Wings of Hung Chien


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Modern woman transmigrated to an ancient society which is a female deity. Not to mention farming, she can’t even grow flowers! In the end, to live, she can only work hard to ”women should be self-reliant”!

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solivagantsoul rated it
January 14, 2024
Status: Completed
Honest review would be 3 or 3.5 stars. It;s a relatively simple and sort of predictable plot with slight deviations here and there. There isnt much struggle in the plot as other novels with similar plotlines would have. It has more slice-of-life feeling and doesn't really take a dark turn with ruthless struggles. It's a passable read when u can't find anything else (like me rn)

like I said, easy going not much struggle, no grand plots, no over the top romance, while MC is op he doesn't get... more>> to perform so grandly. Everything I aside I pretty much enjoyed it.

MTL is very easy to read especially for an ancient setting!

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