This MC Is Kickass


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While creating her character, the game’s system randomly generated a “unique” name for her.

To avoid being recognized by her friends in reality, Shen Jingbin went for broke and made her in-game character look as ugly as possible, turning her into the ugliest character in the game.

But who would have thought that these days, even NPCs would judge her based on her looks! What should she do now?!

Thankfully, she had enough luck to overturn that. Hidden quests, amazing pets and top quality equipment were all lined up for her taking.

Even male gods were offering themselves up to her!…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Quánxí wǎngyóu, zhège nǚ zhǔ diǎo zhà tiān
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Recommendation Lists
  1. You Can Be The Player To My Game.
  2. I read them, I like them.
  3. Survival/Games
  4. Not Gonna Read
  5. Transmigration/ Rebirth

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/01/18 volarenovels c307
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64 Reviews sorted by

legend35 rated it
September 27, 2017
Status: c55
As a MMORPG novel, it is not really heavy on theme. The only problem is that the characters lack depth specially the MC and the plot is slow. However it is still enjoyable easy read. The translations are well done which makes it a good read.
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Brian95620 rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c22
The story has potential, even in the overused MMO op badass genre and Voltaire does frequent updates with amazing quality.

The best part for me is how the MMO NPC's and quests are so dynamic. It's what players dream of. Even if that's unrealistic the author still does a decent job on the world building.
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F_J rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: c22
Ok so I've read all the released chapters so far, and... shrug. I like it so far. The MC is cool, kinda like a go-my-own-pace-who-cares-what-you-say- type of character. And her interactions with others is hilarious at times. Expecially with her brother. The description of her character's ugliness isn't all the bad though. But like greyhud90 commented.... the main character seems to be handed things, just because to make the story flow in a certain direction. However, it doesnt really take away from the story as far as I can tell.... more>> And I think the author is trying to make explainations for some "silver platter" things


Like in the beginning right when she enters the newbie village, she has to go meet the village chief, but then because there are mean guard dogs she has to pass to get to the village chief's house, she go "you know what, i'll just go on a walk to the mountains". Then this random rabbit comes running out of no where and knocks itself out by running into a tree or something right in front of her. It's explained away as her luck stat, but... still. Then it turns out the rabbit is a secret quest item, which allows her to get pass the dogs no problem. As a matter of fact, the dogs even try to curry favor her instead of growl.

And the next hidden quest she gets a secret map to kill an area boss. Apparently the way the players go about completing the quest, there is a possiblily of having different endings. So like.. her brother who did the regular quest before, got the normal end. And when she does the regular quest she unlocks a new chapter to the game that requires maintenance and updates to the game to continue. But this time, the actions she took actually lead up to unlocking the quest. Eg, she searches the dead body of a greedy provinance lord for clues to complete the regular quest, only to find a clue unlocking the hidden quest. So, like if she didn't search the dead body, she wouldn't have found the hidden quest item. So, I see the author trying, but there seems to be a clear direction the author wants to head in and some things are just placed in such a way with relatively little explanation as to why. It doesn't take away from the story though. Imo.

And so far, no male gods are offerring themselve to her..... there is a prospective guy who is coming along, lol.


I don't want to rate yet, because I'm sure the rating will change (I'm a fickle person... XD) but yeah (oops I accidentally touched th stars and now I cant change it). Its relatively enjoyable, just not... very thought provoking, so it may not be your cup of tea. <<less
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August 19, 2017
Status: c21
Really funny so far! I really don't get why some people are hating on this novel.

Though the MMO trope has been old since SAO, this one is quite funny because our MC's in-game looks are TERRIBLE (but she's compensated for it by achievements that give her insane luck stat) and she's not a professional gamer. She's conned into playing by her brother.

So far it's a lighthearted and humorous read, definitely recommend it. I especially like her interactions with her brother -- perfect depiction of a typical sibling relationship right there.... more>> XD <<less
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