When My Enemies Began to Regret


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I lived a pretty pathetic life. My fiancé not only used me, but also cheated on me. And my family, instead of protecting me, their daughter, acted as if I was at fault and announced that I wasn’t their real child. To top all of that off, I was almost killed for political reasons. So, I decided to end my pain. But somehow, I miraculously went back in time.

With my second chance, I decided to take my revenge. Take revenge on my enemies and refine myself, cleaning up my past mistakes one by one… And break up with my fiancé who’ll just end up bothering me in the future.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you suffered this much…”

However, the man who’d told me that he cheated on me because he thought that I was unattractive was now apologizing.

“I’ve changed my mind. I’m interested in you.”


“I never thought that I would find my first love at this age. If you feel sorry for me, why don’t you pay me back.”

In addition, the Duke that I temporarily allied with to be able to break up with my ex-fiancé started becoming obsessed with me. I was just trying to accomplish my revenge so why is everything so different from the past.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. revenge is best served hot
  2. Completed (Reincarnation/Second Chance/transmigrat...
  3. female protagonist
  4. Want to read
  5. read it pls

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11 Reviews

Mar 26, 2022
Status: c10
I gave this 5 but it's more a 4 high 3. It got the 5 because the way it's written is both a plus and a minus, and depending on whether you like it or not.

First lets clear the setting. It's not a standard second chance novel. No spoiler, it's either a character in a game. Character in a web novel being written, character in an AI simulation, or other similar thing, not sure which yet but it's something of the kind. The way it's played has some fun elements... more>> and a certain degree of novelty.

While she may be nothing but a character the MC is very real and very tortured. So far the antagonists are equally real and fleshed out. This makes the path of her revenge exceptionally enjoyable and truly a guilty pleasure to watch.

The writing, I have a very hard time describing the writing style. I love the phrasing and flow. Individual and short sequences of paragraphs are just beautiful. The problem is that the author will leave out vital parts of a description, shift to a different topic, then reveal the details half a chapter later. It definitely raises the difficulty of reading the novel. There are also time/perspective shifts that you don't realize until well into them and have to start re reading. So far I am only 10 chapters in and it's different and interesting but I can see it being really annoying by the end.

Bottom Line: It's pretty good, but I would wait for more reviews and more of the novel to be translated. It looks like a chapter a week or so will be very frustrating. <<less
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Mar 16, 2022
Status: --
This is soo good. FL is kinda evil but no surprise after what she's been through. It's a cliche revenge plot but it's not boring at all. FL does revenge herself and she's satified when they can't breathe and are buried lol. Basically slowly going after everyone and boy is it entertaining!
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Feb 16, 2022
Status: c3
Off to a good start so far, she isn't spending a huge amount of time wasting and lamenting her past nor questioning how she returned. She is focused on revenge and being able to make those who harmed her in the past suffer, I really like her attitude!
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Apr 07, 2022
Status: c1
It's starts off slow but it's starting to get interesting like around ch 10 or so.

I like the MC so far, her mind is totally set on revenge so she making some pretty cool plans on how to achieve her plans to function, so she's pretty smart and ambitious.
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Mar 21, 2024
Status: Completed
The most unexpected novel I've ever read. And I think in a good way (?) It's interesting. And this novel, how to say it... hmm it felt like when I was slowly deeply immersed with the story, a harsh truth of reality slashed me through the tragedy the FL is going through. I think the idea is creative and fresh. Though the story is a bit dark, certainly wasn't the common cliche loveydovey romance novel you've read before. It's intriguing. I'd recommend it! Made me can't stop wondering what will... more>> happen in the next and the next chapter... until I found myself unable to stop reading.

I think waiting for each chapter for a long time could be frustrating for stories with lots of plot twists like this, but I'm glad I found this novel when it was fully translated! Made me wonder if the the low stars ratings were from cases where ppl don't read till the end... Bc I think its getting better and better from the middle chapters to the end?

Anyway, thank you so much for the author and the translation team for this novel!!!


P.s. If you haven't read till around chap 140ish, it's really really not recommended to read this spoiler part bc im afraid its a big spoiler that will ruin the fun : (

In the middle of reading this, tbh I even thought to myself how I'm going to add Aloken as one of my fav ML list, but ahhhh :')

Contemplating to add this part since I never posted spoilers in review before and I don't want to ruin the fun from anyone accidentally reading the spoilers. But, I just feels like confiding the feelings inside my heart and if maybe anyone feels the same like me :')

Definitely mean it when I said I felt like I was being slapped by reality after that part lol

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Dec 01, 2023
Status: c146
Whew, boy. This was different.

There are quite a few twists in this story. Some people, like me, will absolutely love it. Others will not, wanting a more... predictable plot? How to put this without giving spoilers?

You could consider the genre of this story romance, after a certain point, maybe? The love interest definitely does fall in love first, and he is a handsome male lead, but... let's just say the roles and events, and the understanding of said things the reader comes to comprehend aren't reliable. Yeah. That makes sense.

If... more>> you get really into typical romance stories, you may want to read the spoiler before reading, because something happens later in the story that may make you angry, but if you like twists, mysteries, or are more hung up about the revenge part of the story, definitely ignore it. Things will be so much more satisfying going in blind.

Again, this spoiler (revealed around the 100th chapter, btw) is only for those who are looking for a healing, semi-normal romance, and don't like their emotions being played with.


This is a big spoiler, so consider it carefully before you read. There's more twists that make it worth reading, but this one's the big kahuna, and reading it will semi-ruin the first 100 or so chapters (only semi, though, as her biggest acts of vengeance were in there, too). Only read if I've already half convinced you this novel isn't for you.

We got Hans'd.

Yeah, from Frozen, Mr 'if only somebody loved you' Hans. For 100 chapters. It turns out, the guy who we are given all signs to believe is the typical, cold Duke of the North ML stereotype, is actually the villain. Yeah... after watching him court the MC who no longer believes in love for 100 chapters, rooting for them for her sake, since she desperately needs a hobby aside from revenge, he betrays everyone. Never loved her, actually hurt her behind the scenes a few times, and only wanted something from her. He's one of the unapologetic bad guys, but so much worse than her ex-fiance.

To be fair, we're warned early on that he's an actual, literal sociopath, but the 'untouched by emotions until I met you' trope made us not take it seriously, but he seriously has no empathy for others, and he's not a yandere who loves her in a sick, twisted way, either. 100 chapters, he courted her. That was two years in the novel, in order to use her, then kill her, then forget her. Once everything was revealed, he hit and stabbed her, while verbally abusing her. It was... uncomfortable to read.

Don't worry, though, there seems to be the true ML, who we thought was the 2nd male lead, Carl (who is both handsome and in love first, yay for tags not lying... eventually) to try to pick up the pieces.


Anyway, I love this novel so far. It's been unconventional, but that's fun, as well. Past the 110 chapter marker or so, it starts to become a little more typical, but there's still a couple twists coming. Truly everyone, even the scum of the earth, has their own point of view. This novel does a good job of showing that. <<less
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Oct 16, 2023
Status: c133
It's really plot twist. Writing style is back and forth between past and present. It's well translated. When you read 100+ chapter you will shock, who the real enemy is.

... more>>

i thought her fiancé is trustworthy person, but actually he is the final boss and also I thought he is the ML, but actually the ML is someone that I didn't expect it because his presence like side character. FL really doesn't have someone she can trust and rely on. Only that friend-sub ordinate she can trust (red haired)

Og FL is actually kind in 2nd tl. Because MC changes herself and the situation is different from 1st tl. In the 1st tl MC was really pathetic, fool and didn't do anything, only begged for love. So the MC's character building is good

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Apr 10, 2024
Status: Completed
The plot twists in this novel.... Oof.... I didn't see it coming at all (or well I maybe refused to see it because of how well the circumstances were manipulated) and I really enjoyed the different type of ending here ... more>>

especially how the second ML turned out to be ML and how they're together in their respective messed up-ness overall


Although overall there were many plot holes and things about MC that was very frustrating but it was okay overall, the uniqueness of the story made up for it I suppose <<less
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Apr 05, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel was a fun read, but I get why some people might not be totally satisfied. It takes some guts to throw unexpected twists halfway through to the end, just when you think everything's wrapping up. Even though it feels like a sudden shift, I caught the author dropping hints about what was coming and kinda hoped my predictions would pan out.

The title of the story doesn't quite click with me. Maybe I missed the abstract meaning or something, but... Nah, no regrets there, lol
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Cherry Ruby
Cherry Ruby
Feb 23, 2024
Status: c131
Yoooo I don't know what to write in this review really, but this novel is really unpredictable and a psychological turmoil imo overall I'll give this novel 3 stars just for the chapters where she had her interactions with Carl. ... more>>

The Duke is a sad*st narcissistic sociopath without any empathy or love, he didn't love her even a bit and only played with her feelings after she genuinely loved and helped him and his actions up from the chapter 100 made me want to throw away my phone also he is not the ml... from the spoilers I've read Carl is the ml, but idk what to say about the main couple aka Carl and FL because the author didn't really do justice to them having so little development in the 131 chapters I've read.

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Oct 07, 2023
Status: c125
After the plot twist, I was so shocked that I couldn’t continue reading. It came out of nowhere and was good for shock value, but it also made me not have the stomach to continue reading. I wasn’t really huge on the 2nd ML either. I just dropped it as I felt I couldn’t be satisfied with the ending after that point. But it was great up until that point though

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