The Pinnacle of Martial Arts Cultivation


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The grand-master of ancient martial arts in Huaxia transmigrates to the Nine Provinces Continent where martial arts are most respected. Where the strong make and rules and weak obey. As a martial arts enthusiast, he swears to re-reach the pinnacle of cultivation, to slay whoever despises him and to rule the worlds in his own way.
He will be the strong who make the rules others have to obey.
He will make his name known to all.
He will create a legend that will never fall.

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Yoburi rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: --
Almost impossible to read for being so terrible and absurd the plot, MC is left alone in some family by a expert and the famly steals everything the expert left behind for the MC. The worst part MC acts like a moron and doesnt leave, the world is huge but he stays in a place that wants him death.
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