The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge


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A Hero is someone chosen by God to receive a supernatural ‘gift’. A unique existence, only one Hero can exist at a time, with a new one being chosen upon the former’s death.

This generation’s Hero is an ordinary villager girl named Kyrie whose gift is merely being able to boil water. The king gave up all hope on this girl and to have the next hero appear, he tries to set her village aflame, making it look like the work of bandits.

When her family and friends are slaughtered and Kyrie is backed into a corner, she learns the true value of that boiling hot power.

Something no one in this world knew.

The fact that fluids makes up for over 60% of a human’s body.

What would happen if those fluids were to be boiled?

This is the revenge tale of the hero who can do nothing but boil liquid.

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One entry per line
The Tale of the Teapot Hero’s Revenge ~Although I am a hero who can only boil liquids, it is more than enough to kill you all who took everything from me~
Yuwakashi yuusha no fukushuutan ~mizu wo oyu ni suru koto shika dekinai yuusha dakedo, subete wo ubatta omaera wo korosu ni wa koitsu de juuban da~
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Recommendation Lists
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  5. Yuri novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/18/23 Novel World Translations c98
12/18/23 Novel World Translations c97
12/14/23 Novel World Translations c96
12/13/23 Novel World Translations c95
12/13/23 Novel World Translations c94
12/11/23 Novel World Translations c93
12/11/23 Novel World Translations c92
12/07/23 Novel World Translations c91
12/06/23 Novel World Translations c90
12/05/23 Novel World Translations c89
12/04/23 Novel World Translations c88 part2
12/03/23 Novel World Translations c87 part1
11/30/23 Novel World Translations c86
11/29/23 Novel World Translations c85
11/28/23 Novel World Translations c84
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3 Reviews

Apr 14, 2020
Status: --

Been reading the manga and didn't notice there's a novel for it. So far, it's intriguing and I'm waiting for more chapters to be translated. The translator who pick this up had translate it good (based on the solo chapter). Had no complaints so far.

*If trafic/gore/anti-hero/Shoujo-ai/Yuri isn't your cup of tea, then don't read it or even rate this. It's misleading for potential reader : (
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 18, 2020
Status: c369
TLDR: Starts strong, fades out early, then drags for hundreds of chapters

It has a good start, and good premise, the problem is the novel should have been 1/2 to 1/3 the size it was. Instead of a good tight story, it becomes a long boring story where the author really doesn't do the filler well. The author is also in complete troll mode with the characters.

... more>>

The identity of one of the major characters as a saint, is teased in the very beginning to the reader only to have the characters ignore this for hundreds of chapters, not even bothering to ask 🤦‍♂️

5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 11, 2020
Status: c8
Things I love!!

-MC isn't afraid to kill people, none of that good vs evil binary bullsh*t going on.

-Im gay as f*ck so YAY FOR YURI!

-Has that Anti-hero vibe going for it sometimes

So far, the chapters have been entertaining and interesting, theres good plot, MC is a strong character-personality wise and physically. Cant wait for more chapters, thank you translators!

Also check out the manga, the art makes it look amazing!
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