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 07, 2022
Status: c61
  1. How can I say it... To fully enjoy it is to throw your common sense, and by common sense I mean almost all of them

    like how they see girl after 20 is old (because the human lifespan is about 50 - 60), and MC, who love hero mom is kind of okay when hero dad sell her into s*avery just because she past her prime, and hero partys dads also.... Kindly give their wifes to MC, also the same reason as hero dad


    But well, I did enjoy it right after it fried my last 2 brain cell, hence why 3 *

    Short summary of the story : imagine Kakyoin got send into isekai and actually married his friend mom I guess
  2. Edit : okay I lower it to 2*, the reason? The story become more ridiculous. I don't really reccomend this novel now, trust me there's a better one than this
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 30, 2022
Status: c30
One part that pisses me off about this is how cardboard the MC feels, he's just so nonchalant about everything that's happened. There's clear signs of abusive behaviour between the ex-husbands of the women that he has but he doesn't get angry at them because he has "fond memories" of them. Like bruh??? One of them SOLD SHIZUKO TO s*aveRY. It gets aggravating how this mf is just so airheaded about common sense and ethics when he supposedly came from the 21st century. But that's not enough to keep me... more>> out so I'll still stay for future chapters and we'll see if there's going to be anything that finally makes me drop it. <<less
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 09, 2023
Status: c65
You know there are those same I created an account just to review this story?

Hello, it's nice to meet you. I'm one of those people.

First off, I went into the story with High hopes because the concept seemed hilarious. However, let me make a long story short and safe stay the hell away.

If you want the long version, then I listed them below.
    • Subpar Writing
I made it all the way to chapter 60 before I dropped. To be honest, I was reading for the moment where the hero party found out that their mothers were getting boinked. The writer seemed to understand we wanted this moment, and kept finding little ways to push it further away so that we could keep reading. If I knew this was going to happen, I would have dropped it after 10 chapters.

    • Horrible Character Development
The characters seem to have no direction with their development. When you write a character to be strong, independent, and worthwhile, then take all of these things away from them, what are you left with? You're left with the characters in this story. The development that we start was going to be there in the beginning was nowhere to be found.

    • Soft @ss MC
If your best friend slept with someone who they thought you were interested in, showboat that to you, then kicked you out of your friend group, after taking advantage of you the whole time you were in the group, you will call that person a s***** friend, right? Apparently not this guy. While everybody told him that his friend was a s***** person who he should be getting revenge on, he kept making excuses as to why he didn't need revenge. According to him, his friends never did anything wrong. Oh, let's not talk about the man who sold his first love into s*avery. To get revenge on that person, he paid for him to have a new wife.

    • NO Story Structure
As many people have pointed out, the structure of the story has no bearing on what the story seem to be about at the beginning. It's like the only direction the Story had was a title. The author took the title and just wrote without planning.

Anyway, if you made it this far into the review, and I can assure you that you have been more entertained than you will be throughout the entirety of this story.

Save yourself the headache, the annoyance, and the overall frustration by staying away from this story.
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 20, 2023
Status: c216
Edit: I took out one star, both because the story became more boring, but also there is a bit more context that I found.

First, most people that became interested in this novel likely came from the manga release. Do remember, however, that as a novel, there are no pictures, and by that I mean that, overall, the enjoyment is more limited because of the type of story this is.

This story is, overall, not of good quality, but it has a bunch of scenes. However, after checking other works by the... more>> author, I was surprised by what I found: Over 40 written stories, and many of them with the same start, hell, some of them even shared names for the characters.

I took one randomly, and it was the same start, MC gets booted out of the Hero party, but he doesn't care and is ok with that, then he goes back to his village to find his true love, in this random case I got, it was a broken onee-san type who lost her family long ago and has been used and abused all her life by her relatives, including the current guardian called Zektor (Yup, it's the same name as the Hero's father in this one), who sells her (but in a similar fashion, he actually cared for MC, but it's too complicated to explain here, but accepted the transaction).

I stopped reading there, I checked the summary for some of the other stories, and it was mostly the same, just a different type of older heroine.

In short, this story is basically the author throwing the same base into different developments until one stickied, which was the case for this one that got a manga.

Why is that relevant? Because in short, there is no "plot" besides that.

In this story, we have now 2 arcs:

The 1st one is with Celes, and I would say it's reasonable.

The MC is booted out, but it doesn't take long for Hero party to miss his presence, at the same time, MC rescues the Hero's mother, marries with her, then returns to village towards the others.

I do also like that the relationships with the villagers are not thrown out of the way, like, the uncle who sold his wife to s*avery, as terrible as that is, is still the uncle who he had good times with, so MC rescues him from his predicament, and even gives him a gift, one that could become a "curse" if he does bad things again though.

It may sound petty, but this "gray" area is realistic and quite unusual in novels, this is for me one of the good points of this story. The plot actually makes the Hero party reform to some extent, in a good way, while producing obstacles to MC to improve himself as a person...

Until midway, when he literally becomes the most important person of the world, and all problems are resolved, so what happens from there on? MC is now super OP, revered, worshiped and all the stuff, so the rest of his story is his slow life with his wives, now making the best character to be the Hero who is redeeming himself.

Then comes the 2nd part, with Ceres' son (I will not mention the other parent, since that would be the spoiler that can't be predicted.), and this part is what I meant with the author throwing the different flavors of the same thing until one stickied.

It's like the analogy of the dog running after a car, and then it finally catches it... Now what? What can it do against this movable super heavy metal cage? So yeah, he got a story that tracked attention (he got a manga), but there is no more plot besides "Gary Stu and my adventures in this convenient world made for myself by myself"

In short, the story, as generic as it can be, is quite enjoyable until midway of the 1st Arc, after that it drags itself around, but can hold up to some extent, but after this... Although there are some funny moments


(The "sister" gets a letter, who warns her: "no in*est with your brother, if you do, we will make you disappear", or assassins go after one of MC's waifus exactly when she is "melting" down (Good reasons for that, but it's gory, and the same happened to his other previous waifus), so the assassins return with that horrific images in their head and assume her as dead, and MC as a dangerous maniac.) ,

everything becomes kinda dumber, too convenient, and any problem that could be interesting is resolved through OPness or fanaticism towards MC. (And I'm not against OPness in a character, but if they stagnate a protagonist, that's a problem.)

There is basically no character growth anymore, or worse, it's basically a Simpson taking lessons from Simpdad: Do not take these lessons to real life, or you are in for many smacks.


Here are some Meta points to be aware:

  • The author made a couple full short announcements as "numbered chapters". So chapter 216 for the translator is chapter 219 in the raws (Why would he make announcements as numbered chapters? That's how bad this author can be.).
  • The 2nd Arc in the raws restarted the counter back to 1, the fantranslator however just kept going with the value.
------- Down below my original review of the first arc -------

I wouldn't put it as the best novel in the world, but it is enjoyable... Although a bit of a self-insert in many aspects.

The world in this novel is one where women become considered "ugly" as they get old. I would say it's a bit of non-sense that a child wouldn't love their own mother because of her physical appearance, but to some extent, that's how it is here. You can take it as "a world where only MC likes MILFs and everyone else is the opposite".

MC is a reincarnated person in the Hero party, he is an orphan, and unlike his childhood friends who are the Hero, the Sword Saint, the Saintess and the Safe, he is just a Magic Swordsman. In his former life he was an accomplished person with a wife and a daughter, so he is mature and has his own preferences, and ends up seeing his female childhood friends as daughters rather than as wife material. They are all living in a remote village with nothing much happening around them.

However, he has no cheats (supposedly), although he does seem to be very strong, he is not invincible... Although this goes get subverted later on and he becomes a self-insert OP protagonist...

If you are considering reading this for the plot or for the character development... I think you won't find much of that in the MC here, however the other characters have a bit more.

In the village, instead of being sent to s*avery or being abandoned, the other villagers took care of him, specially the parents of his friends. As a Child, he was already showed interest in their mothers, but they always just took it as either a child wanting some motherly affection, since he didn't had his own, or as the ramblings of a child saying things they will forget in the future.

The Hero party is made of these 5 childhood friends, and the Hero, who has grandiose plans, asks the MC, who is his best friend, . to leave the party in good faith. There are 3 girls in the party, the tomboy and the self-important are with the Hero, and the smart one, who was the one closest to MC, ended up cozing with the Hero too. But the MC is ok with that, since he was never attracted to any of them, although towards the sage, he had promised that, if she never met anyone in the future, he would marry her. Thus he leaves as an accomplished S Class Adventurer out of the Hero Party.

Of course, it doesn't take long for the incomplete party to have problems without MC, finding difficulties in battles that were supposed to be easy, so they decide to find him and ask him to return, since he is their childhood friend, he would understand and come back, they hope.

I think this is one of the best parts of the story not in regards to how scummy their visions were, but the development that they come to realize. It's important to remember that MC is isekai'd, so he is mature and had no s*xual interest in the girls in the first place, but acted as a mature person towards the 4.

Here is a bit about the quartet with a bit of spoiler to how things change on them. I didn't add much detail, and I couldn't remember most of the things properly (my memory is mixing up with other similar novels), so I kept it vague for now.


The Hero became c*cky with the idea of marrying a princess if he defeats the Demon King, then he would be come King and become rich. It started with him wanting to monopolize everyone, specially after he noticed that his childhood friends, with whom he had affections with, were, after all, just village girls, and comparing them with the noble girls he met like the Princess made them look really bad, so the Hero notices that his friendship with MC was more important, and if he asked for the 3 girls, he would gladly give them. It may seem scummy, but I understand it as a brat starting to realize things differently.

Later on he gets tr*shed badly, saved, and having lost his chances of defeating the Demon King, thus all that dream has no end, he decides to restart from scratch, this time, actually becoming a good person. He doesn't even feel jealous of MC's harem, rather, he notices that having a harem is a really bad deal for the man.

The Sword Saint girl is a tomboy, and always was closer with the boys and their hobbies, and in that regard, so she liked some fights and being active, in matters of training, she was closer with the Magic Swordsman than the Hero, but in matters of personality, she thought of MC as boring. Her parents always expected her to marry MC, and constantly pestered her about that, so when she got into her rebellious phase, she did the opposite. After the events that almost got her dead, she came to realize her mistakes, and after coming in terms with her feelings, she founds herself attracted with MC... However her mother is in the way now.

The Saintess girl actually liked MC first, even her father, that she hates, would suggest her to marry MC as a good man, however, logically speaking, she wanted to leave the village, so she knew she didn't need to chose someone from the village itself, in short, she didn't want to be a nobody, so with the Hero approaching her a lot, she considered him to be a batter deal than MC, but after the proposal that he could marry the princess, she became deluded, after all, if Noble Girls are to join in the marriage, at best she would be Number 3, and she didn't like it. But with the events of them failing and almost dying, she ended up wanting to return to the person she originally liked... But he has her mother, and doesn't seem interested in her at all.

The Sage girl was the less popular one, and she was the one most interested in the Hero, so when he approached her, she was happy. She too liked the MC, but more as a brother, someone who always ended up helping her, or that she could talk with for a long time, in fact, MC had promised her that, if she hadn't met a partner to marry in the future, he would take care of her, but after she went with the Hero, that deal was off, and she understand that amongst the Trio, she is the one that likely hurt MC the most. Having realized her mistakes however, she now has to face her mother.


And then, you have the harem, which is formed in a... Complicated way. The 1st had been sold as a s*ave, and the other 3... Their husbands left them, so they went with MC... I guess this is a way of seeing the events. However, it's important to see that, to MC, even these husbands were the cool uncles he had in the past, so he still has some good will for them.

The situation is described at first in a scummy way, but later on it's revealed that it wasn't, so it has some spoiler.


The Hero's mother was sold as a s*ave by the father, which were not well seen in the village. Because he was the father of the hero, he got some free money from the state, ended up gambling and doing other shit, eventually getting imprisoned himself.

MC would later save him from that fate, and he would become a reformed man... Although MC still got some revenge on the Hero for it: He got a young s*ave from a race that is very yandere in regards to jealousy, so if he cheats, he is doomed.

The Sword Saint's mother is a bit of a tomboy herself, and the husband is the owner of the village's restaurant, and very much into cooking, so the young MC with his new ideas for cooking was like a younger brother (MC calls them as nii-san and nee-san). However, as the world rule estipulates, he is not attracted with his wife anymore, and they sleep in separate bedrooms. MC did not want to NTR his older brother, but he willingly gave his wife away saying he didn't need her anymore.

MC would later give him a s*ave wife of a young former maid specialized in cooking, someone that would clearly be better than him at cooking, and so he would realize that he was only able to achieve his success thanks to the management abilities of his former wife. But at the same time, MC wanted him to have someone to share his hobbies and be happy.

The Saintess' father is the self-proclaimed smartest person in the village. He likes to study, he likes knowledge, and he likes books. He is an introvert of sorts, but because of that, he had a very good relationship with MC who was smart. His daughter hates him, but he doesn't bother with her either. Of course, this exclusive interest in knowledge means that he didn't care about his wife either.

MC would later give him a s*ave wife of a condemned Noble's Daughter (villainess), so the self-proclaimed would face the real deal, this was a way to find a good match both as a friend, but also as a bit of a revenge against the saintess, since she would have to face her father and another girl of same age as her stepmother.

The Sage's father is a warrior of sorts, one that is about being fierce and strong, however, in the end, he is just a villager. He too lost interest in his wife, and just gave her away to MC without thinking much.

MC later would give him a s*ave wife of a young and rough mercenary that would be rought against him if he messed up, but again, this is something he knew the man liked, and expected them to be a good match.

It may sound scummy, but it's later revealed that the 3 parents expected MC to get on with their daughters, but after hearing the story and realizing that would be impossible after the betrayal, they wanted to help him in their own way, so although they themselves wer

n't really interested in their wives, they did know that MC was interested from early on, but they too took it as children's stuff, and never took it seriously. They decided that maybe now what he was looking for was mothers, so they made it easy for him to take them away.

They are also aware of what MC expected them to see from the s*ave wives they got, but they are fine with it, and consider it just a way their adopted son/younger brother is doing to care for them as a way to improve themselves


So, yeah, the characters may look scummy, but they are not really all like that, and the ones who are do redeem themselves.

Now, as I mentioned, although MC starts as a Strong to Stronger character, he eventually does become Overpowered.


The Goddess is revealed to have great expectations of him, and this is why she didn't make him none of the special jobs, because she didn't want him to have the faults of other former heroes, nor the attention of the demons, and instead gave him the next best thing.

MC eventually dies against an absurd enemy and reincarnates as a Dragon (almost divine entity) that is described as "The Dragon of Luck", in short, he is capable of bending causality in a passive manner to anything convenient for himself. Thus he defeats the invincible Demon that nobody could kill... This got him connections with the Kingdom (Marriage with the widowed 1st princess [MILF]), the church (Marriage with the former Saintess), with the Empire (Marriage with their 1st princess [ (]Former Sword Saint]), and the Underworld Dragon God (The strongest of all gods).

His feats and other events cause him to evolve even further into godhood besides he finds out he is immortal (He can leave the Underworld if he ever dies and come back).



Take this as a casual read if you are in the mood for some simple self-insert milf harem. Do not expect a good plot, nor much stability, it's like an amateur writing a story on the fly, so he has to make things up as it progresses.

There are no politics in the story, all the parts that exist are simplified and dumbed down for convenience. This is not a smart story, it's a dumb story. <<less
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 11, 2022
Status: c90
Started out okay but it sh*t the bed faster than I expected.

... more>>

This worlds' setting has all women at the age of 18+ to be old hags that are undesirable to marry and the men will all dump their wives for a young girl if they could. Im all for unique settings but this story is too boring, although there was a paragraph that was pretty funny at the time:

(Chapter 51) Cecilia-sama is said to be a 'reincarnation of the goddess, ' a blonde-haired, incredibly beautiful woman whom kings and nobles of various nations were competing for.... But that was a long time ago, now she is in her late twenties, and no one will look at her.

Also the MC goes back to take a few wives from the villagers-who-raised-him because their husbands dont want them (old hags) anymore and despite those guys being scumbags who abuse their families, he decides to go buy young s*ave girls for them... but why??

Like he is being written as if hes a good person but it doesnt make any sense as he would better suit being a fly


Now its fine if the MC here was made to be like Lenny from Of Mice and Men (ret*rd) but despite living for over 40 years before getting isekaid you'd think he would have at least been a bit internally conflicted with some of the bullsh*t in this world but he isnt phased at all- just throw it away <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 16, 2022
Status: --
bllsh*t so boring.

the novel is not really that bad (2 stars) ya but its not engaging enough for me to continue this.

the plot here is forced too xd


apparently, you can night crawl ppl here even if he/she's married


the characters here are unlikable. cant really describe it but its too shallow even with the stories from the past? you just cant like them. hmm whats the term of this? uh... bland? yeah bland

the novel feels like. nothing. yeah nothing. author is the embodiment of "random bllshit, go"
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 02, 2022
Status: c30
I'm curious about their male/female ratio to have constant supply of teenage girls to every dude in the country... And they are only usable for like 2 years.

Honestly there a lot of plot holes but at least story has fresh vibe. The most annoying is that MC who is an old dude behalves like a standard japanese kid from novels. The type which does good good things to a really bad people because of... Reasons

I've grossly overestimated author. MC is disgusting. He is a chronic lier who plays with words... more>> to justify his BS. And world is both disgusting and illogical


because so tr*shy dudes were kind to him he bought bunch of 14 year old girls for them. Keep in mind they are horrible dudes. Not like criminals, simply like people who abuse other people.

Author tries to justify it by some bs means but by the end of the day MC send underage girls to tr*shy middle aged dudes.

On top of it his wives want justifiable revenge on these bags of shit. And he is simply lying to them

And this is on top of logic mistakes. Like how many females their world have? Or how the village chief is almost like a king and everyone needs to donate him.

Honestly author should just write a story where MC is an antihero. It would be waaaay better


10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 06, 2023
Status: c106
This novel is a bit, well... quite a lot delusional, and dumb.

One clap for the author weaponizing his convenience. Not smart, not good, but a credit where its due.

... more>>

MC became a dragon, with the inherit skill of plot armor. Yes, and I'm not joking. At this point, whatever happen, no matter how s*upid, it can be acknowledge as still organic to the story.


Now, unlikeable things were usually involving MC's moral nonsense.

When ask with a solution of dealing with demon king without using the hero, he provided an answer, so dumb, that everyone with the slightest understanding of economy would think. This self-proclaimed 42yo baboon might've been so dumb, that he can't tell apart his crap from his brain, and ended up shitting the wrong one.

Duh... then his method of revenge was, for the lack of better word, ret*rded.


He gone as far as went buddy buddy with the shitheads that sold their own wives, he even gone out to BUY them young s*ave wives, WTF?!


Okay, so. I guess you have to ignore a lot of stuff to enjoy this story. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 24, 2022
Status: c20
I hard disagree with Sksksksks, it's boring in the sense that it's just another banished isekai but with less revenge, but otherwise more than enjoyable, just didn't suit their taste I guess.

... more>>

The MC is a HUGE milf lover in a world where anyone above 19 is considered too old for marriage.

He was banished from his party with members who he saw as his children, had his 'girl' stolen (the girl mentioned here is a member, so she's also considered his child in his head) and that party has to now do a LOT of paperwork, cleaning and cooking that the MC was doing and had no idea exactly how hard he worked.

As for the nightcrawling Sksksksks is talking about, there's an etiquette to it and one of them is them is that the nightcrawling target must be 19+.


This isn't really a heavy story, asides from the usual tropes like s*avery, there's little dark stuff in it, no deep desire for revenge, no power boosts, there's literally no action now that I think about it, it's been about 3 days and I don't feel like re-reading so this is about as far as I can remember.

Oh, and there's segs, sad we don't get the details but there is segs, lots of passionate segs for the milfs. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 10, 2022
Status: c77
While this story starts out okay following the well worn "abandoned by my party but I'm the glue that held it together" trope, it quickly falls on it's face and becomes an overpowered wish fulfillment without any of the benefit of characterization. The story plays out as if the main character found a genie's lamp with unlimited wishes containing no draw backs.

... more>>

Instead of settling down and developing the relationship between the first female lover after rescuing her (perhaps by going on an adventure and actually partying together as the title states), the author decides to drop 3 more women into the mix. Basically the women's husbands want to trade in their wives for a new model. Unfortunately, their wife has no value so they decide to give them to their kid brother because he likes it (yes - women are treated as objects in this story). Everything happens so fast that the women's characters are never developed. Later, 3 more women are added just for the sake of being added. The "influential people need to make a connection" trope is used.


The author later realizes that they have made everything too easy. As a result, a ridiculous, "I want so I shall receive", McGuffin is added to explain past events when the main character is given a Super Saiyan equivalent mode.

Reading the story is like watching a train wreck. You know it is not good but your curious about what s*upidity will happen next. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 15, 2024
Status: c225
Like other reviews have explained, this story has a terrible world setting where the role of women is completley degrading and ridiculous. But, even if you try to write it off and enjoy a dumb story while turning your brain off, this story was nothing more than a complete disappointment to me. I will talk about events that happen pretty late in the spoiler below.

First, the title :... more>>

"The Hero Took Everything from Me" part, wrong : MC doesn't care about being expelled from the party. On the contrary, he has more free time and can do things that were forbidden as a member of the Hero party, like going to brothels or to the s*ave market. "So I Partied with the Hero’s Mother!" part, wrong again : MC never goes on quests with the four mothers. All of it is a big lie.


Next the MC :

MC reincarnates in this weird world with the mentality and abilities of an adult from our world. That's why he's more responsible than the other party members (they are 15 and it looks like their parents taught them nothing) and why he's attracted to adult women and not teenagers. At some point of the story, MC is turned into a Dragon God and his special power is Absolute Luck. That means that everything he wishes for happen without any struggle. All the chapters centered on MC are absolutely uniteresting from this point on.


The mothers :

I really hate the mothers of this story. The author tries to make them look like victims, but as the story goes, they slowly lose any redeeming qualities.

Before having a family, the four mothers were S-ranked adventurers. On top of that, they mentored the previous generation of the Hero's party and even rescued the two survivors after the party failed to kill the demon lord. But when their own children are chosen to be the next generation of Hero, they didn't teach them anything and show nothing but contempt when they hear about their children failures. Why? Because MC was the only one in the party able to cook or to do laundry, so they pushed all the chores on him. But at no point of the story do the mothers think that they failed their kids education.

Once the three girls start to live with them again, the mothers don't start to teach them what they lacked or even take care of them. They spend their time showing how superior they are to their daughters without mentoring them, when it's not just straight up bullying. The worst victim here is Lida, the Sword Saint. After their final defeat, she suffers from heavy PTSD (we are talking about injuries like missing limbs, not just a few broken ribs). Even if her injuries have been treated, she can't hold a sword without her hands shaking. The mothers consider that fighting is the only thing she's able to do as a Sword Saint, so they spend a lot of time "training" with her three against one while she can't fight at all. One day, Lida finds a magical sword that can fight in her place. With this sword, she is able to fight back against the mothers and the previous sword saint... for about five minutes. After that, MC shows them that the magic sword reacts to killing intent and that if they approach stealthily like an assassin, Lida can't fight back. After that, the mothers really seem to enjoy tormenting Lida again (I really hate them all). She is finally helped by Zecht, the Hero, who forces her to do other jobs. She finally ends up working at a daycare center and enjoys working with children.


The Harem :

What's the point of a harem? To have your MC having a relationship with different type of women. This story fails at something as basic as that. The four mothers all have the exact same personality. I'm not even exagerating, when one talks, the three others parrot what the first just said. I remember that Shizuko is the Hero's mother because she's the first to appear in the story, but the three others are all the same to me because there is no need to try to remember who is who.

Later, three other women joins the Harem, but once again, they are all the same, just slightly younger than the mothers. At the end of the story, the goddess joins the harem too, but she has absolutely nothing that makes her stand out either.

The number of wives here is just there for the fantasy of MC banging four women at the same time. But if you're expecting a few hot scenes, I suggest you to read the manga. Even if only a few chapters are out, there are nice illustrations if you're looking for hot moments. The novel has no description of those scenes if that's what you're looking for.


Zecht, The Hero who expelled MC :

Surprisingly, he's by far the most interesting character of the story. Zecht starts as the typical arrogant brat who can't do anything whithout MC, but fires him to have his harem with the three other girls. Once MC leaves, everything goes sideways, they plan to beg MC to come back, but they finally take their responsibilities as the Hero's party. They still face two major defeats. First is a dragon stampede that they fail to repell. Said stampede was caused by MC, but nobody blames him for it. Second is a fight against a demon general far stronger than the actual demon lord. MC comes and saves the day, but can only beat the general because he's been truned into a dragon god. After that, Zecht decides to disband his party and to give up on the title of Hero, as they are not worthy of it. Plus, the girls don't have the will to fight any more and ask to go live with MC. Zecht leaves to the capital of the next country and works as a solo adventurer.

There, he works his ass off to become a better man, reads books to gain the knowledge he lacked, he does quests that nobody else is strong enough to do like dragon hunting, but also quests that nobody wants to do, like plowing fields and sewers cleaning. In the end, he regains his title of Hero, not because the Gods or royalty said so, but because all the people he has helped are giving him this title again.

Later, he goes back to their village to apologize again to the girls and to MC. But there, his own mother doesnt let him meet them and treat him like the worst of scumbag. She's not interested in what happened to him and what he has accomplished. Why? Because he "abandonned" the three daughters who wanted to stay with MC in the first place... (No, seriously, I hate the mothers... and Shizuko is the worst of them.)


The "I f*cked your moms" moment :

I'll be honest, this moment was a big part of why I read this novel, hoping it would be a satisfying scene to read. But no. Once again, this ends up being a huge disappointement. This revelation happens when MC rescues the Hero's party after they' been defeated by the demon general. Zecht and the others have been mutilated, tortured, they are barely conscious, when MC arrives to save them shouting "LOL I f*cked your moms." Seriously, nobody cares about that at this moment.


The Afterstory chapters :

I stopped reading shortly after the end of the story because everything that pissed me off in the main story was still present but even worse.

The afterstory happen 500 years after the end of main story.

MC has decided to turn all his wives into goddesses so that they can live eternally in Heaven together. Someday, he decides to have a child of his own with all his wives. Not 8 children, but 1 child made from a drop of blood of the eight mothers, one drop of his sperm, two minutes in the microwave and TADAAAA!!! The child happens to be an exact replica of MC.

Zecht has become the greatest king humanity has ever known. The girls are recognized as the greatest Sage, Saint and Sword Saint of history. Have they finally gained some respect from their mothers ? Nope. They are still treating them as failures. (Did I say that I hated the mothers? Because I really do.)

Zecht dies of old age and his wives (the three girls + two other women) want to follow him in the afterlife. But the goddess forbids one of them (Mel, the Sage) to commit su*cide because the child wants to go to the mortal realm and needs a babysitter. MC's wives keep insulting Mel every time they talk to her for no reason.

The child becomes the new MC. He's even more OP than MC in the main story but completely lacks common sense on top of that. I completely lost interest after that.


This is my first time writing a review and I didn't plan to write such a wall of text. If you've reached this point, thank you.

TLDR : Don't read this novel. If you want some hot moments with older women, read the manga or another story focused on that. If you want a "revenge after being expelled" story, any other of this genre is better than this one. If you want a Harem story, any other harem novel is better than this one. <<less
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 29, 2023
Status: c136
TLDR: Fun wish fulfillment fantasy not meant to be taken seriously with love interests at a normal 25-35 year old range, read for fun not for intriguing plotlines.

I really liked it. It is different and if you are used to the normal isekai novels where the protagonist falls in love with his sixteen year old companions you may be in for a bit of a shock.

If you are older and understand how irritating teenagers are then you will probably appreciate that the MC is not interested in any one his... more>> own age.

On the other hand the whole world is built to give the MC as many 30 year old women as he wants so if you have not read any "Transferred to a world where beautiful women are considered ugly" type of novels you may think this kind of story is coming out of left field.

Also if you personally think 30 yr old women are in fact too old then you will not find this interesting.

People are complaining about the s*avery in the story? Yes there are s*aves, most of human history in fact all of human history has contained s*aves and it was not considered particularly bad until recently. If you cannot deal with that then please don't read the story it will be a disappointment to you multiple times. The author is not trying to rewrite historic norms for modern sensibilities. <<less
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Feb 06, 2023
Status: v1c25
Wow that was a bad read, it could be that the translator is using machine translations, but the characters repeat the same words over and over again that it almost feels like nagging.

And man im starting to get tired of hearing the women call themselves old all the time, its just plain annoying and it quickly gets boring. (Not that it would stop the author for stubbornly spam it either way..)

... more>>

Later on he will be forced to have a harem of course, but here the author quickly show us that he/she is incapable of writing a harem novel, they all act, talk and express themselves in a nearly identical way so it is impossible to tell them apart.

It almost feels like the harem expanded because the author needed to boost his word counts or something. They all say the same thing and then repeats it four times so that all women get the chance to say what theyre thinking.

Oh, and they all degrade from being mature women into the same old young-girl-madly-in-love as we are used to. But we will still constantly get reminded that they are old.


This was not worth my time reading to be honest.

It got 2 stars due to a misclick instead of 1 btw.. <<less
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Dec 01, 2023
Status: c73
I wrote this review after the exact chapter where the "I f*cked your mom" punchline is finally delivered. And let me tell you, it was absolutely not worth it. The execution was dogshit, the 'joke' wasn't even actually a joke in the context it's delivered in. I wasted my whole goddamn night reading through up until this point, only for the author to f*cked up the one payoff everyone was waiting for, because the story whose foundation is literally a 'your mom' joke, suddenly decided to take itself way too... more>> seriously, and we're left with a broken dream and an all-over-the-place mess of a story.

Tl;dr: Don't bother reading this, if you're expecting it to be satire, and actually delivered the joke that laid out the whole foundation of this story <<less
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Sep 08, 2023
Status: c100
I’ll give you a warning. If you absolutely have to read this, just read the manga. You won’t get far.. but it’ll at least f*ckING MAKE SENSE!. I’ll throw most of this at the translation. Because I like most of you most likely can’t read Japanese and rely solely on these webnovels...

also I want to say I avoided this novel like the plague because the first time I looked I thought it was an ntr.

everyone, and I mean everyone has 28 titles. Shota-con loli-con baba-con mama-con (that’s there wording.)... more>> papa-con father brother grandpa mom cousin childhood friend cuck and everyone AND ONCE AGAIN I MEAN EVERYONE is designated with these. One ch the MC thinks of another character as a dad and caretaker then the next it’s brother and friend.
and it’s indiscriminate. Even the sun class heroines (the “kids”) will change how they think about the MC at any point in time.

the stories will change perspective. Which isn’t a problem in it-self... but it’ll do it 2-4 times without fail. Since there are 3 sub heroines and 4 heroines expect if there is an event with the MC look forward to it.

they just keep slapping terms into everything at one point a character (won’t specify) they are referred to the greatest in the world. WHAT THE sh*t IS THAT?!
they even come up with a hero, and sub hero. Which can be fine, I mean in some iseaki’s they are the summoned and the internal (local). But this novel just made it s*upidly confusing. Like having laws for one or the other OOH AND ABOUT THOSE DAMN THINGS. It’s like the author or the translator just said. f*ck it they can do anything.. but also they can be thrown to the birds.
which brings us to instead of progression in some areas it just hits max instead. Why?? I’d give examples but it will just be spoilers. Believe me. You need all the info you need to have an ounce of interest.

Even if you get information about something I promise it can change in an instant. I’ll give you this at least. MC is kind and (I hate this in reincarnation novels where a gentlemen who is 20+ treats all others as children) gets ntr’d well to the perspective of the hero, and he runs with that and looks like a real piece of shit. The MC even gave the friend a necklace which is this world’s equivalent to a ring. She tosses it like a dirty rag for the hero’s instead. You’d take that as marriage or a it’s going to be right?? Later on you learn the MC did it as a good will gesture. Okay fine. Don’t understand how someone would do that just for fun as it would seem but fine. And the heroine says they were engaged, the MC leaves it ambiguous, but later on nobody else thought that at all. The parents the MC, or her. Then times she does. ITS JUST f*ckING CONFUSING.

things get overstated a lot. Hero, wife, s*aves, greatness, the list continues. If you took those out you’d lose 1/3 of the chapter becuase they want to include it like first time readers will join each and every chapter.

I’ll be honest if you asked me either the author or the TL sounds like they ran an mtl and only exchanged things to make them half readable. The whole story runs like it’s a marathon. I’m pretty sure if you wrote this in the same way the manga is wrote you would have 700ch at this point. Also dialogues could be a lot easier to understand and interesting.
this is my 2 cents. You had a chance and you just rolled it in the mud. My opinion. There are some cliches and some stuff that’s been written to death, but the story could read better. And it’s a shame. <<less
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Mar 04, 2023
Status: c75
This is fun so far. It's like someone's writing a story with no sense of direction. The premise of him marrying the mothers of the hero party members plays a big role at the beginning but it's not actually that big of a deal. Everyone seems to grow and appreciate one another. It's enjoyable for those that want to read something casually.
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Jul 30, 2022
Status: --
For a feel-good piece, it's average. I come to like the MC more than the stuff with the women and what not... which is lame considering im supposed to like the part with women.

Rambling rant:

Yes, the setting is convenient - which one isn't. The point is it's not awfully interesting. While the whole milf fetish is cool; the thing with 4 wives, in succesion, without introduction nor preface is overkill.

Lastly, the story about the hero party f*cking sucks. If you want it to be realistic, go all the way. Another f*cking clerk, or like it was told in the novel a s*ave, as aide-de-camp could have done all of the organizing. Sure, it doesn't benefit this one kingdom nor the church, but if it's that big of an issue can no one else take up the job?

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Jan 13, 2024
Status: c218
After chapter 100++ idk why but I started to hate this story, I think the story is badly write, a lot scene that makes me feel "you can do this why you don't do that?" or "if you do this you can get that, so why you're not doing it?", So after around chapter 120s or something around there my rating for this novel is declining, and the chapter 218 is the end for me I can't stand it anymore, the story is really bad, if I am only reading... more>> the early chapter I'll give it 4/5. <<less
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Oct 03, 2022
Status: c83
It meh if you got nothing to read. MC with memory as a father in his past life in hero party. Lets be real MC mostly spoiled the party that they are weak, that father life affecting he a lot he see them as kids and older woman is his strike zone. Story is ok some small revenge with no killing except maybe a demon now in way. Plot armor is strong for real it keeps him alive a bit boring and now he got full ass god luck. His... more>> new race make it like boring no action and insane luck. Harem is growing I don’t know if this gonna turns into a slice of life novel. Not a lot of seggs chapters in this novel that I expected. <<less
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