Ecstas Online


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The bottom of the school caste, Doumeguri Kakeru, is transmigrated into the one who reigns as the strongest in the VR game 《Exodia Exodus》, the Demon Lord Hellshaft.

Moreover, he has even obtained the “forbidden power” (adult mode)!

However, the enemy that appeared before him (the Players) are the girl that he yearns for, Asagiri Ririko, and his other classmates that he recognizes.

Asagiri and the others believe that they can return to their original world if they defeat the Demon Lord Hellshaft, but in truth, everyone’s lives will be in danger if the Demon Lord dies――!?

In order to save his precious one, Doumeguri/Hellshaft will ambush his classmates with the strongest power!

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02/05/20 Taekan v2 prologue
01/23/20 Taekan v2 illustrations
01/21/20 Taekan v1 epilogue
01/21/20 Taekan v1c6
01/11/20 Taekan v1c5
01/02/20 Taekan v1c4
12/20/19 Taekan v1c3
12/07/19 Taekan v1c2
04/01/18 Hiro! v2c1
02/23/18 Hiro! v2 prologue
03/28/18 Hiro! v2 illustrations
12/24/17 Hainemakoru Translations v1 ss
12/23/17 Hainemakoru Translations v1 epilogue
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17 Reviews sorted by

New drunkerino rated it
June 5, 2024
Status: v4
There's a fair number of tropes here, a few leading into cliches with some of them being subverted, I get the feeling that the novel is written without a care about how silly or unrealistic it is.

If you ever read SAO, you would that it's about a group of people being trapped because of the developer going crazy, and defeating the boss would allow them to escape. The concept in this novel seems to be the same here. Class 2A got trapped in VR world. The VR tutorial instructs Class... more>> 2A to defeat the demon king, and the class 2A students think that defeating the demon king will allow them to return to the real world. MC Kakeru who came into the VR world 6 months later, and also a part-time developer of the VR game Exodia Exodus, was informed by his superior (who also got trapped in VR world) that the above is true, except that a serious bug had occurred and clearing the game instead will lead to a BAD END. Literal brain death, because the consciousness cannot return to the bodies until the developers in the real world are able to fix the bug. The worst thing is he's now the Demon King. Unlike his Class 2A classmates who get the cheat of reviving when they are killed, he's cooked if he dies.

Note that our MC is truly the socially inept geek. Even though he's a snarker inwardly, he doesn't voice his true feelings when he gets bullied by the delinquent girls in his class. That's not the end of his woes. The system has different kind of parameters, one of them being Loyalty, and any less-than-demon-king actions will decrease his subordinates' Loyalty bar. To maintain his facade as a 2 meter+ Demon King giant clad in armor, he was forced to spout out Chuunibyou lines in front of everyone, and use his two ultimate skills that will bring the end... or not.

Unfortunately, those two ultimate skills that he has are planned placeholder DLC gacha skills, and charged as premium products for Adults Only. Stuck in a scenario where he would get attacked by his classmates and subordinates, these two skills are definitely not useful. If anything, forcing his classmates in a state of Ecatas (y) Online will just rile them up because they are humiliated and killed. Once they revived...

Kakeru in a pinch indeed.

Fortunately, removing his armor allows him to revert to his normal appearance, leading up to some shenanigans where he protects his Demon King identity and classmate identity. One of the best plotlines during the ambushing of his classmates, is how he really made the most popular classmate explode. One of the cliche lines that a lonely and geeky otaku might say in manga, リア充爆発しろ (successful normie go explode!).

The strongest and most handsome Chad in Class 2A, complete with niceness and winning personality as well, was hit with the premium Gacha Adult Only skill, forcing him to do pe*vert things in front of his class. The girls who are attracted to him become flabbergasted with how he groped the succubus' b**bs instead of fighting the Demon King, while the boys were furious and envious over how all the succubus went straight to the Chad. Because the Demon King successfully distracted them all, Class 2A ended in defeat.

Said Chad really suffered in reputation, and Kakeru realized the implications of his actions. Even though he understands that leaving the class in disarray will raise his chances of Class 2A's survival (Demon King must not be killed), he attempts to restore Chad's reputation and succeeds. It's really quite wholesome.


I also think the way how the MC is juxtaposed between two roles is quite novel, like how one of the girls expressed disgust towards Kakeru and admiration to Demon King is hilarious, and another girl extending affability to Kakeru and intense hatred to the Demon King for casting Ecstas (y) on her. While the MC is too Beta for me, I think it's the gap between Chuunibyou Demon King and Beta MC makes it interesting, and this being an adult novel makes it a true rarity, 4.5 stars. Turn off your suspension of disbelief in realistic characters and enjoy it. <<less
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Hendro rated it
December 25, 2017
Status: v1 epilogue
It's basically a ecchi story but with a more serious tone and more action than HxH, the other novel the author works on. In this novel while it's a harem, it's not literally every girl that appears that likes the MC and most of them have real personalities (is this really from the same author?). Of course it has plot holes (like every story out there), like the MC is a teenager working in a VRMMORPG for a company and he works on the final boss of the game that... more>> can be said to be the most important character in a game.... like really? a teenager working on this... imagine a high school student working in blizzard, windows or nintendo.... Yeah, but hey things like these are there to make things more fun and interesting so it's cool. 2/3 of his classmates are missing which they will probably appear later as enemies or reinforcements or maybe they are simply in coma....

About the translation... Well, it can get better, the translator is obviusly a begginner in japonese-english translation but has potential, all he needs is a bit of experience (and a good editor) to get better. If you're reading this thanks a lot for your work in this novel.

The MC is a anti-social (Emo) nerd dude with serious communication problems that likes the most popular girl of the class (school as well), yeah I know who not right?... But even so he is kind and tend to work hard alone behind the scenes, his growth and development in his personality is show right from the volume 1 and will probably continue. When some of his classmates get imprisoned in the game he has a delay of 6 months only to log in the final boss he was working on, Demon Lord Hellshaft, right in the middle of a battle against his classmates. And later discovers that he has to keep his classmates from clearing the game if not everyone will die for real (Yeah that's right it's the opposite of SAO here). But while his classmates can revive in the game he actually dies if he is killed (Shirou references always wished to say this hahaha). And did I also say he is not a coward with girls? While he is a bit dense he is pe*vert and doesn't hesitate in the ecchi moments and even take some advantages of some of the heroines which is hilarious.

Until now there a 3 heroines... actually 5 if you count npcs on but i'll only talk about the real humans.

1º The Main heroine, The most popular girl in school, Asagari Ririko, though she is the MAIN, she is (for me at least) the worst of them, she is a kind and beautiful girl, the cliche of a good heroine, until there it's cool but all she knows what to say is "Demon lord i'll defeat you and go back home to the former world".... Yeah she says this basically every chance she has, even more then the others, ok it's normal to wish to go back in that situation but if it is all she knows what to say this makes her a bit empty, her only good parts till now is that she understands the MC kindness is slowly get closer to him (though it seems she is already in a relationship the with most popular dude as well, who knows maybe a netori will happen or their relationship is fake....).

2º heroine, the boss, Aikawa Shuuko Yeah she is like the MC boss in the company (she is not the president tho, don't get it wrong) she is usually very strict with the MC (she is probably under a lot pressure as well I guess) and also get inside the game but different of the students, she gets a enemy npc mark and ends up as a human s*ave, just like the MC she'll also have a definitive death inside the game if the dies once so her situation is quite severe, she basically acts as the MC advisor about the world (and also as his s*x s*ave, Hottest girl in the novel) looking forward to see her going deredere.

3º heroine, the wise girl, Shizukuishi Non (weird name...), the favorite of most, the girl with the most brain cells in the novel, she is basically just like the MC hiding her true kind nature and put a cold facade outside, she dislikes the MC exactly because of this since they are very much alike, but ends up suffering from stockholm syndrome after almost being r*pe in public by Hellshaft (mc) and develops feelings for the maou (it's still not clear if she only suspects the MC from being the maou or if she already fully knows) also looking forward for her going all deredere.

Conclusion, it's a very good novel worth reading, but if you guys are looking for a SAO level of drama or a less ecchi novel then this isn't for you. 5/5 from me. <<less
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Darknessbethyname rated it
March 17, 2020
Status: V6 epilogue
It's being a really nice read. People may complain or give low scores because of the ecchi (I wonder why when the title of the series, synopsis, genres, tags, and who the author is already pretty much throws in your face that the series is going to have a lot of le*d situations so just hating on it because of the le*d parts even though everyone already expects it is a pretty close minded notion, gotta be more open minded guys, try to see the other interesting parts of a... more>> story instead of judging it solely because of the le*d), but ecchi is not the only thing this series has to offer.

The world of Exodia Exodus is quite intriguing, I was actually pleasantly surprised that the author started to do some world building in a chapter that was meant to be a fanservice one (and funnily enough, 90% of said chapter was nothing like that), the good thing is that the author keeps expanding the world building bit by bit every volume, and although I wouldn't say it's one of the best world buildings ever or something along those lines, but it's still really decent and nice enough to give you a clear picture of the cities/places and make you interested in them.

As another reviewer mentioned the girls are good and have their own traits, and not all of them are in love with the main character like it's the case in majority of harem novels/anime/manga out there. Regarding the girls that are the actual love interests of the MC, they also don't fall in love with him right away, it's something that happens as the volumes go by and, to be honest, it feels like the MC actually deserves their affection due to his actions, hard work and all the sh*t he gets from other characters.

Speaking of the MC it's interesting to see how he is slowly receiving character development and how the mentality he had in volume 1 clearly changes as the series progresses, kind of refreshing as well that he is not afraid of touching a woman and tries to use his brain to set up traps for his classmates (his situation truly is a precarious one), he makes some mistakes in the way but learns from it and try to not commit those mistakes again. He actually feels more human than your usual ecchi or harem MC, maybe because he behaves a bit more like an actual teenage boy, doesn't act like he is allergic to women and some of his worries and fears feel more real. Volume 1 is more like an introduction to the world and the overall gist of things, many will probably compare it to SAO due to it being a trapped inside a VRMMO series but the two of them are extremely different, and I dare say that the story and development in Ecstas are beggining to shape up into something way more interesting than SAO. Another thing to mention is that volume 1 is (as of now) the volume with the biggest amount of le*d scenes, volume 2, 3, 4 and 5 have them as well but they have a much bigger focus on character interactions, story and worldbuilding (specially volume 3, 4 and 5). Volume 6 has the same amount as the first volume but the ecchi scenes are a lot shorter than in volume 1.

Some of the ''nonsensical'' things that were pointed out by other reviewers are actually explained, these details were most likely lost in the first translations due to those being pretty heavy MTL (Machine Translation), just showing how a non-accurate and bad translation can affect one's enjoyment of a series or making character interactions and plot related things seem s*upid or incomprehensible to a reader.

I say give it a go if you want something different with fun characters, a world and story that are showing signs of becoming incredibly interesting and of course, if you want a MC that does a lot of le*d things with the girls (and has a bit of chuunibyou too).

PS: Be sure to read Grasha's additional story from volume 3, although it doesn't have any crucial information for the main story, it still gives more characterization to Grasha and expands the worldbuilding.

PSS: Although I do respect the opinions of the other reviewers, I do have to disagree with the user that gave it 1 star regarding 3 things, the first being that all actions are based on misunderstandings.


There's a couple times (not many) in volume 1 where the MC jumps the gun and mentions something that would be better to not be said around a certain sharp character but aside from that, I can't think of any other example of misunderstandings on the other volumes, well, besides the usual ecchi misunderstanding once in a while that is normal for ecchi series like this one.

The second one would be regarding the MC being a weak Demon King, this is actually something pretty subjective, he can make strong attacks with his fire sword and even with his fists, but one needs to remember that his main abilities are only 2 le*d magics and that's it, so it can also be said that he is a strong and a weak Demon King at the same time. For those who still think that he is weak, there's an explanation for that later on in the series, but well, this MC is the type that uses his head a lot more than other MCs of this kind of series.

Now going for a more objective view, for starters the series already tells you from the very beginning that the game is still under development and by the dialogues between the characters it's quite obvious that it's nowhere near it's completion so the classmates being strong (specially since it's mentioned that the speed of leveling up depends on each individual) and other game errors (that do appear later) s not be surprising.

For some people (like me) it makes things a lot more interesting since the MC has to actually face hardships and start using his head, which creates some pretty interesting developments later on, now for others that prefer when the MC is overpowered and just wipes everything without any problem it might be quite frustrating.

The third thing would be the MC being an idiot. He acts a bit naive in volume 1 and is quite confused about his situation in the beginning but, as mentioned before in this review, he is growing as the story goes on and takes more countermeasures against his enemies in case his first plan doesn't work as expected. Many of the demons not being that smart is already clarified in the novel, they're NPCs, and the type that would just be background characters, so aside from important ones like MC's four subordinates, the other demons, although not being complete idiots or nothing like that, clearly don't possess the same level of A.I. As MC's subordinates.

Now regarding the whole thing about him letting his classmates level up, he can't let his identity be discovered because if that happens it's basically certain death for them all, so he needs to act as a normal classmate with them and not attract attention, which would certainly happen if he suddenly started to always try to stop them from leveling up, plus, he can't always be with them anyways since if he neglects his subordinates in the demon side, their loyalty status might drop, which would make them not trust the MC anymore and they could even act violently against him, possibly trying to kill him too.


I also have to disagree with the 2 star reviewer, the story has a pretty decent/nice background and setting, it's already explained that while the MC is not a genius, he is pretty knowledgeble, plus, his work only involves simple stuff like dialogue and body motion, it's also mentioned that the company he works part time at is pretty much a Black company so they hired people like the MC to not spend too much money on employees for the game. As I've said before, I don't see how the relations don't make sense, but well, I can't blame the 2 star reviewer for thinking that, the first translations of this series were horrible, plus, the translator kept including his own opinion and jokes every few lines so it could easily break the immersion when reading or confuse people regarding even the simple stuff. Thankfully, the current translator decided to re-translate volume 1 back when he started the series.

PSSS: With volume 6 done, I can safely say that the story got super intriguing with some really unexpected developments, this volume specifically was crazy. The world-building continues and MC's growth is satisfying. People who were filtered by volume 1 are really missing out a good series, I can say without a doubt now that Ecstas became a lot more interesting than SAO (from my view obviously), the author also did a really good job in portraying the theme he was aiming for in this novel. <<less
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SeventhTale rated it
December 24, 2017
Status: v1 epilogue
Ecstas Online is a story situated in VR world where students are trapped. Our MC is a timid guy who is the one who creates lines for the Demon Lord during its development. What great in this story is it's development. As our MC acts both as a Demon Lord and Guild Member with his classmates, he needs to manage his subordinate as maou and avoid being discovered by his classmates while making sure he will not die.

... more>>

Here we will see if his classmates will believe, side, or fall to him after they taste his powers. One female classmate, leads the group, one is very sharp but has a secret, and his demon like employer is his s*ave. With our MC having a high position in heirarchy we will see how their fate will turn out.


Ero time when our MC is demon lord and struggles when he's a human, it's really interesting to read how this story proceed. <<less
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Xuanyu rated it
October 10, 2019
Status: --
Story is bad and all actions are based upon the character missunderstanding and not comprehending their situation.

... more>>

MC is a idiot that made the demon lord an idiot and all demons are muddleheaded idiots. MC is wasting away his time letting "hero" rise 6 level from 17 to 23 in just 2 weeks unnoticed.

He was moving tr*sh for 2 weeks.

Oh and the last bos almost died 4 times in just first volume.

In the first battle he lost almost all 1000 hp due to few attacks because these newbs skills do 100/200 damage.

Because of the critters outside beginner town right next to the demon castle lmao his true level is 1 and critters can kill him in 3 or 4 hits.

When doubted by cold sorcerer girl in orc village.

In guild hall he lost 95%hp because of a single spell cast by lvl 15 newbie.

Weakest demon lord ever. How the f*ck will he ever protect anything the hero with his level 23 can probably instakill him now.

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NeilPete rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: v7 epilogue
Most look at this novel and immediately think it's just another r18 themed fantasy wish-fulfilment. They. Could. Not. Be. More. Wrong.

Before I say anything about the story, let me clarify one thing: Please do not be put off by the MC being awkward around others/girls at first. He actually undergoes very good character development as the volumes progress and he gets better at socializing.

Where do I even begin to describe what this series is really about? There is a f*ck ton of things going on. The begining is your classic... more>> SAO locked in a game world premise but the circumstances surrounding the MC are so very different. The story begins with the MC waking up in the body of the "demon lord" character that his classmates are trying to kill?! Just tell his classmates and solve the misunderstanding? It's truly not that simple so our MC has to lie. And lie. And lie some more.

Oh, this demon lord is not very strong but he does have a very interesting set of abilities that always result in hilarious fanservice scenes.

Killing the demon lord/MC is supposed to be the only way to log out but the truth is that the game is broken and clearing the game will actually kill the players IRL. So our MC has to two-face everyone to keep his classmates alive.

You will be at the edge of your seat as you watch the MC unfold various layers upon layers of the mysteries surrounding this suspicious game and reach the end goal.

The bonds he makes with the people, especially his NPC subordinates is heartwarming to see. The main girl the MC begins to fall for is no damsel in distress he needs to save. She's badass. The plot twists near the end of the series are just wow.

Please don't pass this series up. You won't regret it if you continue past 1 or 2 volumes and the plot begins to get more intricate. <<less
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caizhi rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: Completed
It is entertaining and I enjoyed reading it. I wouldn't say it is the best but it is worth my time and I didn't regret spending hours on this novel.

The plot and characters are interesting. The illustrations also helps me enjoy the story specially the 'treasures'.

There may be few points about the MC that pisses me off while reading (specifically his s*upid brain) but I could ignore it because I really want to know what would happen next.

Though it could have been much better if it is remade, I'm already... more>> fairly satisfied and I think the quality of the plot is better than most of new animes.

The few points I'm not satisfied about are:

  1. I Think the author could've thought about the mc's character, role and path of improvement more. Although he is the demon king he is weak, if each of his generals push themselves, they could probably defeat him 1 on 1. Although he could probably subdue them by his adult abilities, it is unreasonable that he is the demon king without clear power difference between him and his subordinates. Also, although he is the demon king he doesn't really feel like it, i'd say he is more like a spy of the demon army because the demon king rules over all demons, they should've written more about his conquest of other territories.
  2. The MC isn't really that smart, though he thinks of sharp ideas sometimes, he is s*upid on most cases. Like how he always thinks that he would definitely not let his classmates die but he never really guards the gate where his classmates would die seriously, it is even unattended sometimes. He also holds back on his 'in-game purchases' because his s*upid brain thinks that the company responsible for trapping them in the game are gonna charge him afterwards. I mean, it'd be a miracle if they don't get imprisoned for trapping dozens of students for about 2 yrs.
These are only small things and I just decided to ignore it but it'd be good if it is fixed. But even with all those I still very much like this story and I want to see it animated. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
July 19, 2018
Status: c3
Not very interesting. Honestly the book is just pure echi/hentai everwhere. I wouldve done 2 star but the writing not horriblem so it made it ok. Background plot/setting suck too. Plot / info is just thrown everywhere which makes it confusing, and also a no-nothing MC on knowledge got a job for vr which u need to be a genious for to work at which it said he is not so how does he work? The relations dont make sense by abouy 90%
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Scyferine8878 rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: v3 extra
Well the story is really great! This is a great 17+ isekai ever!!! The MC is likeable even tho he is kinda pathetic but he is not beta at all he is smartass and funny.. It is really refreshing.. The characters got personality they are not really bland except the NPC.. I can't say he is a Demon Lord bcus he is kinda weak bcus he doesn't even test much his power.. If anything I can call him Hentai Lord.. The world building is ok.. The 1 star review is... more>> kinda correct he is the weakest Demon Lord but I think you only read it one volume n half of it... The 3 stars review did really put his/her standards to high.. MC is closet pe*vert with brain.. It is really interesting when he tried to manipulated someone which sometimes he messed up and the target in his favor.. He also has charisma in his Demon Lord mode different from the usual him makes someone who knows him doubt him if he really the Demon Lord or not <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 5, 2022
Status: --
I haven't read much yet but one thing is very clear to me, and maybe for you, that...


1st is the grammar or the translation, its quite hard to follow unless you read it word by word...

Another painful part to read, in fact, its the most painful factor of the story, and that is the MC! I felt my heart breaking, nit because of pity to the MC but because of how the author made the MC soooo fxcking pathetic from the very... more>> start.. I mean seriously, it was heart breaking that it made me wanna throw up and smash my phone!

I mean, why, just why was MC made that way?? Out of all types of MC out there why this kind of MC?!

So far as to what I read, I just hate the attitude of the MC..

You see, MC is an outcast among his classmates, he is mostly invisible to them, ridiculed not directly but silently.. lets say there are groupings, he is last to be chosen or even forgotten, then he would be tossed around by them not wanting him to their group... But that is not the main issue... There is no problem with an MC like that, its a nice setting for a character developement... What I detest the most is that the MC tries to integrate himself to their group when he doesnt need to, or even if he is not trying to, his movements, his actions and thoughts around them just made the MC so fxcking pathetic!! He keeps on stuttering, shying away from them or even wanting to communicate with them...

I mean honestly, there is no need to try and get along with people who doesnt want you or who doesnt like you as you are, none of us are really obligated to prove ourselves to others and if they dont like you, you can just shrugg them off and not care about it... It would be better to be with others that doesnt mind your social status or what ever... Dont get mixed up with hypocrites cause their bad influence.... So its really annoying when MC is acting and moving so pathetic... Fxck this try hard of a character developement...

Though, this is just from the earlier chapters, if you can endure some of this Main character issues that you might hate, then good for you <<less
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mish20011 rated it
September 20, 2020
Status: v3epilouge
This is the first time I will review an LN and I am so happy about it. Ecstas Online is so good that I managed to finished 3 volumes in 2 days. Although it looks like it ended fast because it is only 8 volumes but it is considerable because it will be boring if made longer. Thanks to this novel, I will try to read other works of Masamune Kuji like Masou Gakuen and the new one. Although the new one doesn't look interesting. Doumeguri is basically a simp... more>> for Asagiri and that is all I know, but if he will end up with her then it is also fine. But I wouldn't lie that if it will be with Aikawa-san or Shizukuishi, I will be happier. <<less
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titor420 rated it
May 24, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a novel that has so many good ideas yet fails to hit the mark in the way it could have. The author is great at pacing and writing dialogue, but is held back by his unwillingness to experiment with the narrative, and inability to develop satisfying character relationships.

I am a sucker for hidden identity trope, and the premise of this novel hooked me really hard. But as I continued to read I slowly became more disillusioned. The MC, Kakeru, is the main culprit. He is not really that... more>> smart and he's often frustratingly incompetent. He often acknowledges future problems, but does not do the smart or proactive thing, and somehow stumbles his way to victory at the very end. He has some nice, but subtle character development.

In general, a lot of the plot developments and actions characters take often feel contrived, and you get the feeling people act out of character for the sake of the plot. The author has no idea what chekov's gun is. There are entire characters, hints and story events that either give the wrong impression, or are meaningless, making it feel like the author was rewriting the story as he was going.

Not to say it's all bad, because it's easy to get invested in the story and the MC's journey. The author does have a nice sense of humor, so sometimes you will get some good laughs, though he does love the "walk in on a girl in the bath" trope a little too much.

If you're coming here for the romance, don't get your hopes up. First, this isn't a harem novel. Second, the romance (and love interests for that matter) in this novel are just.... very disappointing. Not to say that the characters are all 2d though.


The author builds up a nice, sweet romance with the MC & Asagiri that leads to a dead end. There are a lot of girls around the MC, but he crushes on this girl in the beginning of the story, she's the girl he's always looking at and thinking about, no one else. The author spends a lot of time building these two up.... They actually go through quite a lot of development. The MC goes through hell and back to saver her time and time again. Then, they finally get to spend a night together and he confesses to her, and they grow close. It's nice. But then for "plot related" reasons she distances herself, starts calling him by his last name again, and then it... just ends. Asagiri here actually comes off as really cold, but it's just the author's fault I think. She's the only one who the MC shows real romantic interest in. After everything they go through together, she doesn't wind up with him... Feels bad...


And I have a rant about Shizukuishi as well


This girl is a total failure as a heroine, especially for being the #2. Initially she comes off as rude and distant, but that's fine because we have 8 volumes to get closer to her, see her develop as a character while opening her heart right?... Wrong!

She starts with the "ice queen" template, and it slowly breaks as we see the MC getting closer to her. But honestly, she's only good for fanservice. Because her "real self" is even more ugly and insane than her first impression. She's only liked because of her good looks. Her personality remains awful. The MC does a lot for her, but she's always bad towards him. She loves his alter ego, but tries to mu*der him when she discovers his identity. There's a laughable scene where the MC and his friend admire her for, I kid you not, being incredibly selfish and self-centered regardless of others. I feel like the author kind of knew he messed up her arc, because she has less presence in the later volumes, for good reason.


And finally, last but not least Aikawa...


She is the best girl, and my favorite heroine in the novel, so why am I upset the MC winds up with her? Because she's literally a side character most of the time. She doesn't have enough screen time, the MC constantly forgets about her, her role in the story simply isn't big enough. But the main reason is that, for 7+ volumes, the MC describes his love for Asagiri... Aikawa doesn't even get a confession, or a big moment at the end. The story never gives the MC the chance to express how he feels about her, or if his feelings have changed/developed, or how grateful he is towards her. So it doesn't feel compelling or satisfying at the end. The author's just like, "oh the MC is dating her now"... not exactly a good conclusion for 8 volumes of buildup.


Let's just say, the author is much better at writing platonic friendships between guys than romance. Because I really enjoyed the MC's relationships with his subordinates. Souma was probably the most interesting character in the novel, and his role in the story later on was awesome. These friendships are nice, and often neglected in an isekai novel. But most of them never rise above the "shonen friend power" trope, unfortunately.

Overall, I have a million nitpicks for this story, I could go on and on. But at the end of the day, it somehow remains fun and entertaining, despite the flaws. <<less
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blank1134 rated it
February 8, 2024
Status: Completed
Ecstas online is a good read and I've enjoyed every bit of it. I like how the author was able to express emotion not just from the R18 scene but also in the story telling scene. A lot of the same genre has come to past but I enjoyed how the author was able to tell his story, it didn't bore me once as the story progresses.

It would been nice though if the author was able to develop the character more not just the MC. It would've been wonderful to... more>> have them more screen time. I especially would liked to hear more of the fallen angel and dark elven woman more. A lot of the supporting characters weren't given more roles and it's a shame but I still liked how the author give life to others like grimoire user, the boss lady slash s*ave and the MC love interest, I forgot thier names teehee.

Anyways I enjoyed reading Ecstas Online and I hope for more great stories to come from Taira-san. <<less
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Kippei-kun rated it
April 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Enjoyable series. Had it's problems like the fact that some of the ecchi scenes in the last 2 volumes could've been cut or done at a later moment and the defeat of a certain character felt underwhelming, not necesssarily bad but could have been executed better, but aside from that, really fun ride. The plot was actually quite interesting with a lot of mysteries starting to appear from volume 3 onwards, and the world building was quite ok considering that this is a 8 volume novel. Contrary to the two... more>> reviews bellow, I had no problem with the translation, assuming that they read Taekan's translation, not the terrible MTL that was Hainamekoru's translation.

MC's personality and actions were not annoying at all to me, it's even a bit realistic if I say so since there's people in real life that want to get along or feel like they need to earn the gratitude of those who don't like them that much.

As for those who do not like that fact about the MC, don't worry, he undergoes pretty decent character development and matures quite a lot when compared to the him from volumes 1 and 2, the bonds he makes throughout the story with certain characters are quite endering to read.

A shame that the manga was cancelled due to the artist's death, there's really cool moments that would be nice to see in a more visual medium. <<less
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Temp950 rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: --
The Translation is just so terrible that its not worth reading. You have no idea who is talking at any point, and the grammar is completely broken so sentences make no sense. If this was just the occasional error it wouldn't be a big deal, but this is prevalent throughout. There is hardly a sentence that is correct. This is just a small step above machine translation at best. The first few chapters were translated by someone more competent, but from volume 2 onwards its just terrible.
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Ditto222 rated it
April 4, 2024
Status: Completed
Really fun story. I don't really understand Wolfgang's complaints tbh when he didn't even read the whole volume. The setting is quite easy to understand. Like any light novel out there, the first volume is basically set-up stuff, introducing the world and situation to the reader, which happens exactly in the first 2-3 chapters of the volume.

After that, MC starts to take action and fun (le*d) things begin to happen. Also, people have to keep in mind that something called character development exists (and the MC does receive it throughout... more>> the story), so expecting it in the first 2 chapters is ridiculous.

Of course this series is not flawless and has some plot conveniences here and there (like every fictional story) but besides the le*ds, it has more things to offer. Ecstas has interesting concepts, good mysteries, some nice plot twists and good development for the MC. His relationship with his subordinates is quite wholesome.

So if you want to read a le*d light novel that is fun, not long and has a surprisingly decent story, you might want to give this series a chance. <<less
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WolfgangHype rated it
April 1, 2024
Status: v1c2
The setup is too ridiculously convoluted. I came for the h**ny stuff so my expectations weren't high but it managed to make me actively disinterested before getting to anything interesting. It lacks just about any kind of hook. MC is boring and pathetic and the situation is uninteresting and nonsensical.
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