The Pain of an Inferior: A Blistering Love Comedy That Begins After a Broken Heart~


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For many years, Obi Haruka has been in love with his childhood friend Uta Miyako. However, another childhood friend of his, Kureha Shun took her from him.

After his heart was broken, he somehow became popular and built a harem.

Associated Names
One entry per line
劣者の痛み ~失恋してから始まる、爛れたラブコメディ~
劣者の痛み ~片想いの幼馴染を奪われ、失恋してから始まる爛れたラブコメディ~
Related Series
A Story About a Girl who Betrayed her Loved One, Only to Spend her Days in Redemption, Regret, and Despair (Prequel)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/24/22 Fans Translations c65
12/24/22 Fans Translations c64
12/24/22 Fans Translations c63
12/24/22 Fans Translations c62
12/22/22 Fans Translations c61
12/22/22 Fans Translations c60
12/21/22 Fans Translations c59
12/19/22 Fans Translations c58
12/18/22 Fans Translations c57
12/18/22 Fans Translations c56
12/18/22 Fans Translations c55
12/16/22 Fans Translations c54
12/15/22 Fans Translations c53
12/15/22 Fans Translations c52
12/14/22 Fans Translations c51
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GodlyGodMcGodGod rated it
December 30, 2022
Status: c26
For me personally, this story is only as interesting as its worldbuilding. It's been a while since I've run into one that presents the world through organic storytelling rather than just frequent info dumps, and the world of this story is an interesting one. Not good, but definitely interesting.

First off, and most obviously, this story takes place in the distant future. VR is not only common but even essential to many aspects of society, cloning is commonplace and in fact one character even mentions how gender reassignment is done not... more>> through surgical operation on your own body but through cloning an opposite-s*x body of yourself and transplanting the brain, and there's a f*cked up social points system where everyone is assigned a rank from S to F with C sort of functioning as "zero" that all normal citizens start off with, D-F being negative and reserved for criminals, and S-B being the positives, for people that have contributed greatly to society in some way. Everyone is expected to start earning credits in like middle school and if you go for long enough without contributing anything, you get sent off to the "countryside", though "countryside" is always in [brackets], so I can't tell yet if people are actually being sent off to the actual countryside to, I dunno, waste away doing nothing out of the view of a productive society? Get forced into hard labor in farms/mines? Or if it's a euphemism for them being melted down into Soylent Green. It's unclear as of yet.

In this weird dystopian social credits future, polygamy is normal, but not actually comfortably accepted by most people it seems. The attitude towards homosexuality seems to not have progressed much from the modern era judging from the way the MC's classmates seem to mock his weirdly close friendship with a very effeminate boy as being gay as if that would somehow be negative (though that weirdly close friendship was just them being attracted to each other and flirting around before they actually started dating for realsies). The attitude towards in*est, however, seems at least slightly more lenient seeing how casually MC and his sister engage in it. The only other person until this point that knows the MC is f*cking his sister is the femboy trans girl that seems she would forgive anything as long as MC would love her too so I don't have an actual read on the general public's view on in*est in this world, but at most it's probably something on the same level as their view on homosexuality.

So, the actual story. Without going into too many details, this is the story about an indiscriminate pe*vert getting his heart broken, unshackling his self-restraint and unleashing his true form as the Avatar of Horniness. His first love interest that he met as a child fell in love with him and did everything she could (as a child) to make him love her back. Eventually, she noticed how cute he was when he was jealous and, being a literal child with an underdeveloped emotional center and not being capable of comprehending the consequences of her actions, decided to make him more jealous, deliberately acting much less intimately with MC and becoming much closer (not to the point of lovers) with their other childhood friend. While a normal sad*st might do this once every now and then just to get a reaction out of their partner, this chick doesn't know about restraint and carries it on consistently for years Unfortunately for her, she takes her game of playing hard-to-get too far, hinting that she has feelings for that other childhood friend and completely crushing MC's last dying hope of romance with her. Now I have two problems with this setup. One, as I've said, she's a child. That doesn't excuse her behavior, she's emotionally manipulative and self-centered, but she develops serious mental illness when he moves on from her, to the point that she has insomnia and can't keep food down without puking it up. In her own twisted way, she invested more into her relationship with MC than even he did. She's definitely an unlikeable character, but not to the point that I feel any catharsis or enjoy reading about her being literally tortured by her feelings of guilt and rejection. My second problem is how her showing interest in another dude makes breaks MC's heart and makes him give up, ALL THE WHILE MC has been f*cking his sister. Dude dodged a bullet by not ending up with the chick that has shown she's willing to manipulate and toy with his emotions for years on end just for fun, but that is some grade A hypocrisy right there.

Also, a little side tangent, even ignoring the in*est bit, the older sister's relationship with MC was g*ooming, right? I might just be imagining the age gap being bigger than it actually is supposed to be, but I imagined her to be high school aged when he was an elementary schooler. <<less
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KSarn rated it
December 8, 2022
Status: c40
A very intriguing romcom. At first glance, the setting seem to be a normal high school harem. Then, the author start introducing some scifi utopia/dystopia elements into the story. There is no info dump, the world building was introduced as and when a particular element became relevant to the story.

The translation can be somewhat lacking but still readable.

Recommend for the interesting setting and a nice approach of integrating shonen-ai into a traditional female harem.
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December 4, 2022
Status: c20
Here's a summary of what happened until now

... more>>

MC is in love with his childhood friend, a perfect girl with angelic face, amazing body, good grades, bla bla bla. Said childhood friend maintains an ambiguous relationship with the popular guy and the MC have been thirdwheeling them for years. MC also has only 1 friend that looks like a girl, dress like a girl, has a girl voice and also "smells" like a girl, but is not a girl and apparently they go on "dates" the weekends. Also apparently is the future, and people have something like a citizen grade, being F the lowest of the low, criminals and the like, and this girly dude being "E".

Anyways, the childhood friend calls MC to talk in a park at night and confess that she is jealous that others girls surrounding popular boy, and worried that he will chose bigamy, something that apparently is a thing, so she needs help. MC got his heart broken, says some nice things and the girl goes away happy.

Back home, MC cries about his broken heart to his sister that surprise, surprise is also his lover? (Or something like that) and the MC has never able to decide between them I guess. Idk is kinda hard to understand. Then in the weekend proceed to go to a not so heteros*xual date with his friend, noting how beautiful and girly he is, that consist of going to play a horror VR game, in which they encounter the childhood friend that seeing MC with a unknown girl proceeds to go Yandere in less that a second.

All of that in less that 7 chapters, followed of 9 chapters of the horror survival VR game that I honestly don't care.

Also it seems like you can go up your citizen rank playing VR games or something.


The novel seems like a mesh of many things, kinda hard to understand and the characters are very uninteresting. Honestly I don't find a reason to recommend this, maybe if you want drama? And there is also a yandere I guess.

Might get better in the future but I don't have many hopes of it, but you want to feel free to read it, it's not offensively bad, not really bad after all. <<less
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KA2094 rated it
December 4, 2022
Status: c27
World is set in the future. More specifically a destopia (not that the story treats it as such)

Everyone is openly ranked and gets permissions based of them. One of the characters is discriminated and low rank because they were geneticslly modified BEFORE BIRTH. And the novel just goes past it. Discrimation is openly said to be "correct" and expected and if they deem you not contributing they send you to the "countryside". Everyone has a status that everyobe else can see and you are expected to add stuff to... more>> it or be looked down upon. Polygamy and in*est are seen as fine and expected and s*xual harrasment constantly happens and its just seen as normal.

On the characters they fall into a few categories.

  • Just dont have any
  • Psychopaths
  • Just horrible people or with questionable morals that look down on everyone
  • The MC who is just h**ny to the max and openly touches everyone and it is seen as fine.
  • And Ise Ria who did f*cking nothing wrong and is djscrimated and when they go over the dumb f*cking reason why they just go "Oh dont worry it makes sense" AND JUST MOVE ON????
This whole story is braindead. World is braindead. Characters are braindead. <<less
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juanman9775 rated it
January 4, 2024
Status: c168
World building goes crazy, no massive exposition dumps needed. Its a harem novel that makes no real sense when using our worlds logic, but when looked at in the context of that world works really well. Its honestly something you need to read for yourself to properly judge. BUT I do recommend reading it in full even if you don't like it if you yourself want to try writing. It really is a master at establishing a setting without needing its characters to explain things that should be common sense... more>> to them. <<less
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AJS90 rated it
August 23, 2023
Status: c159
Man, I feel conflicted about this one.

On the one hand, we have a surprisingly well written story that doesn’t force copious amounts of information down your throat.
While on the other, it feels like it’s in the middle of an identity crisis, written by what a 15 year old thinks a mature story is about.

What I easily value the most here is the lack of unnecessary narration. The author lets the reader come to their own conclusions, leaves questions open, and instead of losing himself in never ending lecture alike explanations, allows the story to progress. So you are actually able to enjoy reading for once without it feeling like a drag over extensive parts.
The setting also seems interesting at first. Using a typical “utopian” theme, showing more and more dystopian facets as you progress. My problem here though is that the story has too many theme shifts. Going from rom-com, to SAO style VR death game, and back.

Frankly, after the battle royal arc, this WN kinda starts falling flat as well. It’s still fine reading as a pure harem, but everything else (world building, characters, story) is more or less forgotten.
Worst of it, characters turn into caricatures of their earlier selves. Their entire personalities apparently now being dictated by their s*xual urges alone. Meanwhile, more and more girls being randomly added to the MC’s harem left and right.

Nonetheless, I still see some decent potential here, but it depends entirely on how the author wants to handle the story hereafter. It could end up being great, and just as much could end up being forgettable cliché mush.
Right now it’s somewhere in between those extremes.
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Hokum_33 rated it
August 3, 2023
Status: c150
First review, so take this with a grain of salt. Also, I recommend you to read the other reviews because they're all on point. I gave this a 2 out 5 and and just give you what to expect on late chapters.

Long story short, the story felt like that all the MC did was justified because of his tragedy, good or bad. The arcs felt like the author went into a brainstorm and just conveniently placed it because it can be fit in a sci-fi story. The other girls, other... more>> than the main three, felt like they were trying to give a pathetic or cliche excuse to why they'll stick to the MC.


MC being a pe*verted deviant after all this time. It's ridiculous that he just sleeps with new women aside from the three (sis, trap, childhood friend (CF)) every 10 chapters. MC had already done much harm to the CF than vice versa from doing this. Not saying that CF's actions are justified, but MC was flirting with other forgettable harem members in front of her (and they not even in a relationship with him), actual netori bs. And yeah this is a sci-fi setting so they get to experience VRMMOs, an arc following the MC inside a death game (MC won and magically got a ton of money), and apparently a revolt by androids occurred and MC got shot in the process. Unfortunately the MC survives and is several times more hornier now.

I mainly stayed because the trap being best girl and being wholesome, CF's arc was interesting (seeing CF regretting herself and getting gaslit by the MC sis due to her actions was a good read), and couple of chapters where we meet the characters in the prequel. I stopped reading because neither of the main girls couldn't do about the MC cheating/getting new girls constantly.

The nerve of the MC telling best trap that he'll off himself if he leaves him. He is manipulative as the CF that broken his heart in the first place.

One of the harem members k*dnapped, drugged, and reversed r*ped the MC and MC brushed it off and didn't criminally charge her because he felt good seeggs. If you want to read this kind of novel then I won't judge you. I'm saying that this is the kind of s*upidity you'll expect from this.


I also find it funny that the author plays League of Legends. Some of the chapter titles reflect on this. <<less
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ghost151 rated it
December 14, 2022
Status: c51
(ignore the stars, my actual score is 3.5 stars)

it's... Unusual to say the least, at first it's just your usual harem romcom about the loser MC suddenly getting a harem, but in future

Then it turned into some sci-fi stuff that makes you feel like tripping some acid, it's pretty confusing, and good luck searching for the explanation

... more>> Despite that I kinda like it, it's definitely nothing like what you've read before

I don't like yaoi at all, but ironically MC relationship with his trap friend is the best part of this novel, make me want this novel to discard the harem idea, even though that's the only reason I even consider reading this novel

I like the character, unlike your usual heroines who's all goody two shoes, this ones isn't afraid to give them some pretty ugly sides, even after they get together with the MC (except trap friend, he's the best waifu)

Although all the male characters (except MC and best waifu) is basically just your typical anime bully, but with different skin

I wouldn't call the translation good, but it's readable, I at least understand a bit what the story is about

All in all, i'd give this novel a higher score if it isn't so confusing, and the translator translate it better <<less
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TitMit rated it
December 7, 2022
Status: c42
Uhmm, ok, wtf? Anyway, the world the story take place in is very different from our world, and the differences are not presented by information dump which is great. The story is all over the place, you can skip most of them except for chapters with characters you actually want to read more about, and will still be able to understand what's going on.

the author is either on crack or is 16. Gotta give it a 2stars at least until they bring the yandere girl back to life

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