The Reincarnated Brother Says That I Am the Villain’s Daughter Who’s Going to Ruin


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Eve is the Duke’s daughter who lives freely. Then one day, her brother Edward told her that he was a reincarnated person and this is the world of the maiden game. He even mentioned, that Eve was part of the game and that she will be called as the Lady of honor. Knowing that she would be punished, not just for herself but also for her family, Eve received the help of her brother and moved to escape the ruined end. It forced her to change the scenario. Was it distortion? Is it a different world from the game in the first place? Is it going to become?

Eve’s plan to escape and become a villain begins!

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Tenseisha no ani ga iu ni wa watashi wa hametsu suru akuyaku reijōrashī
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01/05/21 Foxaholic c1
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