The State’s Daughter Paid Me 300 Million Worthless


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Eina Ohoin. That’s the name of the person I like.

She believes that valuable things can be bought with money, and boasts that worthless things will disappear, so she may seem like a money worshiper, but there is something fatally different about her. She spends a lot of money on things she wants and is determined to get them. Even relationships like friends are no exception.

Ever since I was bought as a friend for 5 million yen, my life changed completely. Soared to be her first friend. I thought how great it would be if we could attend the same school, and I daydreamed about it every day.

The day after she graduated from junior high school, she held 300 million in her hands.

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cheezieTrees rated it
December 11, 2023
Status: c3
I don't know if the issue is the original writing or the translation, but this novel can only be described as "broken". Random quotation marks on narrative rather than dialogue, dialogue without quotation marks, missing/incorrect punctuation, pervasive grammatical/syntax errors, and an abundant use of words that are just plain incorrect. It might be a good story, it might be a bad story, I have no idea, it's impossible to focus on the story when everything about the writing is fundamentally wrong.
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