There Was a Butt Growing Out of the Wall in the Western-Style Mansion I Inherited From My Uncle!


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In the Western-style mansion inherited from his deceased uncle, a mysterious object appears!?

The life of a 30-year-old virg*n begins! What fate awaits the man who has acquired the ultimate residence!?

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2 Reviews sorted by

Sunn Roc
Sunn Roc rated it
August 17, 2023
Status: c7
So this... this is a bit hard to say anything critical about really so I'll just simplify it. It's an ero novel through and through, the premise of the story (MC inherits a mansion and then finds out it's actually some weird magic s*x mansion) is immediately jumped into... other than that the characters seem ok I guess? The MC is kinda a loser but still gets b*tches just because, you know the trope, and the female leads are just super h**ny. I will say that the descriptions of the... more>> ero scenes are pretty well written. Overall 4/5 for now anyway I mean it's only 7 chapters in and seems to prioritise sauce over plot, so if you like that sorta thing this is for you. Still it seems that it will be a pretty good ero novel in a kind of 'does it's best for what it is' type way. <<less
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Mr. Sanity
Mr. Sanity rated it
December 18, 2023
Status: c35
The story starts with a silly supernatural ero plot that's entertaining.

Then the genre takes a hard turn into horror.

Fun, sad, twisted, and hopeful. What a weird ride.

It's not what I expected at the start, but the story worked well. Avoid it if you want pure fun. Read it if you want something ero but very strange.
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