When I Reincarnated as the Villain of a Game World, I Created a Harem and Broke the Protagonist’s Heart and Efforts!


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Wraith Heavile

The villainous character in the game “Lord of Justice”. Born into a Duke’s family, blessed with good looks, and possessing overwhelming talent, he is a person who diligently works hard despite his advantages. However, due to his position, he grows up unable to trust people and without knowing love. Eventually, he is tragically killed by the protagonist who embodies justice due to differences in their perspectives.

The Main Character, gaining a new life as Wraith, sets a new goal for this new chance.

To crush the protagonist with overwhelming strength and avoid the fate of death.

To believe in oneself and build a harem with women who believe in and love him.

This is a story of breaking the fate assigned to the villain and creating a new destiny.

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  1. Villain Novels
  2. Interesting reads for me

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/08/24 Zetro Translation c65
09/15/24 Zetro Translation c64
08/30/24 Zetro Translation c63
08/24/24 Zetro Translation c62
08/08/24 Zetro Translation c61
08/01/24 Zetro Translation c60
07/29/24 Zetro Translation c59
07/24/24 Zetro Translation c58
07/19/24 Zetro Translation c57
07/16/24 Zetro Translation c56
07/12/24 Zetro Translation c55
07/08/24 Zetro Translation c54
07/07/24 Zetro Translation c53
07/04/24 Zetro Translation c52
07/01/24 Zetro Translation c51
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5 Reviews sorted by

MyRAMEN rated it
April 12, 2024
Status: c14
It has interesting premise and was pretty good at the start but a few chapters in the plot fell through and now it is a game of collecting girls who conveniently fell into his laps and fall in love within a single chapter. The main plot was already gone 5 chapters in
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EroticReader rated it
December 16, 2023
Status: c13
Definitely a winner in my books! Love it when novel don’t go the typical route of the MC being a goody two shoes and opt to have the villain be the MC. Female leads are a bit disappointing but the MC offsets that.
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Vilidious rated it
March 17, 2024
Status: c42
Translation is good and all, but the story seems to go nowhere.

It's like this and that does happen in the story, but I have no idea what the big picture behind describing it is; I don't see any clear overarching plot.

Especially in the latest part of where I got, he's showing off how OP he is, but I have no idea why he decided to go as far as he did or why he had no repercussions for it.

... more>> So, the end feeling for me is basically bewilderment.

Finally, I think this novel is best read in bursts of tens of released chapters to avoid the feeling of the progression stalling... f. ex. I think at one point it took the MC about 4 chapters just to buy new clothes at a cloth shop... when 13 years of his childhood were skipped right after prologue in basically half of one chapter.

Still, in general the writing and translation are easy to read and despite the things above, the MC hasn't felt like an irritating neutron star of denseness, so I'm leaving my evaluation at 3 stars. <<less
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HentMas rated it
March 8, 2024
Status: c1
The level of literature is super simple.

This was written with the intent of turning it into a comic.

I noticed some inconsistencies of what the autor wanted to say and what the translator actually wrote, nothing major just a bit confusing but with the context you can guess what the real meaning was.

... more>> Of course, a power fantasy with a ruthless protagonist is a joy to read, especially since it's not a very common trope.

He's a no-nonsense, ruthless, direct, straightforward, OP protagonist, so if you like that description, go right ahead and read it.

The plot is kind of meh, riddled with clichés, the antagonists are all dumb, the relationships are simply put, complete and total harem fantasy without any spec of anything that resembles reality.

But it's a fun read.

It's a good novel to pass time, super simple but very engaging. <<less
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FRASH_18 rated it
March 7, 2024
Status: c59
MC might be a little edgy with how randomly cold he is, but I like how he isnt a cliche loser japanese virg*n scared of touching woman and pushes them away their advances. This guy initiates and also tells them blatantly one of the reasons he is protecting them is because he finds them beautiful. Also MC is op asf like no one compares. Also the girls are obsessed and yandere for him. I recommend reading if you like yandere otome isekai novels but with a MC whos not your... more>> classic virg*n scared of women and also wants to stay away/not intervene with the otome plot. 5 stars.

(Idk why this has dense protagonist tag, this MC is literally everything but dense, top 3 best otome isekai MCs imo, just cause of how non dense he is and how he goes after the women.) <<less
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