This MC Is Kickass


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While creating her character, the game’s system randomly generated a “unique” name for her.

To avoid being recognized by her friends in reality, Shen Jingbin went for broke and made her in-game character look as ugly as possible, turning her into the ugliest character in the game.

But who would have thought that these days, even NPCs would judge her based on her looks! What should she do now?!

Thankfully, she had enough luck to overturn that. Hidden quests, amazing pets and top quality equipment were all lined up for her taking.

Even male gods were offering themselves up to her!…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Quánxí wǎngyóu, zhège nǚ zhǔ diǎo zhà tiān
Related Series
A Slight Smile is Very Charming (9)
Reign of the Hunters (3)
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A Mistaken Marriage Match: A Generation of Military Counselor (1)
Doomed to be Cannon Fodder (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. You Can Be The Player To My Game.
  2. I read them, I like them.
  3. Survival/Games
  4. Not Gonna Read
  5. Transmigration/ Rebirth

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64 Reviews sorted by

lumiere rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c22
This story is fun to read, it's easily enjoyable.

In the case of this novel, there is no reincarnation, no genius player, it's just a girl who got introduced to this game by her brother. The only ridiculous aspect of it, is that she got a 25 luck attribute when creating her character because she made herself very very ugly, I'm quoting:

... more>>

"F*ck, she’s definitely a special kind of ugly. She’s so ugly she’s practically setting a new standard for it"


And the story is well made, the way it's written plays a big role in making it not cringy or a copy paste from other novels, so I can say for sure it has it own unique atmosphere.

The translation is amazing and the character are kinda cute especially the MC big bro♥

So definitely worth reading it! You will get hooked on it in just 2 or 3 chapters. <<less
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kcao1199 rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c23
Plot: The novel revolves around the female protagonist, who enters the game with a very ugly game character. Thus far, I haven't read any overtly complicated plot lines. The events that occurred are not surprising and can be expected, but there are various plot points that helps differentiate this novel from other vrmmorpg. Plotwise, not much has occurred. It's pretty straightforward.

Character: We are immediately introduced to various characters. The female protagonist is initially shown as a simple and funny character. We soon find out there is more than meets the... more>> eyes, which the author foreshadows and reveal pretty early on. The readers are introduced to many different character each with their own aspects. The character we are most familiar with is our main protag, and we can see how the author fleshed her out.

Setting: The setting has only been briefly discussed. The readers know it is a virtual reality mmorps. We know there are towns and sects involved in the game, but the setting hasn't really been expanded.

The latest chapter so far reveals a new expansion to the game, so the author may have been simply setting it up for something like this.


Writing: It can be difficult to judge an author's writing when it is translated with only two dozen chaps out. The author doesn't really focus on game play or the relations of others. The author focuses on the comedy of this novel. The novel has shown to be an easy read, and the dialogues are easily introduced. There isn't an overuse of exposition, so the readers are consistently entertained.

Overall, I can say the novel has been a fun read so far. I've only read up to the latest translation, so I can not tell how it'll process from here, but from what I've read, I can tell it is an easy read. It's not a complicated novel, and it's jammed packed with comedic moments and personality. It'll be the type of novel I typically can enjoy. <<less
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Star Singer
Star Singer rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: c40ish
This MC is not kickass. Despite being advertised as powerful, rich, strong and intelligent young lady, she has no agency, needs a man to do anything important that doesn’t involve being handed stuff from the game (rare animal that triggers hidden quest? Knocks itself out next to MC. Divine white tiger? MC growls at it, forgets to use skills, and that’s what tames it), and, most annoyingly, winner of countless martial arts competitions, prodigy since birth MC is scolded by ML after catching purse snatchers who stole friends bag for... more>> doing something “dangerous, ” something he would have done without a second thought and asked to be praised for, and she is all meek about it, doesn’t argue, and accepts that criticism! Then there’s the passive misogyny of “no one will marry you cause your strong”, nearly every female character only gets carried by men and can’t do anything on their own, except for key straight up evil people, who are allowed to torture the MC??? Oh yeah, the game world doesn’t even resemble a realistic MMO either, and the MC is incredibly beautiful IRL.

So all in all, this story is nothing like it is advertised, and is absolutely worse for it. <<less
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love-cutter rated it
December 15, 2017
Status: c154
Edit: I like how the ratings vary about not having enough/correct game elements when I'm 154 chapters in and craving for some shoujo moments. Personally, I'm not a gamer and know only super basic things about VR helmets. So, the question to ask yourself is, should I read this for the gaming elements or should I read it for the shoujo moments?

If it's for the game, don't read this. If you're here for romance, it happens quickly that the two leads meet and are attracted to each other but it... more>> takes a hella long time for some freakin development (which I'm okay with cause I like slow romances). The romance is slow because the author has developed a complex plot (lots of quests and sometimes ridiculous moments) for the game, regardless of anyone's review of the game being "unrealistic" or whatnot. Really, people. This is FICTION for a reason. It's not written in a way that makes you cringe. I actually like the crazy game they play, it's unpredictable. Sure, it's favoured towards the female lead, but not so much, that she doesn't struggle at all. She's found some opponents that kill her off as soon as they see her. So perhaps, she's not as lucky as one would think.

As for the humour, I think the author was going for the surprise element rather than being funny in the story. So don't go into this thinking it'll be funny. The only "funny" part is when the her guildmates, etc. Realize ugly character is actually really beautiful in real life.

I really like the overprotective siscon that her brother is. I suppose that's the funny part too. Especially, when others misunderstand the two as lovers in the game. Lol. <<less
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LuluLamp0 rated it
September 25, 2017
Status: c54
I like how the MC interacts with her brother, it shows how close they are. And I used to play MMORPG's so it's nostalgic for me. What I don't like is how they power level her at the start (I guess it's needed in order to get to the main plot.), it takes away the excitement in leveling up and the dangers you encounter along the way. All in all, I like the story very much :)
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sugarblizz rated it
September 25, 2017
Status: c54
a very funny and light-hearted story.


The MC is cool and doesn't like a crowded places. But seems like MC also quite shy when she is with ML.

i love how MC interact with her brother. That sibling relationship is hilarious.

after all the brother love to annoy MC and see MC changing expression.

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ErrorEra rated it
September 22, 2017
Status: c51
I want to see where the story is going, but yea, the synopsis was totally misleading. This story isn't about an ugly girl at all, she's pretty in RL. And kind of confuses me exactly why she chose to be ugly (ingame), and she seems to rubberneck between not caring about her ingame looks or not. And author can't decide if she should be just OP or brokenly OP. :P

Beginning started out really interesting, but now I'm honestly just waiting to read RL parts since the game side is too... more>> broken.

Story aside, the translators/editor are awesome, the writing style they used is very readable. :) <<less
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Piratemonkey rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c23
So far I am a big fan of this novel. The most important thing to note about it is that it doesn't really take itself seriously and that makes it great. Very lighthearted style with the traditional OP MC taking the world by storm. Her OP abilities seem to stem from godlike luck granted by the system however.

Writing Style is good.

Currently can't say a whole lot about the characters as they are not really fleshed out yet

Overall I Recommend to anyone looking for a s*upid comedy
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Incompetence Hunter
Incompetence Hunter rated it
October 5, 2020
Status: --
The summary is deceptive. This is your generic MF/ML "Will they/won't they" get together Chinese novels. Once you read one of them, you know them all. It's the stories where the reviews are all about how cute the MC is and how cool and mysterious the ML is, and how dreamy their get-together is, and how they are a great couple.

If you enjoy that strangely specific, yet popular, type of story, you'll love this one. It's generic. It follows the script. The MC meets a mysterious obvious ML. The ML,... more>> who is indifferent and cold, finds the MC different from all other girls and begins to strongly court her in weird and mysterious ways. The MC starts to fall for the ML's hotness and myseriousness, and is confused about the ML's actions. They get together because they are the ML and the MC. There are a bunch of generic and unreasonable b*tches who are jealous, or just decides to have a blood revenge against the MC for being bumped in the streets. They get stomped, but not finished off, and will return as c*ckroaches.

If you are a female that enjoys the fantasy of being dominated by a strong male, this is for you. If you are a male that enjoys dominating females, this is not for you (probably), since the ML is unrelatable. If you are interested in reading clear caricatures of antagonists, sure.

I personally find this type of story generic. Even in the best of such stories, such as "Ascending, Do not Disturb", which also veers the farthest from these kind of stories, is still made worse. It's pretty obvious that the main couple is dictated by the author. It seems like the most important part of a female main character is getting together with their mysterious man. Regardless of how strong the MC is, she will be dominated by the mysterious and probably better male. Regardless of what characteristics the MC and ML have, they are just like every other MC and ML from these type of stories.

The good news is that the MC is OP. Others have decried about how the MC is a Mary Sue, but I find her strength a great part of the story. I'm happy that she has a good and happy family, and that she is strong in martial arts. Most of the problems are solved pretty quickly by her, and she isn't a damsel in distress. That said, because it's this type of story, her personality still seems generically weak. She still seems generically incompetent at times. She seems like an unholy aggregation where the author tried to write a strong, well-off female character, but still had to bow to the trope of the traumatic female character that is common for these type of stories.

Oh yeah, the game aspect is not important. It has some comedic value. It's really filler. It's not so much a game as another place for the MC to interact with others. It could just as well have been a workplace, or a pub. All game-plays are more or less glossed over. And if you actually try to analyze the gameplay in any detail, you'll end up with a review just like the other reviews.

Overall, decent generic story for people who like these kind of stories. Features a non-traumatic pretty cool MC, generic ML. Not to much bullshit. Ignore the game elements. <<less
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Phrille0507 rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: c199
It is an OKAY story, not that good but not that bad also. Story Started good- MC being an ugly character in game because she is so pretty in real life, or something. Her brother helping her in game and making friends but then Mary Sue happens. Almost everything is about MC, her being the luckiest, being able to trigger events because of her ridiculous luck. Her being able to go 1 on 1 with the rival player who is like one of the top players already in the game.... more>> Her being the prettiest in the real world like she is being head hunted to become the face of the game. Okay I know she is the MAIN lead but too much favor on her makes the story kinda redundant because I know she is too OP, that nothing will go wrong and everything will always happen in favor of MC.

MC is typical Mary Sue, the most beautiful, rich, can do martial arts, smart etc which kinda makes the story boring because I feel like everything just fall to the lap of MC because of her Mary Sue Halo. Story has a very slow romance like I am already at chapter 199 and there is like zero romance between her and Male lead. I am rating this ??? Stars for now. <<less
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MyRAMEN rated it
July 12, 2018
Status: c221
[Edit: After rereading 6 years later, in my personal opinion, I still think this is one of the best common rpg novels out there. However, with this niche being so stagnant, repetitive, and full of cliches, it is doubtful for one to enjoy unless they are a new reader or specifically looking for this niche. I can not recommend this to avid readers.]

Dont know whats about it but I luv it. The romance is touching, the life aspect (not n game) is very interesting, and game plotline... more>> is great. Only negative part is sometimes the other chars let something slip (spoiler so wont talk) but she nevernoticesm it might be d translation or the actual work. MC bit dull but makes her cute and able to connect to, not the typicle cliche. The story itself is very addicting, romanticm and comedic. <<less
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TheDaoistNextDoor rated it
July 7, 2018
Status: c276
This story could qualify for anything between 3 and 5 stars depending on what you're looking for.

It's 3 stars if you want a good video-game based storyline. The game is confusing and kind of sucks. So yeah.

It's 4 stars if you want romance. It's a cute romantic storyline but there isn't enough because it does kind of go into "will they, won't they" for most of the story even though you know they will. That's annoying but their cuteness makes it qualify for 4 stars, I think.

It's 5 stars if... more>> you just want a chill story. There aren't really any super high intensity moments or any super depressing moments. The FL reacts in a way you wish many more would. She is pragmatic but still impulsive. It's quite satisfying.

So yeah- worth a read for a calm read- between intense cultivation novels or the like. <<less
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Tuuna rated it
June 28, 2018
Status: c269
I actually considered giving it a 2 star, but couldn't really justify it as I am still reading it and 2 star books should be books I drop... However this novel is both quite good and quite bad. In general I think it is pleasant read, I just think the authors pacing and focus is a bit off. 260+ chapters I and I honestly still feel like nothing has happened... In part I think its because the focus on the game is a bit to heavy while not really contributing... more>> to propelling the story forwards. It is a game the characters play as a hobby and relaxation, and that shows. Sure there are some more overarching plotlines but in the end its just a GAME. (All respect to games - I'm a gamer myself). I just don't get what this novel is about? Is it about romance? Work? Game plotline? The lack of focus in the novel makes me a bit bored honestly. And the romance is pretty dull so far, I feel like the main couple haven't really had any chance to build a relationship.

Honestly I think I'm comparing this to the novel "A slight smile is very charming" and "[Online Gaming] Love You 59 Seconds". Both these novels also featured gaming heavily, but compared to TMK they were much better executed. I felt like the gaming in both novels were interesting and quite detailed, but it worked as a engine for the romance, and as time went by their real life relationships felt as real as the in-game relationships. In TMK I feel like, without the game the main couple would be totally contentless. And the in-game relationship isn't exactly intense or developed.

I'll continue reading for a while longer, but unless the characters start to feel more real and the relationship of the ML and MC picks up I'm gonna drop this pretty soon. <<less
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luxe rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c198
It's a pretty fun novel as long as you don't take it with any realistic seriousness in gaming or reality. The female and male leads are the typical OP couple, though the funny part is that the female lead makes the ugliest character despite being practically a goddess in reality (fighting skills, beauty, intelligence). Note the "ugly character" tag, but also take it as a grain of salt.

Translations are well done, but my only iff is that they split the chapters from what it normally is. I started this novel... more>> thinking that it was pretty close to being fully translated, but it's actually only about halfway. The only chapters that aren't split are the first twenty, the rest are split into two chapters (pretty misleading, if you ask me, and feels like it's done for ad revenue ;')).

Either way, a fun, slightly face-slapping (without the imperial harem mu*ders and twisted conspiracies) story to pass the time. <<less
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Wrdsdanie rated it
September 27, 2017
Status: c55
Funny story. You have a girl who has never played any computer game before get talked into trying the most popular vrmmo her older brother has played for a year already. Since the avatar for the game us based on how the players look in rl they can up or lower the buetification ratio to help mask who they are. Problem 1 is that the MC is so pretty in rl her buetification increase can onlt go up by one level. Not enough to mask her so she desides to... more>> make herself uglier to mask who she is and she goes oh why the hell not let's go all 99 levels of ugly. This makes her the ugliest thing in game but it also unlocks a number of creation achievements which grants her loads of starting luck to help her get along in game even looking that bad. She is clueless to so much in game and stumbles into good stuff due to her high luck... but she is not dumb so seeing her thoughts differ to what she says to npcs is funny. I like how her rl ma skills help her in game but at the same time her innocence in somethings also sign through. If you like reign-of-the-hunters this is simular but with a touch more humor and no reincarnation so she knows nothing about the game and learns as she goes. I read the first couple of chapters and knew I liked this story but everyone is different so why not give this story a few chapter chance you might be supprised. <<less
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September 25, 2017
Status: c54
This is actually enjoyable. Very refreshing and light-hearted. I can imagine the game aspects somewhat. But the story is easily forgotten, especially with the short chapters and slow translation. Don't know if one can really look forward to it. But all in all, still a good read. Thanks to the translators.
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Alchyr rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c23
If you're here for a VRMMO LitRPG style experience, look elsewhere. This is a novel (thus far) more focused on comedy, lighthearted non-serious adventure, and probably soon an op MC, and if not they're going to have op friends and go on fun and exciting adventures with their strength in this quest filled VRMMO world.

Writing is okay, not terrible, not amazing, just okay

MC gets stuff for free. Yes, this is (so far) that kind of novel, where probably everything that can go right will go right.

As far as (basically) slice... more>> of life VRMMO goes, it's okay. <<less
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blazikens rated it
August 20, 2017
Status: c60
EDIT: new rate, idk how to change it - 2/5 (1 star added b/c the translation is really good)

I dropped this novel lol. I'm older now, and idk I guess I have higher standards now, even among web CNs. It turned out to be way too shallow and boring, also everything revolved around how amazing the FL was and how rich and wonderful she is lol. Like, there is literally no struggle, everything was handed to her. As for the game aspects, since I'm not a gamer, idk about... more>> that but either way, she basically did nothing since due to her high luck all she had to do was stand there and boom! she had some Artifact or Quest no one else had. Boring. Idk how it has 400 chapters tbh. And the ML was really boring too lol.

(I also really disliked how the author portrayed the FL and her brother, super rich and privileged ppl, as these morally superior ppl compared to the teenage daughter of their housekeeper since she dared to brag to her friends that her mother worked for them. Like.... these two people in their twenties are looking down on a young girl's brattiness as if it's such a horrible and awful crime - as if she's a horribly corrupt and greedy person for, idk, being a teenage girl? Like who in their teens didn't brag / lie in front of their friends???)


(When it comes to CNs, I'm not a very critical or nitpicky person - I read these novels for pure enjoyment and I'm not expecting anything too in-depth. So my standards might not match yours, just a warning!)

So far, this story has been quite entertaining! The comedy is light-hearted, the characters so far are interesting enough, and I like reading everyone's reaction to the MCs insane luck and awful appearance. It's true that so far the MC hasn't done much and a lot of things have been handed to her, but considering how low-leveled she is, I'd much rather she'd be handed things to boost her to higher levels than go through 10+ chapters of training.

I don't know what else to say, I'm just here for the ride and to laugh at the interactions between the characters and enjoy the MC's OPness and ridiculous luck. I'd say read the first few chapters and decide if it's a novel for you! <<less
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MysticDreams rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: c34
I highly recommend giving this a chance!

The story and plot is pretty interesting but right now I am fangirling over the VR game itself. The gaming world seems to be far more developed and in depth compared to other novels. Seems like the author really took time to create and explore his world. I do feel the gaming experience itself when reading, which to me indicates that the author did a great job with it. I love the sandbox feel to it where what ever action you take has consequence... more>> which means that each player's experience with the game and its progression is different. To me that is not just a gaming aspect, but also exploring the causal and effect relationship.

With the MC herself, I love the fact that she's ugly in game. It makes things much more interesting ahaha. Opposite of 1/2 Prince in terms of beauty, but still has that insane luck. For now it seems like her luck is due to her high number of points in the Luck Attribute, while in 1/2 Prince the Game Developer/NPC whatever dude was spawning stuff for her. This might change later on but for now it's because of her points in Luck. So that's a nice change.

The sibling relationship is also hilarious. Pretty sure the dude is a mellow ish siscon. Protective of his sister, but still love to annoy her and all. I love laughing over siblings like that hehe <<less
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VYMONI rated it
August 19, 2017
Status: c21
I haven't read any game stories so not sure on the OP and cheat side of things, but so far as an introduction I'm enjoying the flow of the story and interactions of the characters. Not a lot to go on so far but liking the writing style
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