What is an Otaku? Why the Gyaru Hating Men Get Along With Me To Enjoy Otaku Life?


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Out of a sudden, I had a crush on my classmate Takase Narumi. My ideal school life is to become good friends with her and together with my twin sister, Kotomi, who is also a classmate of ours so that both siblings of us could enjoy the rosary teenage together.

However, the problem would be the existence of Takase’s best friend, Momoi Maho. As a blonde celebrity mixed-raced Gyaru, Momoi is well-known for her beauty and her avoidance of men. Her attitude towards me is so cold, so at least I wish she could get along with my twin sister.

My sister asked me to do her a favour. It seems like I have to attend an offline meeting to meet her “game wife”, by imposing her as my sister is nervous to attend. But what? The person I was waiting for is actually Momoi Maho???

(Disclaimer from Plebian Translation Group – The Real Translation for OtakuZero is I have zero knowledge of Otaku. Why the Gyaru hating men get along with me to enjoy Otaku life. My reason for changing the name is for the lols and it is simple. Also, OtakuZero is not the official short name for the series, I just made this up and I think it is a fitting name. )

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How I, with Zero Otaku Knowledge, Ended Up Enjoying Otaku Activities with a Gal Who Hates Guys.
Otaku chishiki zero no ore ga, naze ka otokogiraina gyaru to ota katsu o tanoshimu koto ni natta ndaga
What is an Otaku? Why Does The Man-Hating Gyaru Get Along With Me To Enjoy Otaku Life?
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ItsThatBriGuy rated it
April 20, 2024
Status: v2c5 part2
This one feels at first like copypasta from any number of other JP LNs in recent years. And, y'know, maybe that's not entirely untrue. But it's all put together in a fresh and fun way. If a story about young adults messily flopping their way through friendships hampered by secrets that both multiply and are exposed, stumbling to parse the intersection of and difference between various forms of affection, and generally growing up with fun and struggles but without too much heavy drama is your joint, well, here ya go.
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