This Game Will Kill


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Are you sure you want to enter the game? There’s no exit option unless you die! You ask me who I am? The author? NO! NO! NO! The author went in and never returned. Are you ready?

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September 29, 2019
Status: c1
So usually when there's no review I wouldn't read it, but there's only 1 chapter so I took the shot. I find it seems alright, I can't say much as there's only 1 chapter but a summary (?) :

MC came back to his home to find an online package and a text from his girlfriend of 4 years to break it off, slightly sadden from the break up he goes to his room. Remembering the online package MC is confused as he doesn't shop online but still opens it. After... more>> opening multiple boxes within the package he finally reaches the item and equips "Super high tech 3D Glasses" and Boom! This novel has a Game element.

He is on the road now and finds a danger, danger info pops up and he is fascinated by how realistic the game is. He finds another Player and he is stabbed with the danger he picked up. <<less
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