What to Do if I Am Noticed by the Straight Guy Next Door?


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Su Bin, an exchange student, moved into a shared apartment recommended by a rental agency. Among his roommates, there is a caring and considerate older teaching assistant, a self-proclaimed social prince who is also a rich second-generation, and a handsome mixed-blood aristocrat (?) who appears to be aloof and cold. As his student life gets underway, Su Bin realizes that one of his perfect roommates, who was like a protagonist in a novel to his (former) girlfriend, is gradually revealing an aspect that he cannot resist. The problem is, Su Bin also feels constantly trapped and helpless. Meanwhile, he is also trying to earn money to surprise his girlfriend back in China, but his plans are thwarted halfway through… What? Roommates must be heterosexual? ( ̄_ ̄|||) Dizzy… Do I really look like I’m gay!? (╰_╯)

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10 Reviews sorted by

matcha_cherry rated it
June 2, 2023
Status: c194
I have finished this novel and this is one of the best ones I have ever read. Although some may feel the ML is controlling, it reassures the MC who has abandonment issues. There is a bit of angst towards the end but there is a happy ending and all the problems the MCs have are resolved. However, this book is not for the faint of heart, because the ML can be seen as toxic. Yet for those who like yanderes this book is one of the best you will... more>> ever read. <<less
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Ireadbl rated it
May 29, 2023
Status: c63
Warning: MC loses self-autonomy, Controlling AND TOXIC ML not wholesome at all

I did not sign up for this. I admit I skipped to see if ML gets better but he does not.

ML makes MC adhere to an oath of unquestionable trust towards ML, where MC pretty much can't talk things out with ML and ML gets to decide every action. MC questions ML and gets slapped with ML threatening MC that he will sleep alone and MC panics because fear of abandonment.


What I liked about the novel:

The slice of life of a Chinese student going to Britain to study. I thought it was interesting to learn about what a normal foreign student would have to go through such as illegal jobs.

What I didn't like about the novel:

The romance. ML is very controlling and manipulative. He starts to control MC's life and said, "From the day you moved in, you will be under my control." Made me sick to my stomach.


This was said 20 or so chapters ago and I stuck around just to see why the GF of MC left cuz author note was like don't blame the GF she has her reasons. Which she did because MC kept publicly confessing and the people around GF was peer pressuring to accept, so both of them weren't mature enough to just talk things out. Like just tell MC, I don't think you're very grounded, let's just stay friends. You think oh fair, it's life, they both need to grow, but author gives hints that maybe one of MC's friends is in a relationship with the ex-GF. Author does a 180 on what they said at the beginning, don't blame the GF.


Then much afterwards MC is fine with being controlled? Even though at that moment he was very much not.


MC feels cared for especially after being dumped by his girlfriend. He has severe abandonment issues. ML does this repeat process of making MC feel very vulnerable or anxious and then turning around and making MC feel nice. Very manipulative.


My red flag of fangirl side characters came up and I should've dropped but I forgave it just cuz MC was knowingly aware and disgusted over it. New red flag is going to be the anime styled cringe rich guy, but I thought the author was just going for comedy.
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May 1, 2024
Status: --
I dont understand why some of other reviewers getting all worked up over Allen's dominance traits. Perhaps you have never exposed to BD*M culture? Its a lifestyle. Not a trend. And it blends with life. Not practice only in the bedroom like the want to be kids thought off. Allen's trait is not that extreme. He's actually quite mild and more rational considering his age. And what Su Bin ex did to him was wrong. Dont ever justify things like that as harmless. She doesnt only wasted her youth but... more>> Su Bin youth just because she doesn't want to be labelled as bad guy. Ive noticed nowadays trend, people really like to put themselves in a victim position. They will drag the issue until someone have to be the bad guy no matter how many years it takes. Wasting everyone's time. <<less
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NoNameButImCute rated it
June 9, 2024
Status: Completed
I barely write any review on NU but this work made me do this because I'm surprised how people didn't understand the concept and giving bad reviews!

Well, I think the tags could be the reason as it's not all clear (saying because I think some tags might be missing). THIS IS NOT FOR VANILLA READERS. Yes, there's no r*pe/forcing or any of the type BUT the BD*M is not light here. The sub/dom play is extremely strong so vanilla readers naturally finds the ML overbearing

But trust me when I say,... more>> this is a good novel for the people who enjoys gray characters. I'll give the ML 10/10 for this role. And also the MC is so so so cute. He's good at cooking and although he's in ML's control he's independent and I really like it about him. I wanna give him 11/10.

The side ships were also okay. Not boring at least. But I wanted to read more about MC's classmate and the senior. It would've been great if the author wrote a separate novel for them. But sigh, the guy named Jin Fei's story remains untold. Although I don't know if there's any chapter in extra about him.

The translator did a pretty good job. (If we exclude the him/her problem. There was multiple time with mispronounced).

Overall the story is good. If you're not a vanilla readers, may as well as give it a try! &Gt;< <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
June 29, 2024
Status: --
I find this story disturbing. ML is a manipulative controlling character and the MC is an idiot. ML is exerting coercive control - a classic red flag for domestic violence. This is not a healthy and respectful relationship. I've stopped reading this story.
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alice_animelover rated it
June 24, 2024
Status: c1
I decided to stop at a healthy chapter because I have a different type of dominant ML I like. While I did root for them, I do think the MC is a true idiot. Anyway, congrats for both of them getting together. Hope they live happily ever after.
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ScotlandForsythe rated it
March 25, 2024
Status: c98
I usually like yandere partners and things of that nature so I ignored the reviews and continued reading (I'mokay with fark leads, etc, nad everything else). And I'm now just iffy. I will say that the MC was quite accepting of the situation so I won't really criticize it.

My biggest grief was with the ex-girlfriend and his former best friend. Like at first I hated them, then I felt bad, and then I just felt weird. I don't know. I jist wish things had gone differently. When they finally met... more>> wasn't as cathartic because of the situation with the ML imo.

This is just a long rant that's confusing


I just feel so weird. Despite clearly believing the ex girlfriend and former best friend were in the wrong... I actuallyunderstand why what happened, happened. Like, it went on for so long they didn'treally know how to stop it. So while I'm angry, I completely get why it happened. I actually feel almost bad for them.

Also, the ml... I don't know. For some reason I am not okay. Not with the ml, but with the entire situation where I'm at. I feel like I'm not gonna get any closure. Also, I think the MC needs therapy but it also makes sense why his relationship with ML is the way it is

I normally really like yandere leads. Especially when their both obsessed, but this felt like a little kid getting conned... the author also clearly wrote out how not okay the ml's thoughts were. And I'd actually normally be okay with this. It's just that, combined with the mc's personality and the breakup with his ex.... I wish they'd waited longer toget together.

Also... this sounds so bad, but want better closure with his ex gf and ex bsf. He actually seemed very sad. I can honestly see why he didn'twant to make the MC sad. Like, I can see why he made the choice he did, but it was still a betrayel


Basically, I'm feeling weird. And sad I wasted hours reading this lol. Sighs. I can't bring myself to finish.

Basically even though I actually liked the power imbalance, and the ml's obsession it was overridden by everything else about the situation lol <<less
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tarururo rated it
February 23, 2024
Status: --
I meant to rate this lower because of how much I disliked the ML and the ex-GF and eventually! Even the mc's bestfriend.

1. The ML is extremely controlling to the point where he spanked MC for being late? What is su bin? An elementary school kid? He is manipulative, constantly triggering the mc's abandoment issues so that the MC becomes dependent on him.

SPOILERS: kind of but not really..?

2. The author says "don't blame the GF" but then later on it's revealed that after the MC left for china, his bff... more>> and his gf had something going. Yes, the MC kind of caused the peer pressure around the gf to intensify by confessing publically, but they could've literally talked this out. The gf's highschool seatmate say the gf felt bad for leading MC on and she didn't want to hurt him/ruin his mood, but it didn't occur to her that by doing this he's going to be hurt even more? It's better to nip it in the bud rather than letting it grow. Such a very dumb move for someone praised to be smart in the novel.

second, the bff. Even if you want MC to be happy, knowing that their relationship started with a misunderstanding, and you didn't want to ruin it so u keep it to yourself is fine and all, but after years of them being in a relationship, you still haven't gotten over her? After MC and gf broke up, you swooped in the chance to get the girl despite knowing how heartbroken the MC would be due to how immature he is. What kind of friend are you?

the MC is fine, he does grow more in the novel, and that's a very good thing. Unfortunately, he's been surrounded by really sh*tty people. <<less
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kra lik
kra lik rated it
July 17, 2024
Status: c123
Oh my gosh another underrated gem!!

MC is a gullible baby (trust me, he has been trough some shi which actually explains some why's) who has attachment issues with his gf and ends up in different country to "mature". One of his roommates is a "vampire" with mindset life is short, appreciate each day like it's last in his own noble way?? Anyway things happen and they end up like two magnets attracting each other. The other roommates are cute too!!

As some have already said, it's heavy on sub/dom dynamics... more>> so be prepared if you want to give it a try. If you don't mind or even happen to enjoy that, I would definitely reccomend it to give it a go <33 <<less
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July 3, 2023
Status: c21
aw this cute n interesting to read.

MC is so in love with his gf. he's so clingy fr n I think he have that syndrom I forgot what its called but I think its separation anxiety? since he always following her anywhere n love to stick w her. they r cute although I knew they would break up cus its bl lmao.

MC is good at cooking n so funny lmao, hes like a silly kid 😭 if I was the ML I would fall for him too hahah

i really like... more>> the ML description tho? I cant imagine how gorgeus he is like? BLACK HAIR N GREEN EYES? CAN U IMAGINE THAT?? ><

ML is so controlling although so far he said it directly if hes feel uncomfy with polite + gentle demeanor but still, he's so demanding dbsjjsjs n rich asf to the point im wondering why he want to share room with ppl than bought a mansion for himself...

i can see how dark his love to MC will began... but its still not started so far tho 🤷🏻‍♀️

ML really like an old man dhjahs and I think he had that vintage n old money vibes, (THATS WHY I REALLY LOVE IT WHEN THEY STARTED TO DESCRIBE THE ML AAAA)

go read it ><, tysm for the translation ♡♡♡, im waiting heheh

anyway can someone tell me where to read it mtl pls cus I cant waitt 😭 <<less
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