The Villainess’ Memories


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Yurie, who remembered seeing things she had never seen, knew things she should not have known, and felt uncomfortable with herself, finally understood the cause of her discomfort. ‘I am a villainess,’ she thought. But is that really the case?

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  1. Villainess as FL
  2. I've read already
  3. Romances finalizados (hetero)
  4. Villains & Villainesses
  5. Good Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/06/22 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo c3
06/06/22 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo c2
05/22/22 Nani Mo Wakaranai Kedo c1
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kawaii12345 rated it
June 19, 2022
Status: Completed
3 stars very bland.

The story acceptably well written, very well translated, but poorly plotted and rather uninteresting.

I will give it this, it was a surprise that nothing much happened and the plot was so unbelievably dull. I view this as 15 minutes I have lost and will never retrieve. As is usually the case in these short stories there is only one character of note the MC. Unfortunately the plot doesn't flesh out her character so you never get more than the sketch the author provides in the beginning. The... more>> isekai and otome game settings are little more than props having very little effect on the story. (You could easily had prophecy, or 2nd chance and it wouldn't change much if at all).

Bottom Line: If you are looking for a villainess fix, you'll need to look a little more. <<less
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Anastrisha rated it
August 21, 2022
Status: Completed
It's one of those villainess trope but where the villainess only realized the world is an otome like world at the end chapter (regardless if this is a game or whatever, the conclusion the author wants to reach doesn't change).

It's very quick and simple. It leaves everything open ended except ... more>>

for the ML and MC getting married.


As this is a short story you shouldn't expect much with the character and plot development, this is simply a monologue of our MC's love dilemma from realizing what her world is at the time when she can no longer do nothing but react at her surroundings. <<less
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chande rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: Completed
Wait, what happened? What was this story about? Was it about MC having a delusion that her world was part of otome game and her fiance would cheat on her? Or was it really just a delusion? I mean, the author didn't give any conclusion whether it was real or not. As for the sm*t, it wasn't that great and ended up rather quickly so don't expect too much.
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