Today, I’m Trying To Get My Dad Back


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“You look cute, like me.”

This handsome man, who speaks with a soft voice now, is a tyrant of the times (probably?)

. . . and who also happens to be my damn father.

In my previous life, this man suddenly killed me for no reason.

There was no sign, and all I know is that the woman whispered to her father.

Now I have to make this man my prisoner again.

It shouldn’t be as easy as last life.

You need to be more perfect before the woman shows up.

First, drink some milk. Zap.

As I looked at Abby, I laughed lightly.

Then she flapped her short arms.


It’s really hard to survive.

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오늘도 아빠를 꼬셔보려 합니다만?
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. [KR] f child protagonist isekai/time slip/reincarn...
  3. Children are the cutest and the best~!
  4. cute father daughter relationships <3
  5. Cutie babies~ Kiddos~ young ones 1

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